IE script error



I downloaded the program @ smileycentral so that I could use the smileys in
my yahoo messenger. When I click on them to use them I keep getting a "IE
script error". An error has occurred in the script on this page.
Line 809
Char: 1
Error: "bisFWB" is undefined
Code: 0
URL: file://c:\programfiles\FunWebProducts\shared\cache\smileycentralBtn.html
can anyone tell me how to fix this problem please.


Hi Kelly...thank you for trying to make me understand what is going
on...unfortunately I came up in the age of manual typewritters, so I am
really having quite a struggle trying to get into the computer age..not to
mention "senior moments" there a way for me to fix this problem?
Sorry,..I almost need a road map to read this computer...




Kelly said:
While in Jr. High, I began on manual typewriters as well, but am not a
senior. So respect goes out to you on that! :blush:)

In junior hs I took a class. I was the only male. Used IBM Selectrics as
I recall. Some kids made fun of me but heck, I loved girls so the heck
with them I thought. Best class I ever had. I never had to pay anybody
to type my papers in college. Saved lots of dollars. I never would have
imagined that that class would come in so handy today as I can do
perhaps 45 words/minute with minimal mistakes.


Good on you! Was my best class as well. My wpm are double that and thank
goodness for spell check now.

From there was thrown out of Jr. College for burning up three typewriters.
Told me the next time a repair man had to come in, I was to buy the next one
for typing so fast and jamming the machines. Left there, enrolled into our
state university, typed my own papers at home via computer and never looked
back. :blush:)

In memory of our dear friend, MVP Alex Nichol:

All the Best,
Kelly (MS-MVP)

Troubleshooting Windows XP

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