IE help missing and Auto-Complete not working



I reformatted my computer and now if I click on the help menu at the
top and click contents and index it acts like it is opening the help
files but nothing shows up. Also, checking or unchecking any of the
inline auto complete in the Advanced tab in tools-> Internet options
has no effect. The auto complete continues and I want to turn it off.
I have upgraded to IE 6.0 SP1 from the Win98 installed IE5.0 and no
help. I repaired IE 6.0 .. no help. Anyone got any idea? What is the
help file called and where in the directory would it be? I don`t even
know at this point if the files got loaded onto my computer.

Robert Aldwinckle

I reformatted my computer and now if I click on the help menu at the
top and click contents and index it acts like it is opening the help
files but nothing shows up.

That could be a symptom of installing some security patches.
One possible workaround would be to Run... (e.g. press Win-R)
and enter:

regsvr32 hhctrl.ocx

Also, checking or unchecking any of the
inline auto complete in the Advanced tab in tools-> Internet options
has no effect. The auto complete continues and I want to turn it off.

Wrong options. Try the Contents tab AutoComplete Settings dialog.

I have upgraded to IE 6.0 SP1 from the Win98 installed IE5.0 and no
help. I repaired IE 6.0 .. no help. Anyone got any idea? What is the
help file called and where in the directory would it be? I don`t even
know at this point if the files got loaded onto my computer.

BTW in general I suspect you may get better help with most issues
including IE6 ones from a newsgroup which specializes in your OS.
I, for one, have never used it and would be unfamiliar with its quirks.
E.g. I'm not even sure if that Win-R keyboard shortcut I suggested
will work there.


Robert Aldwinckle

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