Hi....can anyone help me with the following problem:?
After I minimize Internet Explorer, and then try to
reopen it again from the menu bar at the bottom of my
screen, it won't open....so open up a new IE window,
later minimize that one, try to reopen, it won't
open.....you get the idea....I end up with numerous IE
windows minimized but running in my toolbar, none of
which I can open again....has anyone else run into this?
(I'm on Windows XP, and have been downloading updates as
they come in....I've had this problem for several months,
just haven't had time to deal with it). Thanks for any
help you can provide!
After I minimize Internet Explorer, and then try to
reopen it again from the menu bar at the bottom of my
screen, it won't open....so open up a new IE window,
later minimize that one, try to reopen, it won't
open.....you get the idea....I end up with numerous IE
windows minimized but running in my toolbar, none of
which I can open again....has anyone else run into this?
(I'm on Windows XP, and have been downloading updates as
they come in....I've had this problem for several months,
just haven't had time to deal with it). Thanks for any
help you can provide!