IE6 accessibility bug? Label tag for Select dropbox

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Steps to reproduce:
1. In a new HTML document, create a form with a "select" box.
2. Populate that select box with U.S. states and give it an ID attribute.
3. Give one of the options (e.g., "WA") the "selected" attribute.
4. Add an HTML "label" tag referring to that "select" box's ID attribute.
5. Open the HTML document in IE6.
6. Click the label.

Correct result:
Should set focus to the select box, without changing the selected option.

Actual result:
Sets focus correctly, but changes the selected option to the first item in
the list.

Comparative analysis:
The "label" tag is an HTML 4.0 element, and thus not supported by early
versions of IE. Competing browsers yield the correct result above.

Please advise of a workaround, or how to submit this bug notice to Microsoft
for repair.
Jon Kennedy said:

That web page gives only a phone number to a phone tree. ACD options 2, 1, 2
got me to personal products tech support. They offer 2 options: (1) billable
technical support, which would be refunded only after the bug was confirmed,
or (2) snail-mail the bug report to "Attn: Internet Explorer Development
Group, Microsoft Corporation, 1 Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052".

This page seems to be for wish lists. I submited this form, which promised a
reply within 24 hours. We'll see...