IE cannot view any png file




Recently My internet explorer 6.0 cannot show any png file, all the png
files in any website or local drive will show a little red x. I tried all
the methods I can find, but no one can work. I can use software like Paint
to show the png file in my computer.

Does anyone know how to solve this problem?


BTW, I find a thread in newgroup which also discuss this problem, but no one
give a solution.

Sandi - Microsoft MVP

Red x problem when using IE:

(Default) OISpngfile
Content type: image/png
Perceived type: Image


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find old URLs, go here:

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Sandi - Microsoft MVP since 1999

Visit the Internet Explorer Community


Thank you.
But it doesn't work.
I followed the instruction of that page.

I find all the png files have been downloaded in the temporary Internet Files
but ie still cannot display them.

For example, I visit, the logo image cannot be displayed.
I right click the red x and I see

Protocol: HyperText Transfer Protocol
Type: Not Available

I guess I should add the correct type for png file to registry.

BTW, My HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.png is correct.

Robert Aldwinckle

xueyuhanlang said:
Thank you.
But it doesn't work.
I followed the instruction of that page.

I find all the png files have been downloaded in the temporary Internet Files
but ie still cannot display them.

Try re-registering the .dll? Run... (e.g. press Win-R and enter:)

regsvr32 pngfilt.dll

BTW this is a common problem but I suppose it helps to know what to search for:

OTOH it really isn't necessary to know that in advance if you use the simplest of search filters:*.ie6.browser&rnum=2#f46763878e8f679b

(Google Groups search for
png MVP OR MSFT group:microsoft.*.ie6.browser


Robert Aldwinckle

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