IE Explorer will not open - msrating.dll



I have been at this one for several weeks. IE6 will not
open - the usual "IE needs to close " message. The detail
in the error message lists msrating.dll as one of the
problems. Any ideas anyone?

Jan Il

Hi :)
I have been at this one for several weeks. IE6 will not
open - the usual "IE needs to close " message. The detail
in the error message lists msrating.dll as one of the
problems. Any ideas anyone?

As you don't mention which version of WIndows you have, I will have to go
with a general suggestion at this time:

Try the following and see if it helps:

Multiple Error Messages After Installing Internet Explorer

Windows 95/98:


An error occurred loading "C:\Windows\System\mlang.dll". The file may not
have been installed or it has been corrupted.

Unable to call the function "DllInstall" in the file
"C:\Windows\System\comctl32.dll" because that function does not exist or is
not exported.

CAPI: The install program could not open signature file

Unable to find the function "DllRegisterServer" in the file

Error loading IEDKCS32.DLL. The specified module could not be found.

Unable to install Java packages from C:\Windows\Java\classes\
Unspecified error.

Error registering the OCX C:\Windows\System\webcheck.dll

Internet Explorer is not currently your default browser. Would you like to
make it your default browser

This behavior can occur if the Winhlp32.exe file is not present in the
%SystemRoot%\System32 folder in Windows NT or in the Windows folder in
Windows 95/98.

Windows 95/98
Extract a new copy of the Winhlp32.exe file from your original Windows 95/98
disks or CD-ROM to the Windows folder. For information about using the
Extract tool, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge

How to Extract Original Compressed Windows Files;EN-US;129605


Restore Winhlp32.exe file -
See #57 in the list here to download this file:

If these steps do not resolve your problem, please post back to this thread
with the details and any error messages.

Hope this helps

Jan :)
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that's why they're so contagious.

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Jan II

I use XP SP2

-----Original Message-----
Hi :)

As you don't mention which version of WIndows you have, I will have to go
with a general suggestion at this time:

Try the following and see if it helps:

Multiple Error Messages After Installing Internet Explorer

Windows 95/98:


An error occurred loading "C:\Windows\System\mlang.dll". The file may not
have been installed or it has been corrupted.

Unable to call the function "DllInstall" in the file
"C:\Windows\System\comctl32.dll" because that function does not exist or is
not exported.

CAPI: The install program could not open signature file

Unable to find the function "DllRegisterServer" in the file

Error loading IEDKCS32.DLL. The specified module could not be found.

Unable to install Java packages from C:\Windows\Java\classes\
Unspecified error.

Error registering the OCX C:\Windows\System\webcheck.dll

Internet Explorer is not currently your default browser. Would you like to
make it your default browser

This behavior can occur if the Winhlp32.exe file is not present in the
%SystemRoot%\System32 folder in Windows NT or in the Windows folder in
Windows 95/98.

Windows 95/98
Extract a new copy of the Winhlp32.exe file from your original Windows 95/98
disks or CD-ROM to the Windows folder. For information about using the
Extract tool, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge

How to Extract Original Compressed Windows Files;EN-US;129605


Restore Winhlp32.exe file -
See #57 in the list here to download this file:

If these steps do not resolve your problem, please post back to this thread
with the details and any error messages.

Hope this helps

Jan :)
Smiles are meant to be shared,
that's why they're so contagious.

Please reply to the newsgroup so others may benefit.
Replies are posted only to the newsgroup for the benefit or other readers.

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Jan Il

Hi anonymous :)

Thank you for the update information. As I can find nothing related to your
error for XP or SP2, my only suggestion is that you try the information
below and see if it will help:

Troubleshooting Secure Sites in WinXP SP2
(the should be treated as a Secure Site)

Detailed description of the data execution prevention feature in Windows XP

Changes to Functionality in Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2
Browsing Security Enhancements

WinXP SP2: What's New for Internet Explorer and Outlook Express

Microsoft PowerToys for Windows XP (TweakUI for XP)


Virtural Machine comes as a component of Internet Explorer, if you have the
CD you can check to install it.

You cannot open a new Internet Explorer window or nothing occurs after you
click a link;EN-US;281679

How to Troubleshoot Script Errors in Internet Explorer;en-us;308260

Register these files:

1. Click on Start -- Run
2. Type Regsvr32 softpub.dll
3. Click OK

Problems accessing secure sites/ cannot install 128 bit encryption

or...........for XP

To download Java VM for XP:

Download the Microsoft Java VM for Windows XP here

JavaScript not working. Test your JS here to see if it is working properly: Tips #21 & 46

If these steps do not resolve your problem, please post back to this thread
with the details and any error messages.

Hope this helps

Jan :)
Smiles are meant to be shared,
that's why they're so contagious.

Please reply to the newsgroup so others may benefit.
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