IE Crashes daily..



I enter several contests online daily..there are some sites that I go on that
almost always causes IE to crash. I have sent error reports at times and at
other times not how can I correct this?. I used to have Comcast and theres
still an icon from them on my can I get rid of it? Or can I?


Judekazooty said:
I enter several contests online daily..there are some sites that I go on that
almost always causes IE to crash. I have sent error reports at times and at
other times not how can I correct this?. I used to have Comcast and theres
still an icon from them on my can I get rid of it? Or can I?

Yes you can!

## Help with Hijackware ##
*All* MVP Sites.

MS KB Articles;
Unexplained computer behaviour may be caused by deceptive software.;en-us;827315

(The 10 Immutable Laws of Security)



MS - MVP Windows (IE/OE) & Security (AH-VSOP)
Security Tools Updates

(Reply to group, as return address
is invalid - that we may all benefit)


In siljaline <[email protected]> had this to say:

My reply is at the bottom of your sent message:

Heyya bud... You're using one of my favorite links for eons... (could show
you that I've used that link since the early 2000's) but I found a new link
from online chat in the expert zone and wanted to give it to you. I figure
you, of all people, will love it. They EVEN accept HijackThis logs though I
have NO idea how well they do with said logs... I can only relay what I've
been told but the link is nice in that it has a number of posts already
there etc. Here it is:

It's an MSN site so I don't feel I'm spamming plus it's not mine. Two
reasons. One, you know my reply email and my DTS email. I want your thoughts
and feelings on it. Two, it's bipartisan so to speak though hosted on MSN.
What are your thoughts on that? Ping me via email if you get the chance but
definately take a look at the link? I'll plop it into DTS soon if I find
good feedback BUT you and I have VERY similar ideals so I thought I'd ping
you with it and I'm not the least bit bashful about doing so in public. <eg>
I learn? I teach? I share? I grow... Much the same applies to you and your
MVP is well earned. I know this to be true, I've tested. <grins>

Thoughts? Ideas? I'm about ready to approach them with MY thoughts on their
page and then, seeing what they do with my thoughts, but I'm pinging you out
of the group as, to be frank, I consider you the spyware gotoandplay guy.
(Sorry for that ActionScript but I couldn't help it.)


Sandi - Microsoft MVP

Its possible, nay quite likely, that your problem is not caused by malware,
but without precise information such as error messages, its impossible to
guess. For example, wininet.dll errors are invariably caused by a corrupt
cache, kernel32.dll errors often involve video driver issues (especially if
the sites in question have a lot of ads or graphics).

In short, don't always assume spyware. Advice on how to access more
information about your error message can be found here:


Hyperlinks used to ensure advice is current
Sandi - Microsoft MVP since 1999

Visit the Internet Explorer Community

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