The other day IE 7 was running very slow. It took over 10 minutes to load a
web page. I only found out the it would actually load the web site because I
left I IE running while I used another computer to search the web of answers.
whe I returned the web page was loaded. But if I tried to click on anything
on the page it would not load for a long time. I thought that the network was
not functioning. But I was able to install the current updates with no
problems. The antivirus updates worked normally. I could ping
www.excite.com or www.usatoday.com with no problems. I also noticed that the
antivirus program would hang and not start scanning the memory. If I used
task manager to end the process it would cause the antivirus process to go
to the next step and I could tell it to scan the disk drives. But it would
never start.
I tried to reboot but had the same problem.
I finally rebooted into safe mode with the network. At this point the
network worked and the antivirus also worked. I did a virus scan and it
found nothing.
I then rebooted the system and now everything seems to be working.
web page. I only found out the it would actually load the web site because I
left I IE running while I used another computer to search the web of answers.
whe I returned the web page was loaded. But if I tried to click on anything
on the page it would not load for a long time. I thought that the network was
not functioning. But I was able to install the current updates with no
problems. The antivirus updates worked normally. I could ping
www.excite.com or www.usatoday.com with no problems. I also noticed that the
antivirus program would hang and not start scanning the memory. If I used
task manager to end the process it would cause the antivirus process to go
to the next step and I could tell it to scan the disk drives. But it would
never start.
I tried to reboot but had the same problem.
I finally rebooted into safe mode with the network. At this point the
network worked and the antivirus also worked. I did a virus scan and it
found nothing.
I then rebooted the system and now everything seems to be working.