IE hangs when trying to access a (ftp://) site



When I type in an address for a ftp:// site and click (GO) IE hangs.
I go to task manager and see 2 IEs listed in applications as
(not responding). I have run my antispyware and my antivirus and have found
nothing.I have tried messing with the IE addons and tried changing the
settings in the internet options (programs) tab. I am running WIN XP SP2 with
microsoft's antispyware and McAfee security suite and McAfee antispyware. I
have also tried disabling my security and changing the firewall settings on
McAfee and SP2. An ftp site shouldn't be that hard to open. While in task
manager; my cpu isn't acting abnormal nor is the memory. But I can open all
other sites, http:// etc
Any suggestions??

PA Bear

Is this a sudden, new problem or an ongoing one? Did you recently install
SP2 and/or is the machine fully up-to-date at Windows Update?

Did you try temporarily disabling the third-party firewall? (CAREFUL!)

Robert Aldwinckle

Aaron B. said:
When I type in an address for a ftp:// site and click (GO) IE hangs.
I go to task manager and see 2 IEs listed in applications as
(not responding). I have run my antispyware and my antivirus and have found
nothing.I have tried messing with the IE addons and tried changing the
settings in the internet options (programs) tab. I am running WIN XP SP2 with
microsoft's antispyware and McAfee security suite and McAfee antispyware. I
have also tried disabling my security and changing the firewall settings on
McAfee and SP2. An ftp site shouldn't be that hard to open. While in task
manager; my cpu isn't acting abnormal nor is the memory. But I can open all
other sites, http:// etc
Any suggestions??

Try experimenting with the FTP options in the Advanced tab.
Passive FTP can cause this symptom. Try toggling that option.


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