IE shuts down


Jane Keenan

Hi everyone,
I hope someone can help me!!! Ever since eBay reformatted and redesigned
their home page, every time I try to open up their home page, I get an IE
errot message telling me that IE has encountered a problem and needs to shut
down. When I looked at the details of the message, it mentions mshtml.dll as
the module, which leads me to believe that there's something wrong with this
file-either missing or corrupted. I tried a repair on my IE and also did a
scan disk and disk defrag, but neither helped. I am using IE 6.0 and Win 98.
Anyone have any suggestions? BTW, I can get in other pages of eBay (selling,
etc.) I just cant get on to the home page. Any help would be appreciated!

Jane K.

Jan Il

Hi Jane :)

Try the following and see if it helps:

IEXPLORE caused an invalid page fault in MSHTML.DLL

Errors EXPLORER... in module MSHTML.DLL

Error Message in Mshtml.dll While You Browse the Internet

If these steps do not resolve your problem, please post back to this thread
with the details and any error messages.

Hope this helps

Jan :)
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Jane Keenan

hi Jan,

I reinstalled IE 6.0 which did not solve my dilemna. So I then followed
instructions from one of the links you posted that showed how to delete temp
files, cookies, history, etc. from the DOS mode. That worked so now I am
able to view the eBay home page with no problem! Thanks for your help.


Jan Il

Hi Jane :)
hi Jan,

I reinstalled IE 6.0 which did not solve my dilemna. So I then
followed instructions from one of the links you posted that showed
how to delete temp files, cookies, history, etc. from the DOS mode.
That worked so now I am able to view the eBay home page with no
problem! Thanks for your help.

You're very welcome! Glad to hear you were able to resolve your problem.
Good job!

Thank you for posting back and letting us know what worked for you, and for
the benefit of other readers who might have a similar problem. :)

Jan :)
Smiles are meant to be shared,
that's why they're so contagious.

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