IE cache



Need some help or advice please. My Windows XP got
infected with something that neither Network Associates
virus program or SpyBot was able to fix. Until I ran
HijackThis and CWShredder, I was not able to access most
websites that had to do with virus and spyware programs
and or software downloads. CWShredder found and removed
and ExploitByte verify variant CWS smart search.2 and
removed it, at least it said it did. I am able to access
most of those websites now that I could not do prior to
running those two programs.Since then however I notice
that the IE cache loads up very fast now 1 to 3 MB, with
only one or two quick visits to my home page. Prior to
all of this it would only load up 100 to 200 KB.
Anyone have any idea whats happening ???


-----Original Message-----
Need some help or advice please. My Windows XP got
infected with something that neither Network Associates
virus program or SpyBot was able to fix. Until I ran
HijackThis and CWShredder, I was not able to access most
websites that had to do with virus and spyware programs
and or software downloads. CWShredder found and removed
and ExploitByte verify variant CWS smart search.2 and
removed it, at least it said it did. I am able to access
most of those websites now that I could not do prior to
running those two programs.Since then however I notice
that the IE cache loads up very fast now 1 to 3 MB, with
only one or two quick visits to my home page. Prior to
all of this it would only load up 100 to 200 KB.
Anyone have any idea whats happening ???
try another browser,like Avant browser,it's free from
put avant in the search and download it,It's got every
option that 6.0 has and more!If you don't like it
add/remove will take it out.


-----Original Message-----
Need some help or advice please. My Windows XP got
infected with something that neither Network Associates
virus program or SpyBot was able to fix. Until I ran
HijackThis and CWShredder, I was not able to access most
websites that had to do with virus and spyware programs
and or software downloads. CWShredder found and removed
and ExploitByte verify variant CWS smart search.2 and
removed it, at least it said it did. I am able to access
most of those websites now that I could not do prior to
running those two programs.Since then however I notice
that the IE cache loads up very fast now 1 to 3 MB, with
only one or two quick visits to my home page. Prior to
all of this it would only load up 100 to 200 KB.
Anyone have any idea whats happening ???
try another browser,like Avant browser,it's free from
put avant in the search and download it,It's got every
option that 6.0 has and more!If you don't like it
add/remove will take it out.

Don Varnau

Try the parasite removal programs again, in this order.

Download and run Run CWShredder from

Then download, install, *update* and run both of these programs:
Ad-aware from
Spybot from (Remove items listed in red-others are
Both programs should be updated after installation- before use.

If these programs don't remove the malware, HijackThis should be used to
post a log to the appropriate forum at one of these sites.
HijackThis instructions and download:

Forums: Excellent help- low traffic. Visit before posting the log.

Security tips and other information at:
Dealing with Unwanted Spyware and Parasites:

Hope this helps,
Please reply to the newsgroup so that others may participate.

"vs" wrote in message news:[email protected]...


Thank you. Seem your on the right track. I have noticed
that TIF under my name loads up with a bubch of stuff as
soon as I go back to my home page, even after I just
deleted all the stuff in there. It reloads the same stuff
every time. Any ideas ?
-----Original Message-----
You may need to clear your TIF as you may have a corrupt file there.

Close all instances of OE and IE
Control Panel | Internet Options | General tab
Click the "Delete Files" button, when prompted place a check in:
"Delete all offline content", click OK
Click the "Clear History" button, click OK.
Click the Settings button, adjust the TIF size to 50 mb, click OK

[more info]
Possibly your cache folder is corrupt:

How To: Delete the Internet Explorer Temporary Internet Files
Mike Burgess [MVP Windows Shell\User]
Blocking Spyware, Adware, Parasites, Hijackers, Trojans, with a HOSTS file [updated 04-09- 04]
Please post replies to this Newsgroup, email address is invalid

Need some help or advice please. My Windows XP got
infected with something that neither Network Associates
virus program or SpyBot was able to fix. Until I ran
HijackThis and CWShredder, I was not able to access most
websites that had to do with virus and spyware programs
and or software downloads. CWShredder found and removed
and ExploitByte verify variant CWS smart search.2 and
removed it, at least it said it did. I am able to access
most of those websites now that I could not do prior to
running those two programs.Since then however I notice
that the IE cache loads up very fast now 1 to 3 MB, with
only one or two quick visits to my home page. Prior to
all of this it would only load up 100 to 200 KB.
Anyone have any idea whats happening ???



Not yet. But thank you very much for your guidance.
Afraid to do what is reqired, so I will let someone who
knows how to do that do it. If I delete " My name account"
not sure how to set it up, since my current setting
requires no account logon. I am the administrator as well.
Unless you can simplefy those instructions as per the
recommended site, I'll let someone else do it. Will
removing and re-installing IE solve the problem also ??
-----Original Message-----
Did you delete the cache folder, rather than just the contents?

"CWShredder found and removed and ExploitByte verify"
This indicates your machine is NOT properly patched!
Visit Windows Update and install at least *all* the "Critical Updates"

Did you post your HijackThis log somewhere for inspection?
Mike Burgess [MVP Windows Shell\User]
Blocking Spyware, Adware, Parasites, Hijackers, Trojans, with a HOSTS file [updated 04-09- 04]
Please post replies to this Newsgroup, email address is invalid

Thank you. Seem your on the right track. I have noticed
that TIF under my name loads up with a bubch of stuff as
soon as I go back to my home page, even after I just
deleted all the stuff in there. It reloads the same stuff
every time. Any ideas ?
-----Original Message-----
You may need to clear your TIF as you may have a
file there.
Close all instances of OE and IE
Control Panel | Internet Options | General tab
Click the "Delete Files" button, when prompted place a check in:
"Delete all offline content", click OK
Click the "Clear History" button, click OK.
Click the Settings button, adjust the TIF size to 50
click OK
[more info]
Possibly your cache folder is corrupt:

How To: Delete the Internet Explorer Temporary
Mike Burgess [MVP Windows Shell\User]
Blocking Spyware, Adware, Parasites, Hijackers,
with a HOSTS file
Please post replies to this Newsgroup, email address

Need some help or advice please. My Windows XP got
infected with something that neither Network Associates
virus program or SpyBot was able to fix. Until I ran
HijackThis and CWShredder, I was not able to access most
websites that had to do with virus and spyware programs
and or software downloads. CWShredder found and removed
and ExploitByte verify variant CWS smart search.2 and
removed it, at least it said it did. I am able to access
most of those websites now that I could not do prior to
running those two programs.Since then however I notice
that the IE cache loads up very fast now 1 to 3 MB, with
only one or two quick visits to my home page. Prior to
all of this it would only load up 100 to 200 KB.
Anyone have any idea whats happening ???



Mike Burgess

You may need to clear your TIF as you may have a corrupt file there.

Close all instances of OE and IE
Control Panel | Internet Options | General tab
Click the "Delete Files" button, when prompted place a check in:
"Delete all offline content", click OK
Click the "Clear History" button, click OK.
Click the Settings button, adjust the TIF size to 50 mb, click OK

[more info]
Possibly your cache folder is corrupt:

How To: Delete the Internet Explorer Temporary Internet Files
Mike Burgess [MVP Windows Shell\User]
Blocking Spyware, Adware, Parasites, Hijackers, Trojans, with a HOSTS file [updated 04-09-04]
Please post replies to this Newsgroup, email address is invalid

Mike Burgess

Did you delete the cache folder, rather than just the contents?
"CWShredder found and removed and ExploitByte verify"
This indicates your machine is NOT properly patched!
Visit Windows Update and install at least *all* the "Critical Updates"

Did you post your HijackThis log somewhere for inspection?
Mike Burgess [MVP Windows Shell\User]
Blocking Spyware, Adware, Parasites, Hijackers, Trojans, with a HOSTS file [updated 04-09-04]
Please post replies to this Newsgroup, email address is invalid

Thank you. Seem your on the right track. I have noticed
that TIF under my name loads up with a bubch of stuff as
soon as I go back to my home page, even after I just
deleted all the stuff in there. It reloads the same stuff
every time. Any ideas ?
-----Original Message-----
You may need to clear your TIF as you may have a corrupt file there.

Close all instances of OE and IE
Control Panel | Internet Options | General tab
Click the "Delete Files" button, when prompted place a check in:
"Delete all offline content", click OK
Click the "Clear History" button, click OK.
Click the Settings button, adjust the TIF size to 50 mb, click OK

[more info]
Possibly your cache folder is corrupt:

How To: Delete the Internet Explorer Temporary Internet Files
Mike Burgess [MVP Windows Shell\User]
Blocking Spyware, Adware, Parasites, Hijackers, Trojans, with a HOSTS file [updated 04-09- 04]
Please post replies to this Newsgroup, email address is invalid

Need some help or advice please. My Windows XP got
infected with something that neither Network Associates
virus program or SpyBot was able to fix. Until I ran
HijackThis and CWShredder, I was not able to access most
websites that had to do with virus and spyware programs
and or software downloads. CWShredder found and removed
and ExploitByte verify variant CWS smart search.2 and
removed it, at least it said it did. I am able to access
most of those websites now that I could not do prior to
running those two programs.Since then however I notice
that the IE cache loads up very fast now 1 to 3 MB, with
only one or two quick visits to my home page. Prior to
all of this it would only load up 100 to 200 KB.
Anyone have any idea whats happening ???


Mike Burgess

"If I delete " My name account" not sure how to set it up"
Please re-read the page ... you're only deleting the cache folders,
not the account itself ...... they will rebuild themselves on startup.
"Will removing and re-installing IE solve the problem also"
Nope ... repairing or reinstalling IE does NOT affect the cache folders.
Mike Burgess [MVP Windows Shell\User]
Blocking Spyware, Adware, Parasites, Hijackers, Trojans, with a HOSTS file [updated 04-09-04]
Please post replies to this Newsgroup, email address is invalid

Not yet. But thank you very much for your guidance.
Afraid to do what is reqired, so I will let someone who
knows how to do that do it. If I delete " My name account"
not sure how to set it up, since my current setting
requires no account logon. I am the administrator as well.
Unless you can simplefy those instructions as per the
recommended site, I'll let someone else do it. Will
removing and re-installing IE solve the problem also ??
-----Original Message-----
Did you delete the cache folder, rather than just the contents?

"CWShredder found and removed and ExploitByte verify"
This indicates your machine is NOT properly patched!
Visit Windows Update and install at least *all* the "Critical Updates"

Did you post your HijackThis log somewhere for inspection?
Mike Burgess [MVP Windows Shell\User]
Blocking Spyware, Adware, Parasites, Hijackers, Trojans, with a HOSTS file [updated 04-09- 04]
Please post replies to this Newsgroup, email address is invalid

Thank you. Seem your on the right track. I have noticed
that TIF under my name loads up with a bubch of stuff as
soon as I go back to my home page, even after I just
deleted all the stuff in there. It reloads the same stuff
every time. Any ideas ?
-----Original Message-----
You may need to clear your TIF as you may have a corrupt
file there.

Close all instances of OE and IE
Control Panel | Internet Options | General tab
Click the "Delete Files" button, when prompted place a
check in:
"Delete all offline content", click OK
Click the "Clear History" button, click OK.
Click the Settings button, adjust the TIF size to 50 mb,
click OK

[more info]
Possibly your cache folder is corrupt:

How To: Delete the Internet Explorer Temporary Internet
Mike Burgess [MVP Windows Shell\User]
Blocking Spyware, Adware, Parasites, Hijackers, Trojans,
with a HOSTS file [updated 04- 09-
Please post replies to this Newsgroup, email address is

Need some help or advice please. My Windows XP got
infected with something that neither Network Associates
virus program or SpyBot was able to fix. Until I ran
HijackThis and CWShredder, I was not able to access
websites that had to do with virus and spyware programs
and or software downloads. CWShredder found and removed
and ExploitByte verify variant CWS smart search.2 and
removed it, at least it said it did. I am able to
most of those websites now that I could not do prior to
running those two programs.Since then however I notice
that the IE cache loads up very fast now 1 to 3 MB,
only one or two quick visits to my home page. Prior to
all of this it would only load up 100 to 200 KB.
Anyone have any idea whats happening ???



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