IE keeps refreshing pages



Hi all,

My IE refreshes pages every time I access them. This behaviour is usually
controlled by going to Tools - Internet Options, then clicking on "Settings"
in the Temporary Internet Files section on the first tab of the options
window. There, you have 4 choices: Every visit to the page, Every time you
start IE, Automatically and Never. Well it seems to ignore whatever setting
I choose. And I even tried Never. It still reloads a page every time I go
there. A little annoying when it's a mildly slow website with quite a few
pictures that I'm trying to browse. I can only imagine what would happen if
I didn't have broadband internet access...

So how do I solve this ? Why doesn't IE remember my setting and is there a
key in the registry controled by this option, which would have been deleted
by accident or something ?

Thanks for any help,


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