Oxis said:
Thank you. Unfortunately, it did not work either
I was just trying to correct the errors in the prescription,
not really endorsing it for treating your symptoms. ; )
Your symptom description makes me think that there could be a problem
on the comm side, either due to some interference, such as spyware,
or just some performance problem in your ISP's servers. It could even
be something as simple as having the wrong options set in your
Connections Settings (or LAN Settings) dialogs.
I would try to refine the symptom description along those lines.
E.g. take a trace and find out what is really happening to cause
what you are seeing. Using FiddlerTool might be sufficient;
otherwise I would use netcap plus Ethereal for formatting
(or, e.g. if you don't have netcap.exe., just Ethereal for both capture
and formatting.) Netcap is installed with the XP Support Tools.
Ethereal and FiddlerTool are freeware.
Alternatively, you may find help by using this troubleshooter
Diagnosing using the above hypothesis is slightly off-topic for this
newsgroup anyway. You may get a more informed answer in a newsgroup
which specializes in networking for your OS. There is a link to such
a newsgroup in the above troubleshooter.