IE Drop Down Menus



I hope that there is someone who can help me. Please note that his has
nothing to do with the full screen mode (accessed by pressing F11).

In IE (version 6.0.2800.1106) , when I go to the menus at the top of
the page (file, edit, tools etc.), and left click, the drop down menus
do not appear (open, print, cut, copy etc.). Only when I move my curser
down under the menu do I then see the options under the menu. I would
like to return the system to normal, so that when you left click on the
menu you see all the options without having to move your cursor down.

What I have done so far:

I ran the System File Checker (sfc /scannow) --it ran for a while, but
then didn't report anything

I have run PandaSoft Online Virus Checker and SpyBot Search and Destroy
-- neither turned up anything

I have run Windows Registry Mechanic

All to no avail. Any advice would be much appreciated.

Jan Il

Hi :)

You don't mention the version of Windows you are using, but, try the
following and see if it helps:

Restore Default Toolbars

Reset Internet Explorer's Toolbar Menu


Resolving problems with the IE toolbars being out of sync


Courtesy of Ramesh

Type this command in the RUN box, and press Enter:

Rundll32 Iedkcs32.dll,BrandCleanInstallStubs

The Windows Update menu text and it's corresponding URL is reset to factory

also....courtesy of Doug Knox -

Restore Missing Toolbars, Menubars and Address Bar in Windows Explorer and
Internet Explorer - XP only
Copyright 2002 - Doug Knox

This utility will allow you to quickly and easily restore the missing
toolbars, menubars and add address bars in Windows Explorer and Internet
Explorer. This utility is freeware.

Usage: Download the ZIP file below and extract the contents to your hard
disk. Double click the XP_ToolbarFix.exe file you extracted. Choose which
toolbars to repair and click the Repair button. To uninstall, simply delete

This utility is only recommended for Windows XP. It has not been tested with
other platforms. If you wish to run it on another OS, you will need to
install the VB6 Runtime libraries.

Download here
/end quote/

Hope this helps.

Jan :)
MS MVP - Windows IE/OE [DTS/AumHa]
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Rob Parsons

Hi Nadoshi,

I think this may solve your problem.

Open your Mouse Control Panel (Start>Settings>Control Panel>Mouse) and check
the option to 'Automatically move pointer to the default button in a dialog

I have the same problem on an XP notepad with a touchpad mouse.

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