IE Doesn't Refresh



New P4 2.8 HT PC with IE 6.0.

When browsing, both "automatic" and "every visit to the page" settings do not produce an updated webpage...I get the cached page instead with each page visit.

I'v even set the "History"(temp internet file store) to zero (so it is forced theoreticlly to grab a new page), to no avail

I have to hit the "refresh" button every time. I've yet to find a solution to this problem...a problem I've never encountered before.

Any suggestions

H Leboeuf

Look at these.

Unable to Refresh Web Page That Uses Cookies if Set to Prompt for Cookies
When you click the Refresh button on the Internet Explorer tool bar, and
then click Refresh on the View menu (or press F5) to refresh a Web page that
uses cookies, the Web page may not be successfully refreshed after you click
Allow Cookie or Block Cookie in the Privacy Alert dialog box. (i. e. 6. W98/se/NT4/ME/XP/W2000

From: Günter Tomczyk in a News Group
I just made an upgrade from IE5.5 to IE6.0. Now I have a problem, that I. E.
is not working with any HTML tag:
e.g.<META http-equiv="Refresh" content="0;URL=/....">
Answer: I found it.
In the IE-Options->security, I had to allow "META REFRESH".

Henri Leboeuf
Web page:
Double D said:
New P4 2.8 HT PC with IE 6.0.

When browsing, both "automatic" and "every visit to the page" settings do
not produce an updated webpage...I get the cached page instead with each
page visit.
I'v even set the "History"(temp internet file store) to zero (so it is
forced theoreticlly to grab a new page), to no avail.
I have to hit the "refresh" button every time. I've yet to find a solution
to this problem...a problem I've never encountered before.

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