Alias said:
If you're insulted by my offering an alternative to Vista, that's your
problem, nobody's else's. Even MicroSHIT is offering an alternative to the
crappy Vista called Windows 7 so are you going to insult them too?
This is not the place to offer an INFERIOR OS like Ubuntu to people.
Microsoft is offering an upgrade to an existing operating system. That is
what happens. An operating system comes out and then Microsoft starts
working on the next version. That has happened since day one.
Microsoft already knows what mess they made with Vista. No need to insult
them. They are working on the next release which should be better. If it
isn't then the public will let them know with their decision to use other
I don't mind you using Ubuntu or even trying to tell others about it. Hell,
I have suggested to you many times, take 10,000 CD's and go on a NOBLE
mission to other countries spreading the Ubuntu word. That would do more
good than you wasting your time here.
People here don't want to hear about that crappy Ubuntu. You get told that
by most. You just ignore the posts and continue with your head up your ass
as usual.
Offering an alternative to Vista is on topic. You don't see me posting on
other Vista newsgroups because they are for specific purposes, not
I don't visit other vista newsgroups, this one is good enough.
Yeah, why don't you go **** yourself being as no one else will?
My wife would disagree with you on your last statement. Oops.