IE Browser Search



Okay now I have a new problem, so I decided to repost this issue:

On one computer, I changed the Internet search to "Classic". This works!
Yeah, this is what I wanted. I like the classic search better because all
the links stay on the left side while the web pages are displayed on the

Now for the bad news.
I did this on a second computer (running XP pro) and now the search is
blank. I can't select
customize either, because it brings up a blank page.
How can I fix this?

I tried to restore back from a point 2-days ago. The restore was
successful, but the browser search still does not work. What can I do?


This seems to be a problem especially if you update to service pack 2. I am
having the same problem. I am going to switch to msn ie is driving me crazy

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP IE/OE

JCO said:
Okay now I have a new problem, so I decided to repost this issue:

On one computer, I changed the Internet search to "Classic". This works!
Yeah, this is what I wanted. I like the classic search better because all
the links stay on the left side while the web pages are displayed on the

Now for the bad news.
I did this on a second computer (running XP pro) and now the search is
blank. I can't select
customize either, because it brings up a blank page.
How can I fix this?

I tried to restore back from a point 2-days ago. The restore was
successful, but the browser search still does not work. What can I do?

Try Restore Search

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP, IE/OE
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