IE will not run after SP2 install


Mike Bailey

I just install SP2 on a system running XP Home. After the update, when
I launch IE, the app will open for just a second, then closes out. I've
check the Task list and it's not listed as still running. I can't find
anything on MS Knowlege Base on this. Any ideas?



Mike Bailey said:
I just install SP2 on a system running XP Home. After the update, when I
launch IE, the app will open for just a second, then closes out. I've
check the Task list and it's not listed as still running. I can't find
anything on MS Knowlege Base on this. Any ideas?


A striking resemblance to your post of 4 days ago, to which you got 3


Mike Bailey

Mike said:
I just install SP2 on a system running XP Home. After the update, when
I launch IE, the app will open for just a second, then closes out. I've
check the Task list and it's not listed as still running. I can't find
anything on MS Knowlege Base on this. Any ideas?

Anybody - any ideas at all????

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