IE "page cannot be displayed" error in XP



I've checked all the settings (dial-up, Internet
Properties, modem) I can think of to see if there is
something set I'm not sure WHAT is
supposed to be the proper settings but NO page will load
regardless of the site. I emptied temp files, cookies,
did system restore, and the connection IS established.
Also, used other sites besides MSN for the home page and
receive the same message. Uninstalled/reinstalled dial-up
connection....still "page cannot be displayed" error
appears. At a total loss what to try next. Any/all help
or suggestions would be appreciated!


-----Original Message-----
I've checked all the settings (dial-up, Internet
Properties, modem) I can think of to see if there is
something set I'm not sure WHAT is
supposed to be the proper settings but NO page will load
regardless of the site. I emptied temp files, cookies,
did system restore, and the connection IS established.
Also, used other sites besides MSN for the home page and
receive the same message. Uninstalled/reinstalled dial- up
connection....still "page cannot be displayed" error
appears. At a total loss what to try next. Any/all help
or suggestions would be appreciated!

Hi Paula, my name is Ashley and I seem to be having the
same problem. I have tried just about everything u named
plus. So I'm just asking if u happen to find a solution
please email me with it and I'll do vice versa. Thanks,
the email address is (e-mail address removed). Thanks again.


Ashley said:
Hi Paula, my name is Ashley and I seem to be having the
same problem. I have tried just about everything u named
plus. So I'm just asking if u happen to find a solution
please email me with it and I'll do vice versa. Thanks,
the email address is (e-mail address removed). Thanks again.
Your problems sound the same as everyone else who updated to SP2. Uninstall
it and wait for all the bugs to get corrected.


-----Original Message-----

Your problems sound the same as everyone else who updated to SP2. Uninstall
it and wait for all the bugs to get corrected.

I tried uninstalling the SP2 update....problem
persists....any other suggestions?????????????


Paula said:
I've checked all the settings (dial-up, Internet
Properties, modem) I can think of to see if there is
something set I'm not sure WHAT is
supposed to be the proper settings but NO page will load
regardless of the site. I emptied temp files, cookies,
did system restore, and the connection IS established.
Also, used other sites besides MSN for the home page and
receive the same message. Uninstalled/reinstalled dial-up
connection....still "page cannot be displayed" error
appears. At a total loss what to try next. Any/all help
or suggestions would be appreciated!
This also happens with me. I can correct it by clicking on "Tools",
"Internet Options", "Connections", "ettings". When I have gotten to
"settings", I find that unchecking "Use a proxy server" then allows me
to connect. Problem is, next time I try to use IE, I may have to do this
routine all over again.


-----Original Message-----

This also happens with me. I can correct it by clicking on "Tools",
"Internet Options", "Connections", "ettings". When I have gotten to
"settings", I find that unchecking "Use a proxy server" then allows me
to connect. Problem is, next time I try to use IE, I may have to do this
routine all over again.
I don't use Proxy settings anyway....thought about trying
to but see that it doesn't change a thing!!!! Now I'm
wondering if reinstalling XP would fix this
problem...anyone else come up with anything on


-----Original Message-----

Your problems sound the same as everyone else who updated to SP2. Uninstall
it and wait for all the bugs to get corrected.

Finally found a site that contains a fix that worked with
XP.....go to
Running this fix took care of the problems with IE loading
on XP machine. Hope it helps you, too!


This is Steve - Harry, I have exactly the same problem. As long as I open
IE, go to tools, connections, I find that the proxy box has magically been
checked. If I uncheck it, check the automatic detection and OK out, then web
pages load fine. But if the computer is restarted, I have to do it all over
again. I just can't get the settings in connections to remain the same! If
you learn of a fix. lots of people will want to know!

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