Windows XP IE Prompt error message "not enough storage is available to process this command"

Sep 9, 2006
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Hi, everyone...

I'm having a prompted iexplore error mess "not enough storage is available to process this command" after opening the browser for about 4 or 5 windows...

It's very fastrating as every certain while, it keeps prompting and soon many Ieplore error messages are opened until ie browser is closed..

Just a little bit of tech info browser that I'm using is IE 6.0 SP2 ...and I'm using a Microsoft Windows XP (Media Centre Edition Version 2002 Service Pack 2)...

Much appreciated if anyone could advice on how to deal with this problem... :-)

Have a great day..
Best Regards!
empowerup :-)


  • iexplore error.webp
    iexplore error.webp
    5 KB · Views: 892
  • iexplore error.webp
    iexplore error.webp
    5 KB · Views: 295
Hello empowerup & welcome to PCReview:wave:
What is your CPU & amount of RAM Memory?
You do not have enough memory

You have too many programs running

You messed about with the page file or virtual memory ... oops, naughty, let Windows manage it.

You are infected with a virus/spyware/trojan/worm and uncle tom ...

Oh, welcome to the forums. :)
