IE6 and Outlook Express Not Responding after System Standby

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Originally posted in Windows XP-Performance and Maintenance and was suggested
that I post here.

I have a Sony Vaio desktop running XP w/SP2. I have noticed that Internet
Explorer and Outlook Express will not respond when the sytem starts back up
after System Standby. The program windows will open but they just lock up
and Task Manager indicates a Not Responding. I go through the process of
ending the Outlook Explorer task, but the program window will not close. I
have to shutdown the system and reboot to get rid of it.

I'm not sure when the problem started, so it is hard to do a System Restore
without knowing when to restore to.
Are both programs running when you put the system into standby? If not, I
take it you are then trying to open them after getting the system back from
standby? If so, does any other net connected software work?
Neither program is running when the system goes into standby mode. I have
not noticed any other net connected software not working, but cannot
completely rule that out.
I have exactly the same problem except my Outlook Express is doing OK. I have
a Sony Vaio laptop running XP Home w/SP2. When the system back from Standby
or Hibernate, the IE won't response but OE seems OK. Once I tried to launch
another IE, the iexplore.exe will be in the task manager process list, but IE
won't show up on the screen. And the worst is, I can't shutdown/restart the
system after doing this. I tried to uninstall/reinstall IE, but the problem
still exist. I am not sure if this is Sony Vaio related? I have another
laptop (ThinkPad), it works perfectly after resuming from Standby. Any input
would be appreciated!

Finally got it fixed. I examined my installed programs and found one weird
application called "Big Fish Games Toolbar". After uninstalled that app, my
IE works OK when back from standby.

Sorry, the information was misleading. The problem of my computer was caused
by an expired "Any DVD". After uninstalled that software, my IE works OK back
from standby.
