Cool, in researching this, I realized that there's a new version of
Disk Cleaner. I downloaded that baby. ;-)
From >>>
3. Presets
[[New in Disk Cleaner 1.4.0a is the possibility to use presets, in
interactive as well as in quiet mode. To create a preset, check all
boxes of the items you want to have cleaned. Then press the Save
as... button. You will be prompted for a name. Enter a new name for
preset. The preset is saved. To remove a preset select it first and
press Remove. You will NOT be asked if you're sure, it is immediately
A preset can also be used in quiet mode. Instead of just supplying
'/q' as a parameter, use the following syntax: '/q

(again without the quotes and note the colon).
If your preset name contains spaces, pass the parameter enclosed in
double quotes, like this: "/q

reset name" (WITH double quotes).
If the preset exists, it is used. If it doesn't, Disk Cleaner exits,
cleaning nothing. If the colon is forgotten, not the preset but the
last setting in interactive mode is used.]]
2. Quiet Mode
[[Disk Cleaner can be run in so called 'Quiet Mode'. This means that
Disk Cleaner will run, clean and exit automatically without ever
showing a dialog or whatsoever (except when something unusual
happens). To specify quiet mode run Disk Cleaner with an extra
parameter: '-q' or '/q' (without the quotes). Disk Cleaner will
clean all the items you
specified the last time in interactive mode (no parameters).
Tip: Create a shortcut in the Start-up Folder of the start menu
pointing to Disk Cleaner, with as extra parameter '-q'. This
will clean all the items selected last time every time the computer
starts! Also see the preset part.
Disk Cleaner can, at your request, add a shortcut itself at the
correct location. Press the configure button in the main window (the
'C') to
do so.]]
Example of mine:
clean1 is my preset.
I have a shortcut in >>
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
The shortcut is >>
"C:\Program Files\Disk Cleaner\dclean.exe" /q:clean1
Right click the Desktop | New | Shortcut | Paste this in the box:
C:\Program Files\Disk Cleaner\dclean.exe
Next | Type or paste this in the box:
Disk Cleaner
Click Finish
Or name it whatever you want.
Right click the new shortcut | Properties |
Place the cursor at the end of this: "C:\Program Files\Disk
Hit the spacebar | Paste or type: /q:yourpresethere |
Apply | OK |
When you get the shortcut working like you want |
Start | Run | Paste this in the box:
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
Hit Enter or Click OK | Size the window so you can see your new
shortcut | Drag the shortcut from the Desktop into the right hand
To check:
Start | ALL Programs | Startup | Disk Cleaner
Hope this helps. Let us know.
In Ben Stevenson <
[email protected]> hunted and pecked:
I downloaded Disk Cleaner. Quite useful. But I would like to have it
done at boot too like yours, but I am unable to. Could you give the
steps please?
With Disk Cleaner you can easily clean up disk space that is now
used by temporary files like those in the system temporary folder,
the Internet Explorer Cache and Cookies folder, and the Recycle
Hope this helps. Let us know.