IE Hangs when you type in incorrect url

  • Thread starter Thread starter Glenn Mantle
  • Start date Start date
Glenn Mantle said:
If you miss-type a url ( e.g IE
6 Hangs for about a minute and a half before realising
this url doesn't exist) it didn;t used to do this in ie

any ideas?


Are you sure you were giving it a protocol prefix?

Otherwise check for your AutoSearch being hijacked and the URL
the hijackers gave you not being served. Then I think your AutoScan
templates would also be given a kick at the can.

In fact, come to think of it, if the hijackers disabled your protocol prefix
recognition they could be passing *whatever* you type as a parameter.

For a start disable Search from the Address bar and see if your
symptoms change.

Good luck

Robert Aldwinckle