IE Edit Button and FrontPage

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I always used to be able to have say a clients webpage open in IE ... spot a
typos say and quickly click on the Edit button and would be asked login and
password and would be able to quickly open the whole website up in FP. I
forget when that stopped working (I have IE6 WinXP and all current updates
and service packs) but now it just opens temp folder page and does not all
any editing of the live site.

Why is this? Many people I have spoken to has this problem is well. I dont
see the point of an Edit with FrontPage button if you cannot then Edit, so I
am assuming this is a bug ... how do I correct please?

And no disrespect, but please dont tell me to go and open the page the
"proper way" by opening FrontPage first ..... as many other places have told
me. The whole point is Microsoft supply that Edit button, therefore it
should work and is far far quicker to use to just edit a page quickly than to
have to open up FP first.

Thanks for any enlightenment on this.
It's possible the command for your IE Edit button has been changed.

In IE go to Tools...Internet Options...Programs tab, change the HTML editor
to Notepad, click Apply, click Okay. Exit IE and reboot. Change it back to
FrontPage. Reboot. This should force the file associations in the registry
to change.

If no joy, go to My Computer....Tools...Folder Options...File Types. Scroll
down to the .htm file type, click on it to highlight it, click Advanced,
under Actions: click Edit to highlight, click Edit button.

Action: &Edit
Application: "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office10\msohtmed.exe" %1
Use DDE: checked
DDE Message: <leave blank>
Application: msohtmed
DDE Application not running: <leave blank>
Topic: System

Do the same for the .html file type.
The Application above assumes a standard install of FP 2002/Office XP.
Adjust path accordingly to your computer.

Also see this article for more information:

Changing Source Code Editor in Internet Explorer
Thank you for your response. Unfortunately none of it worked. It is FP2003
I have, WinXP home and IE6. Originally the Edit icon on the IE toolbar was
the FP icon .. now I am not sure what it is - looks like a piece of paper
with a pencil. all the associations show FP as being the Editor .... in FP
itself, IE and the Folder Options in My Computer ..... yet when I click on
the Edit button for a standard HTM page of mine, Front Page opens, but it
will not open the website, it only opens the page in the Temp directory i.e.
C:\Documents and Settings\Sue\Local Settings\Temporary Internet

Before, the whole website would open in FP and you could edit and save. Now
if you edit and save it just saves back to temp.

I have all the Office and stuff updates set to automatically download and
instal during the night and I am wondering if some update has changed maybe
any security settings that now stops the whole website from being opened and
will only open the cached page ....instead of the real page.

Anyway thanks for your help. If I felt it was just me I would put down to
something clashing or whatever on puter, but so many people seem to have this
problem yet no answer can be found. The only common denominator I can find
is that I have not heard of it happening with FP2002 ... only FP2003 - and it
suddenly happened, everyting worked at one stage, then just stopped ....

Thanks for trying, appreciated.