IE cache

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A suggestion was made to lowere the cach to 50 or 100 MB. Since IE defailts
to somewhere around 3000MB, why drop it down to 40 or 100MB, and what effect
will this have. This was suggested by Microsoft as means to prevent IE from
freezing or accessing a page.
mark35 said:
A suggestion was made to lowere the cach to 50 or 100 MB. Since IE
defailts to somewhere around 3000MB, why drop it down to 40 or 100MB,
and what effect will this have. This was suggested by Microsoft as
means to prevent IE from freezing or accessing a page.

It causes lots of problems if set that high besides the one you mentioned.
You can get to where every picture you want to save saves as a BMP.
View | Source may not work.
It will slow down IE.
Others that don't immediately come to mind.

The newest beta of IE7 defaults to 50 MB with a reccomendation of 50 - 250
MB. I'll stick with 50 MB.

I seem to remember that the cache used to have to be large enough to hold
your largest download, but that isn't true now if it ever was. I recently
downloaded a 2 GB file on IE6 SP2 with a 50 MB cache.

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP OE
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