IE6 and save target as... changes file extension



On our intranet, we have some document that are linked, but for a strange
reason, when we use Save target as... the resulting file extension is

Example the files are *.WPT (WordPerfect Templates)
but when we do save target as... it default to *.WPD (WordPerfect Document)

Only occurs with IE doesn't occur with other browsers.

Any ideas?

H Leboeuf

The file type may not be associated, try it for WPT

You set this for each file type, e.g. for .zip
Explorer-View-Folder Options-File Types
Find the .zip association (may be WinZip File)
Edit, (or click Advanced on ME or XP) and check the "Confirm open
after download" box

The path to Folder Options may vary according to your operating
system. It may be:
Explorer-View-Folder Options
Explorer-Tools-Folder Options
Start-Settings-Folder Options
Start-Settings-Control Panel-Folder options.

From: Alan Edwards, MS MVP W95/98 Systems


Actually that file type is there, but it's name it WordPerfect 11
Document.... I tried the confirm option, doesn't change anything.

Really odd, the link really is urlpath/xyz.wpt

But the moment with IE6 I click on it, and it switches to File Download it
report xyp.wpd

Thanks anyway

H Leboeuf said:
The file type may not be associated, try it for WPT

You set this for each file type, e.g. for .zip
Explorer-View-Folder Options-File Types
Find the .zip association (may be WinZip File)
Edit, (or click Advanced on ME or XP) and check the "Confirm open
after download" box

The path to Folder Options may vary according to your operating
system. It may be:
Explorer-View-Folder Options
Explorer-Tools-Folder Options
Start-Settings-Folder Options
Start-Settings-Control Panel-Folder options.

From: Alan Edwards, MS MVP W95/98 Systems

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