IE frezees my pc

  • Thread starter Thread starter jake
  • Start date Start date


Everytime I go on the internet with IE 6 my computer
freezes. It seems like the more color on a page the
quicker it freezes. I have removed Shockwave, Flash and
everything I know how to remove. I am running Windows
ME...or it that my biggest problem? I have never seen
anything like this, I even tried a different video card.
Same thing. the Pc works fine when I am not on the
Thanks for any help here...
The first thing I suspect is video card *drivers*. Go to your video card's
Website and download the latest drivers for your OS for the exact make and
model of your card. (even if you have to physically remove it and find its
ID, but don't go this far unless necessary). A good test is to turn down the
graphics acceleration for the card. Rightclick My Computer, go to
Properties, click Performance tab, click Graphics button. Move the little
slider one or two notches to the left, then OK your way out of there. You
may have to reboot. If this solves your problem I guarantee its the video
The first thing I suspect is video card *drivers*. Go to your video card's
Website and download the latest drivers for your OS for the exact make and
model of your card. (even if you have to physically remove it and find its
ID, but don't go this far unless necessary). A good test is to turn down the
graphics acceleration for the card. Rightclick My Computer, go to
Properties, click Performance tab, click Graphics button. Move the little
slider one or two notches to the left, then OK your way out of there. You
may have to reboot. If this solves your problem I guarantee its the video
I tried setrting the hardware accel to each of the four
places. Makes no difference on any. As I mentioned, I
tried a different card, and diabled the other onboard
video, still had the exact same results. Any other
Thanks much!!
I have an onboard video card, which I have disabled and
put in a different one. Still get the same result. Also I
did try the the hardware accelerations (all4) that also
made no difference. Could it be my NIC card?
Thanks again!
You'll still need the latest drivers for the video card you are using. The
one's that come on the CD could be outdated.
Have you run virus/Spyware checks?
And you may want to try the IE fix tool below.

Internet Explorer Fix - General purpose fix for Internet Explorer

I suggest you download a little program called Hijackthis. Go to this page for instructions on its use and to download.
This will scan your computer and generate a log of everything that is

Set up an account at Spywareinfo
and post your LOG there, not here. There are many experts on that forum and
someone will analyze it and
let you know if anything is amuck and what you can do to fix it.

You always want to keep your virus definitions up-to-date as well as use
tools like Spybot and Ad-Aware which also must be kept up-to-date every time
*before* you use them to scan your machine.



If you need a good FREE antivirus try AVG at

This may sound like a lot of work and it is. And there's still no
guarantees. But, you'll learn a whole lot in the process.