IE\OE updates



I just recently had to uninstall IE6.0/OE6 from my computer. Before I uninstalled the application I had downloaded security updates for IE\OE, Q832894 and Q837009 from windows update.
When I reinstall IE\OE, do I have to reinstall the updates also, from "windows update" or do they add themselves automatically? I am currently using windowsME


not sure why you try to uninstall parts of the system,
but get belarc adviser, it will tell you if the updates
are working.
-----Original Message-----
I just recently had to uninstall IE6.0/OE6 from my
computer. Before I uninstalled the application I had
downloaded security updates for IE\OE, Q832894 and
Q837009 from windows update.
When I reinstall IE\OE, do I have to reinstall the
updates also, from "windows update" or do they add
themselves automatically? I am currently using windowsME.

H Leboeuf

Run the updates again. MS installer will indicate if needed or not.


Henri Leboeuf
Web page:
fcc0610 said:
I just recently had to uninstall IE6.0/OE6 from my computer. Before I
uninstalled the application I had downloaded security updates for IE\OE,
Q832894 and Q837009 from windows update.
When I reinstall IE\OE, do I have to reinstall the updates also, from
"windows update" or do they add themselves automatically? I am currently
using windowsME.


Thanks for the replies
I since re downloaded the mentioned updates and checked that they were installed wit
Belarc Advisor. Everything seems back to where they belong
Thanks again,

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