IE & Screen Size



I recently changed my screen settings from 800x600 to 1024x768 and all my IE
windows still come up in the 800x600 resolution size. Is there a setting that
I need to change to make the widows come up in full screen? It is especially
difficult when playing games because the game screen will only stay in
800x600, even when resized.

Thank you for the help!


First check to see if your are using the correct driver for your video card.
If you have an Nvidia or ATI video card make sure you are using the drivers
from those respective companies, do not use the windows default for those
specific cards.

Second, if your browser is viewing large sizes, you will need to go to your
control panel, select Display Properties, select the Appearance Tab, and make
sure your font size is set to Normal. Then click on Settings tab, and select
Advanced button. Make sure your DPI setting is at normal for the video card
you have installed. Mine is set at 96 DPI, but I have a 128MB ATI 9800 and
these are the default setting for my video card.

Hope this helps.



Open IE, and resize the window to your desired size. Then hold CTRL and exit
IE. When you relaunch IE, it will come up with your previous resized

Hope it works out!

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