IE & message "Page Cannot be Displayed"


Lee Carkenord

I have a DELL PC, running WIN XP Home Edition.

My ISP has been JUNO for a long time, with no probs.

I am using modem dialup.

My IE version is 6.0.2800.1106

When I am on the Internet, a few of the websites that I normally
access have suddenly started displaying following message:

"The page cannot be displayed."

This doesnt happen with all URL's and it doesnt happen all the time,
tho there is ONE particular website that I _KNOW_ is functioning
ok, that I can no longer access. These websites that give me that
message are NOT secure websites.

I have done a Disk Cleanup, a Checkdisk, and a defrag. I deleted
'Temp internet Files"........ None of those steps helped.

Would a "System Restore" possibly fix my problem? I could restore
'back' to when I know I wasn't having this problem.

Please, anyone have any possible solutions? Please be gentle,
"computer-ese" is not my first, second, or third language!!

Lee Carkenord

Mike Burgess

You may need to clear your TIF as you may have a corrupt file there.

Close all instances of OE and IE
Control Panel | Internet Options | General tab
Click the "Delete Files" button, when prompted place a check in:
"Delete all offline content", click OK
Click the "Clear History" button, click OK.
Click the Settings button, adjust the TIF size to 50 mb, click OK

[more info]
Possibly your cache folder is corrupt:

How To: Delete the Internet Explorer Temporary Internet Files
Mike Burgess [MVP Windows Shell\User]
Blocking Spyware, Adware, Parasites, Hijackers, Trojans, with a HOSTS file [updated 04-02-04]
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