IE crashs when going to Activex page




I'm not sure why this keeps happening:

I have IE6 when ever I attempt to go to a certain pages
it crashes with no warning or error message. It appears
that the problem with Activex but i have no idea how to
fix it.

I am running XP
I have Norton AntiVirus 2002, I have run a full scan no
virus detected
I have Spybot and Ad-aware, run scans and all clean
I have Zone Alarm Pro, when I enable "Block embedded
objects (java, Activex)" the pages load but not completly.


Jon Kennedy

If you suspect it's related to ActiveX, it could be a control that's
corrupted/damaged. In IE go to Tools...Internet Options...General tab,
click Settings...View Objects. Delete any you have not knowingly installed
(such as the QuickTime control). If you go to a site that needs a control
to display properly, it should offer to download it again. Then again, it
could be your ZA Pro blocking that's causing the issue. More
troubleshooting of IE and ActiveX issues here:

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