IE not displaying a php page, but it's source code

  • Thread starter Thread starter krzysztof.miszczak
  • Start date Start date


When I visit an organizations website, hosted by 1and1, IE does not
display the php webpages, but only their html source code.

Firefox shows the page ok.

I assume the problem lies with the host. After calling them, I was told
the problem lies with IE. Can anyone point me in the right direction if
that might not be the case?

Thank you,
I could certainly be wrong, but I believe the doctype declaration should be
first on the page to hit the browser. FF might be forgiving on this, but IE,
seeing the XML declaration, might be considering it to be an XML file, and
for that, I believe you need an XML parser...

Or something along those lines. Bottom line is I believe it is in the source
code. But I could just as easily create a page that works in FF and not in
IE, and say that its an IE browser issue. But as a developer, I know it's my
duty to ensure my visitors see the information as intended, on "at least" the
more prominent browsers.

You could check to see if there is anything with regards to doctype
declaration issues or considerations between FF and IE.

Keith D Commiskey
Good possible solution, yet after I implemented it, IE still does not

Thank you for your reply.
Well, if it is what I was thinking, there would be nothing you could do from
an end-user/client perspective. It would have to be done in the source code
(i.e., their code is not compliant with IE.) But that's only if it is what I

Keith D Commiskey