IE hanging before page loads

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Internet Explorer Haning Problem


HAS ANNY ONE eprience this lately my IE hangs the machine
when it loads a page .
it goes like this
when i click on the IE shortcut the machine hangs using up
a 100% cpu power for at less 20 seconds then it goes back
to normal level then the page loads pfefectly but if i
click on any other link the same thing occurs again and
again and if i try anything like :minnize: the machin ask
if i wish to end program .this is annoying even more when
i get pop up since i have pop up blockers the pop up dont
loads so the machine hangs longer .so i have to close the
the program

this did not start occuring untill sunday july 3 2004

in the past i could open as many IE WINDOWS AS possisle
and acess them when they are loading i(i miss those days)
and the thing is that it only affect the IE program

things i tried to fix problem
scan for viruse ( none)
clen temp files (clean)
search and delete adawear (done)
unistall and rein stall IE6
chech windows web site
ask friend their response (network sever problem ) ISP is
wirless network
porblem still occurs

machine spec
custom built 1.3 ghz processor
368 mb RAM

so if any one can help
windows xp pro
2 hdd 30gig ./40gig.

help is dprestely needed surfing the net is becomming
thanks in advance
Internet Explorer Ver. 6.

Try this: Tools > Internet Options > Advanced > Browsing
Uncheck the Enable 3rd party browser extensions

If this clears your problem then find out who the culprit(s) is/are with
these tools.

Let AD-Aware Scan your system for advertising Spyware

If you use a HOSTS file, beware of this new issue.
Ad-Aware has decided to include a new detection when scanning the HOSTS
file. This now creates a "Bad hosts file entry" in the log file generated at
the end of a scan. The best thing to do is to place a check in each entry,
right-click and select: "Add selection to ignorelist". Otherwise if you let
AWW "fix" these items it will trash the HOSTS file! Even if you have it
"locked" by [example] SpywareBlaster or Winpatrol. It does not return the
attributes and renames the HOSTS file incorrectly to hosts.



p.s Reset the 3rd party browser setting.

More: This may be caused by a third-party program (adware, spyware,
Get AdAware and SpyBot and run them both. Keep them up to date.
Dealing with Unwanted Spyware, Parasites, Toolbars and Search Engines

Additional link:

You may need this removal tool.
More: Complete list by variant with up-to-date information.
More: Removal tool:

CWShredder - Tutorial

Before trying to remove spyware, download a copy of LSPFIX from
the URL below - some malware may kill your internet connection when it is
removed, this program will enable you to regain your connection. (if your OS is Win2k or

Important: "So how did I get infected in the first place?"