I have this problem.
When starting new IE page programmatically, the IE page opens the proper
page but it ignores bookmark, however when I insert the same address
directly into IE, the webpage opens properly at bookmark.
Why is that difference?
rtn = ShellExecute(Me.hwnd, "Open", "IExplore.exe", App.Path &
"\options_help.htm#HARDWARE", App.Path, vbNormalFocus)
I have this problem.
When starting new IE page programmatically, the IE page opens the proper
page but it ignores bookmark, however when I insert the same address
directly into IE, the webpage opens properly at bookmark.
Why is that difference?
rtn = ShellExecute(Me.hwnd, "Open", "IExplore.exe", App.Path &
"\options_help.htm#HARDWARE", App.Path, vbNormalFocus)