IE Windows

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Over the last few weeks I've found that on some ocassions when I move from
page to page within a web site I can no longer reverse back up the chain of
pages again - the back button is greyed out. I've tried to investigate this
further but so far the only clue I've come up with is that it appears I can
only have one IE window open on my screen at once. If I have a browser window
open and I double click on the IE shortcut to open another one, the first one
shuts down and then the new one opens up. I don't know whether this is
connected with the earlier behaviour I mentioned, but its making me tear my
hair out (what's left, that is!). I can only think that this might be related
to some changes I've made due to downloading and running the Microsoft
Baseline Security Advisor, but I'm not sure. I'm running XP with SP2 and all
the most recent fixes. Any thoughts?
Bernard said:
Over the last few weeks I've found that on some ocassions when I move from
page to page within a web site I can no longer reverse back up the chain
pages again - the back button is greyed out. I've tried to investigate
further but so far the only clue I've come up with is that it appears I
only have one IE window open on my screen at once. If I have a browser
open and I double click on the IE shortcut to open another one, the first
shuts down and then the new one opens up. I don't know whether this is
connected with the earlier behaviour I mentioned, but its making me tear
hair out (what's left, that is!). I can only think that this might be
to some changes I've made due to downloading and running the Microsoft
Baseline Security Advisor, but I'm not sure. I'm running XP with SP2 and
the most recent fixes. Any thoughts?

Some Web pages clear the back button.

For the shutdown:
If you have Yahoo Companion, Google toolbar, MSN toolbar, a firewall,
EarthLink (or another pop-up blocker) My IE2 (a shell for IE) etc.
Yahoo Companion is a very common cause.

You'll have to turn off the feature that's blocking new windows or, perhaps,
uninstall the program (especially uninstall Yahoo Companion).

With some programs of this type, using Ctrl+click or Shift+click will allow
a new window.

If you're *sure* that another program isn't causing this, these links may
help. Tips #21 & 46