IE version



Where do I find out what version of IE my computer is running? Have tried to
download IE7, but get error that it did not complete...

Bruce Chambers

JEAN said:
Where do I find out what version of IE my computer is running? Have tried to
download IE7, but get error that it did not complete...

In IE, click Help > About...


Bruce Chambers

Help us help you:

They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. ~Benjamin Franklin

Many people would rather die than think; in fact, most do. ~Bertrand Russell

The philosopher has never killed any priests, whereas the priest has
killed a great many philosophers.
~ Denis Diderot

Patrick Keenan

JEAN said:
Where do I find out what version of IE my computer is running? Have tried
download IE7, but get error that it did not complete...

In just about any application, go to Help, About. The version will be

What is the exact error message you see?



Thank you for responding...was able to download IE7 from MS...had tried
before using google...other issues: when I go to run chkdsk, get msg: 'F
parameters not specified, running in read-only mode' do I need to correct
this and how?
My computer and control panel are empty with no documents and
mypictures show image of folder, not my images; can't open files by clicking;
have to use task, please...thanx


thank you!

Bruce Chambers said:
In IE, click Help > About...


Bruce Chambers

Help us help you:

They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. ~Benjamin Franklin

Many people would rather die than think; in fact, most do. ~Bertrand Russell

The philosopher has never killed any priests, whereas the priest has
killed a great many philosophers.
~ Denis Diderot

Patrick Keenan

JEAN said:
Thank you for responding...was able to download IE7 from MS...had tried
before using google...other issues: when I go to run chkdsk, get msg: 'F
parameters not specified, running in read-only mode' do I need to correct
this and how?

Whether you need to "correct" anything depends on what you need to do - why
you are running chkdsk.

chkdsk has several parameters, which determine how it runs. If you open a
command prompt (start, run, cmd) and type "chkdsk /?", you'll get a listing
of the parameters and what they do.

The F parameter tells chkdsk to actually try to fix problems it finds. If
you don't specify it, it runs in "read only" mode, which means that it looks
at the disk and tells you about it - but doesn't try to fix anything.
My computer and control panel are empty with no documents and
mypictures show image of folder, not my images; can't open files by
have to use task, please...thanx

This probably won't have anything to do with IE, and chkdsk probably won't
fix it either. It may be a permissions issue.

Two of the things you can try are running system restore to set the system
back to a date when the problem didn't occur (you may need to do this in
safe mode) or, creating a new account.

Log onto the Administator account (in XP Home, you'll have to reboot to Safe
Mode, and just press enter for the password), and create a new user account
of administrator level, then reboot and log into it. If that one works, it
may be fastest to just migrate your files and settings to that account.


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