IE bug using SmartNavigation?


Steve Peterson


I have a rather lengthy webform I'm working on in which I need the user to
be able to scroll to the same place between postbacks.

I tried turning on SmartNavigation and it seemed to work
fine - the page was was scrolled to the same place between postbacks.
However, iexplorer.exe will throw an error if I close the browser at this
page. If I follow a link from this page to another page or hit "back"
button & close, then browser closes fine. I have no clue why the following
error is thrown:

"The instruction at "0x1003e8d" referenced memeory at "0x1003e8d" . The
memory could not be "read".
Click OK to terminate program

I'm running the latest version of IE

Like I said - this error only happens if I have SmartNavigation on (I tried
both ways - in @Page directive & setting it by code). Page closes fine w/
out SmartNavigation on..

Anyone have any input/suggestions?


Greg Burns

I have seen that error before myself (not sure about the hex addresses) and
could not put my finger on it. I too am running IE
(6.0.2900.2180.xpsp2_rtm.0040803-2158). Currently it is NOT doing it. But
it WAS doing it on my home PC with my app and at work. I thought maybe it
was just me. Seemed a little scary that a web page could crash the browser.

If I see it again, Smart Navaigation will the first place I investigate.

Do clearing your temp internet cache help at all?


Scott Allen

Hi Steve:

SmartNav has some known issues and I don't know anyone who has been
entirely happy with it. It's a problem.

If you google for keywords like ' scroll post back' you can
find some community solutions to the problem. I don't have any
recommendations though.

Steve Peterson

Hi Greg

Nooo. clearing cache didn't help... I have a feeling the problem is an
internal problem with IE itself. SmartNavigation probably produces some JS
or something that is sent to the client that IE just doesn't like upon
closing. I don't think this is a .NET bug (since it's IE itself closing on
client side) , but rather an IE bug.. But that's just my humble opinion..


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