IE will not connect to net after several hours of non-use.

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After several hours of non-use, IE won't connect to the net. I double click
on the desktop icon, IE starts but cannotl find the home page. I reboot the
computer and it works fine. This started about 2 months ago and i cannot find
the cause. I'm running the latest version of IE, with all XP2 updates, 3
spyware programs, Zone Alarm and Norton's av. I've just used Mircosft's
malware downloand, no issues. Any suggestions?
Hi Richard,

Nobody else has answered your query so I will give it a try.

Are you using a screen saver? Going into hybernation mode while not using
your puter?

I just read some obscure Knowledge Base article about a connection timeing
out after a set period of time on a NT machine. I just looked for it but
could not find it in my History. I don't think this is the lead we're after.

Another possible cause could be that your home page server is timing
out.(Pressing F5 (refresh) should reload the page and establish a new server

When you restart IE after a period of inactivity and the connection has
dropped IE should prompt you to re-connect?

On your Inernet Connections Control panel there is an option to display a
connection status icon in the Task Tray. This will give you a visual
indication of the status of your internet connection.