
  • Thread starter Thread starter Pussn
  • Start date Start date


Hi again

I'm still having a problem with IE6! OS is XP with
SP2 (I'm assuming, I see windows SR 2.0 in my programs
list), and I think I've been attacked by a virus or
whatever is out there that's taken out my browser. It
comes up but doesn't connect to the internet. I've gone
to Microsoft to download it again, but it still doesn't
I've gone back to several posts screaming for help
but the responses are a little confusing to this still
newbie. Registry? Backing it up? How does one do that?
How does one check it for viruses? I think what I need
here is someone to lead me by the hand, I'm that nervous
about digging around that deep inside the pc. Or would it
better for me just to scrub everything clean (format) and
start fresh?
So, is there anyone out there willing to give this
ole gal a helping hand? Please? I'll bake you a pie ;O)

Regards and thanks in advance, Pussn

PS-Not much meat to the info, I know, so please, go ahead
and ask! I just don't know what else to add. Thanks
-----Original Message-----
Hi again

I'm still having a problem with IE6! OS is XP with
SP2 (I'm assuming, I see windows SR 2.0 in my programs
list), and I think I've been attacked by a virus or
whatever is out there that's taken out my browser. It
comes up but doesn't connect to the internet. I've gone
to Microsoft to download it again, but it still doesn't
I've gone back to several posts screaming for help
but the responses are a little confusing to this still
newbie. Registry? Backing it up? How does one do that?
How does one check it for viruses? I think what I need
here is someone to lead me by the hand, I'm that nervous
about digging around that deep inside the pc. Or would it
better for me just to scrub everything clean (format) and
start fresh?
So, is there anyone out there willing to give this
ole gal a helping hand? Please? I'll bake you a pie ;O)

Regards and thanks in advance, Pussn

PS-Not much meat to the info, I know, so please, go ahead
and ask! I just don't know what else to add. Thanks

Never mind....whatever it was that took out my browser
has now locked me out completly from the pc, can't even
get into my own account. Nothing. Stoopit hackers. I hate
em all!
Hi Pussn :-)

Don't give up so easy! So.....let's work together a bit here and try to
take back your PC. :-))

(NOTE: If you can not download these programs from the Internet, if your PC
has CD read capabilities, go to another computer with CD-ROM burning
capabilities. Create a folder on the hard drive of the other computer called
HOLD, download the programs to that folder, then burn that folder to a CD.
Copy the HOLD folder to your HD and then install the programs from there
and run them. After you have IE access again, update all programs where
possible to get the latest definitions and run them again to be sure there
are no lingering items on the system.) Hopefully, you know someone with a
PC you can use that has CD burner capability, or go to a public library.

Understand that reinstalling IE or your OS at this point will not resolve
the problem, and may even make it worse, so please, DO NOT try to reinstall
anything until you have cleaned your system. Do the following, and the
parts you can't do from your PC, do from another, but, do them. We can't
do the work there for you there, so, this is your end of the partnership.
<g> However, if at any time you have a question or problem, post back here
and we'll help you work through it. OK? :-))
Please follow all instructions carefully:

Courtesy of Jim Byrd:

Sounds like this might be a variant of some malware called CoolWebSearch (if
CWShredder doesn't fix it, then see AdAware, SpyBot, and HijackThis, below,
in that order). Do the following:

Before you try to remove spyware using any of the programs below, download
both a copy of LSPFIX here:

AND a copy of Winsockfix
Directions here:

The process of removing certain malware may kill your internet connection.
If this should occur, these programs, LSPFIX and WINSOCKFIX, will enable you
to regain your connection.

NOTE: It is reported that in XP SP2, the command netsh winsock reset
will fix this problem without the need for these programs.

All of the following removal tools should be run from Safe mode when
possible.Reboot and test if the malware is fixed after using each tool.

Download and run Stinger.exe, here: or from the link
on this page:

Download, from Trend Micro, here: along with the latest pattern
file, here: (You might also
want to get Art's updater, SYS-UP.Zip, here for future updating of these: Place them in a dedicated folder after
appropriate unzipping, and then run. (If you download and use the updater
from the beginning, it will automatically handle downloading the other

Sometimes the tools below will find files which they are unable to delete
because they are in use. A program called Copylock, here, can aid in the process of
"replacing, moving, renaming or deleting one or many files which are
currently in use (e.g. system files like comctl32.dll, or virus/trojan

Download, UPDATE before running, and run: or here: or here: or here:
to remove the parasite. Be sure to close all instances of IE and OE.

There's a good tutorial about CWS and using CWShredder here:

BE SURE that you get v. or later!

You will need to show Hidden files first and then at the end clear the
malware garbage from your System Restore backups after you've cleaned up.
It's best to perform CWShredder (and most other malware fixers too) from
Safe mode and then reboot. AFTER cleaning things up, then you can disable
and then re-enable System Restore. See ******** below.

The following links give instructions on how to do these various functions:

HOW TO Restart in Safe Mode

HOW TO Enable Hidden Files

HOW TO Disable/Flush System Restore (do this at the end AFTER cleaning or
use the suggested procedure for XP at the ******'s)

Then download and run: to restore your
tabs and remove any restrictions that the parasite has put in place.

Now download and run: to restore
your search functions if they've been affected (as they probably will have

Be sure that you also download and install hotfix Q816093, here:
which blocks the exploit upon which this parasite family depends.

However, this also indicates that you may have acquired some other malware
along the way. If you go to this page at Jim Eshelman's site, here: and wait a little bit (be patient), an analysis
of a number of possible parasites on your machine will be made to help you
identify and remove them. NOTE: You will need to disable Ad Blocking in Zone
Alarm 3.x or later, if present or any other Ad Blocking software which
interferes with Java Scripting for this scan to work. You should get a
message between the two lines of **** giving the results of the scan.

Get Ad-Aware SE Personal Edition, here: UPDATE, set it up in
accordance with this: or the
directions immediately below and run this regularly to get rid of most
"spyware/hijackware" on your machine. If it has to fix things, be sure to
re-boot and rerun AdAware again and repeat this cycle until you get a clean
scan. The reason is that it may have to remove things which are currently
"in use" before it can then clean up others. Configure Ad-aware for a
customized scan, and let it remove any bad files found.....

<Begin Setup Directions>
Then, courtesy of NonSuch at Lockergnome, open Ad-aware then click the gear
wheel at the top and check these options to configure Ad-aware for a
customized scan:

General> activate these: "Automatically save log-file" and "Automatically
quarantine objects prior to removal"

Scanning > activate these: "Scan within archives", "Scan active processes",
"Scan registry", "Deep scan registry," "Scan my IE Favorites for banned
sites," and "Scan my Hosts file"

Tweaks > Scanning Engine> activate this: "Unload recognized processes during

Tweaks > Cleaning Engine: activate these: "Automatically try to unregister
objects prior to deletion" and "Let Windows remove files in use after

Click "Proceed" to save your settings, then click "Start." Make sure
"Activate in-depth scan" is ticked green, then scan your system. When the
scan is finished, the screen will tell you if anything has been found, click
"Next." The bad files will be listed. Right click the pane and click "Select
all objects" - This will put a check mark in the box at the side, click
"Next" again and click "OK" at the prompt "# objects will be removed.
<End Setup Directions>

Courtesy of HINT: If
Ad Aware is automatically shut-down by a malicious software, first run
AWCloak.exe,, before
opening Ad Aware. When AAWCloak is open, click "Activate Cloak". Than open
Ad Aware and scan your system.

Another excellent program for this purpose is SpyBot Search and Destroy
available here: SpyBot Support Forum here: I recommend
using both normally. After UPDATING and fixing ONLY RED things with SpyBot
S&D, be sure to re-boot and rerun SpyBot again and repeat this cycle until
you get a clean "no red" scan. The reason is that SpyBot sometimes has to
remove things which are currently "in use" before it can then clean up

Note that sometimes you need to make a judgement call about what these
programs report as spyware. See here, for example:

Both of these programs should normally be UPDATED and run after doing any
other fix such as CWShredder and, as a minimum, normally at least once a

If they don't fix it then start here:

Download HijackThis, free, here: (Always download a new
fresh copy of HijackThis [and CWShredder also] - It's UPDATED frequently.)
You may also get it here if that link is blocked:
or here:

In Windows Explorer, click on Tools|Folder Options|View and check "Show
hidden files and folders" and uncheck "Hide protected operating system
files". (You may want to restore these when you're all finished with

Place HijackThis.exe or unzip into its own dedicated folder
at the root level such as C:\HijackThis (NOT in a Temp folder or on your
Desktop), reboot to Safe mode, start HT (have ONLY HT running - IE MUST be
closed) then press Scan. Click on SaveLog when it's finished which will
create hijackthis.log. Now click the Config button, then Misc Tools and
click on Generate StartupList.log which will create Startuplist.txt

Then go to one of the following forums:

Spyware and Hijackware Removal Support, here:

or Net-Integration here:;act=ST;f=27;t=6949

or Tom Coyote here:
or Jim Eshelman's site here:
or Bleepingcomputer here:
or Computer Cops here:

Register if necessary, then sign in and READ THE DIRECTIONS at the beginning
of the particular site's HiJackThis forum, then copy and paste both files
into a message asking for assistance, Someone will answer with detailed
instructions for the removal of your parasite(s). Be sure you include at
the beginning of your post a description of "What specific
problem(s)/symptoms you're trying to solve" and "What steps you've already

ONLY IF you've successfully eliminated the malware, you can now make a new,
clean Restore Point and delete any previously saved (possibly infected)
ones. The following suggested approach is courtesy of Gary Woodruff: For XP
you can run a Disk Cleanup cycle and then look in the More Options tab. The
System Restore option removes all but the latest Restore Point. If there
hasn't been one made since the system was cleaned you should manually create
one before dumping the old possibly infected ones.

Once you get this cleaned up, you might want to consider installing Eric
Howes' IESpyAds, SpywareBlaster and SpywareGuard here to help prevent this
kind of thing from happening in the future:

IESpyads - "IE-SPYAD adds
a long list of sites and domains associated with known advertisers,
marketers, and crapware pushers to the Restricted sites zone of Internet
Explorer. Once you merge this list of sites and domains into the Registry,
the web sites for these companies will not be able to use cookies, ActiveX
controls, Java applets, or scripting to compromise your privacy or your PC
while you surf the Net. Nor will they be able to use your browser to push
unwanted pop-ups, cookies, or auto-installing programs on your PC." Read
carefully. (Prevents malware Active
X installs) (BTW, SpyWareBlaster is not memory resident ... no CPU or memory
load - but keep it UPDATED) The latest version as of this writing will
prevent installation or prevent the malware from running if it is already
installed, and it provides information and fixit-links for a variety of
parasites. (Monitors for attempts to
install malware) Keep it UPDATED. All three Very Highly Recommended

Finally, go to Windows Update and ensure that ALL Critical updates are

If these steps do not resolve your problem, please post back to this thread
with the details and any error messages.

Hope this helps

Jan :)
Smiles are meant to be shared,
that's why they're so contagious.

Please reply to the newsgroup so others may benefit.
Replies are posted only to the newsgroup for the benefit or other readers.

How to make a good newsgroup post:
Hi Jan,
that is a ton of info which I'll have to wade
through tomorrow but I thank you very much. I'll try
everything you've suggested and if I have any problems,
I'll post again, with your name as header. Thanks again!

-----Original Message-----
Hi Pussn :-)

Don't give up so easy! So.....let's work together a bit here and try to
take back your PC. :-))

(NOTE: If you can not download these programs from the Internet, if your PC
has CD read capabilities, go to another computer with CD- ROM burning
capabilities. Create a folder on the hard drive of the other computer called
HOLD, download the programs to that folder, then burn that folder to a CD.
Copy the HOLD folder to your HD and then install the programs from there
and run them. After you have IE access again, update all programs where
possible to get the latest definitions and run them again to be sure there
are no lingering items on the system.) Hopefully, you know someone with a
PC you can use that has CD burner capability, or go to a public library.

Understand that reinstalling IE or your OS at this point will not resolve
the problem, and may even make it worse, so please, DO NOT try to reinstall
anything until you have cleaned your system. Do the following, and the
parts you can't do from your PC, do from another, but, do them. We can't
do the work there for you there, so, this is your end of the partnership.
<g> However, if at any time you have a question or problem, post back here
and we'll help you work through it. OK? :-))
Please follow all instructions carefully:

Courtesy of Jim Byrd:

Sounds like this might be a variant of some malware called CoolWebSearch (if
CWShredder doesn't fix it, then see AdAware, SpyBot, and HijackThis, below,
in that order). Do the following:

Before you try to remove spyware using any of the programs below, download
both a copy of LSPFIX here:

AND a copy of Winsockfix
Directions here: ttid=257

The process of removing certain malware may kill your internet connection.
If this should occur, these programs, LSPFIX and WINSOCKFIX, will enable you
to regain your connection.

NOTE: It is reported that in XP SP2, the command netsh winsock reset
will fix this problem without the need for these programs.

All of the following removal tools should be run from Safe mode when
possible.Reboot and test if the malware is fixed after using each tool.

Download and run Stinger.exe, here:
avert/stinger.exe or from the link
on this page:

Download, from Trend Micro, here: along with the latest pattern
file, here: (You
might also
want to get Art's updater, SYS-UP.Zip, here for future updating of these: Place them in a dedicated folder after
appropriate unzipping, and then run. (If you download and use the updater
from the beginning, it will automatically handle downloading the other

Sometimes the tools below will find files which they are unable to delete
because they are in use. A program called Copylock, here, can aid in the process of
"replacing, moving, renaming or deleting one or many files which are
currently in use (e.g. system files like comctl32.dll, or virus/trojan

Download, UPDATE before running, and run: or here: or here: 17-150/ or here:
to remove the parasite. Be sure to close all instances of IE and OE.

There's a good tutorial about CWS and using CWShredder here:

BE SURE that you get v. or later!

You will need to show Hidden files first and then at the end clear the
malware garbage from your System Restore backups after you've cleaned up.
It's best to perform CWShredder (and most other malware fixers too) from
Safe mode and then reboot. AFTER cleaning things up, then you can disable
and then re-enable System Restore. See ******** below.

The following links give instructions on how to do these various functions:

HOW TO Restart in Safe Mode 2001052409420406

HOW TO Enable Hidden Files 2002092715262339

HOW TO Disable/Flush System Restore (do this at the end AFTER cleaning or
use the suggested procedure for XP at the ******'s) 2001111912274039

Then download and run: to restore your
tabs and remove any restrictions that the parasite has put in place.

Now download and run:
http://www.kellys-korner- to restore
your search functions if they've been affected (as they probably will have

Be sure that you also download and install hotfix Q816093, here:
which blocks the exploit upon which this parasite family depends.

However, this also indicates that you may have acquired some other malware
along the way. If you go to this page at Jim Eshelman's site, here: and wait a little bit (be patient), an analysis
of a number of possible parasites on your machine will be made to help you
identify and remove them. NOTE: You will need to disable Ad Blocking in Zone
Alarm 3.x or later, if present or any other Ad Blocking software which
interferes with Java Scripting for this scan to work. You should get a
message between the two lines of **** giving the results of the scan.

Get Ad-Aware SE Personal Edition, here: UPDATE, set it up in
accordance with this: or the
directions immediately below and run this regularly to get rid of most
"spyware/hijackware" on your machine. If it has to fix things, be sure to
re-boot and rerun AdAware again and repeat this cycle until you get a clean
scan. The reason is that it may have to remove things which are currently
"in use" before it can then clean up others. Configure Ad-aware for a
customized scan, and let it remove any bad files found.....

<Begin Setup Directions>
Then, courtesy of NonSuch at Lockergnome, open Ad-aware then click the gear
wheel at the top and check these options to configure Ad- aware for a
customized scan:

General> activate these: "Automatically save log-file" and "Automatically
quarantine objects prior to removal"

Scanning > activate these: "Scan within archives", "Scan active processes",
"Scan registry", "Deep scan registry," "Scan my IE Favorites for banned
sites," and "Scan my Hosts file"

Tweaks > Scanning Engine> activate this: "Unload recognized processes during

Tweaks > Cleaning Engine: activate these: "Automatically try to unregister
objects prior to deletion" and "Let Windows remove files in use after

Click "Proceed" to save your settings, then click "Start." Make sure
"Activate in-depth scan" is ticked green, then scan your system. When the
scan is finished, the screen will tell you if anything has been found, click
"Next." The bad files will be listed. Right click the pane and click "Select
all objects" - This will put a check mark in the box at the side, click
"Next" again and click "OK" at the prompt "# objects will be removed.
<End Setup Directions>

Courtesy of
Ad Aware is automatically shut-down by a malicious software, first run
AWCloak.exe,, before
opening Ad Aware. When AAWCloak is open, click "Activate Cloak". Than open
Ad Aware and scan your system.

Another excellent program for this purpose is SpyBot Search and Destroy
available here: SpyBot Support Forum here:
bin/forums/ikonboard.cgi. I recommend
using both normally. After UPDATING and fixing ONLY RED things with SpyBot
S&D, be sure to re-boot and rerun SpyBot again and repeat this cycle until
you get a clean "no red" scan. The reason is that SpyBot sometimes has to
remove things which are currently "in use" before it can then clean up

Note that sometimes you need to make a judgement call about what these
programs report as spyware. See here, for example:

Both of these programs should normally be UPDATED and run after doing any
other fix such as CWShredder and, as a minimum, normally at least once a

If they don't fix it then start here:

Download HijackThis, free, here: (Always download a new
fresh copy of HijackThis [and CWShredder also] - It's UPDATED frequently.)
You may also get it here if that link is blocked: id=3155&file=3&evp=3304750663b552982a8baee6434cfc13
or here:

In Windows Explorer, click on Tools|Folder Options|View and check "Show
hidden files and folders" and uncheck "Hide protected operating system
files". (You may want to restore these when you're all finished with

Place HijackThis.exe or unzip into its own dedicated folder
at the root level such as C:\HijackThis (NOT in a Temp folder or on your
Desktop), reboot to Safe mode, start HT (have ONLY HT running - IE MUST be
closed) then press Scan. Click on SaveLog when it's finished which will
create hijackthis.log. Now click the Config button, then Misc Tools and
click on Generate StartupList.log which will create Startuplist.txt

Then go to one of the following forums:

Spyware and Hijackware Removal Support, here:

or Net-Integration here: bin/forum/ikonboard.cgi?

or Tom Coyote here:
or Jim Eshelman's site here:
or Bleepingcomputer here:
or Computer Cops here:

Register if necessary, then sign in and READ THE DIRECTIONS at the beginning
of the particular site's HiJackThis forum, then copy and paste both files
into a message asking for assistance, Someone will answer with detailed
instructions for the removal of your parasite(s). Be sure you include at
the beginning of your post a description of "What specific
problem(s)/symptoms you're trying to solve" and "What steps you've already

ONLY IF you've successfully eliminated the malware, you can now make a new,
clean Restore Point and delete any previously saved (possibly infected)
ones. The following suggested approach is courtesy of Gary Woodruff: For XP
you can run a Disk Cleanup cycle and then look in the More Options tab. The
System Restore option removes all but the latest Restore Point. If there
hasn't been one made since the system was cleaned you should manually create
one before dumping the old possibly infected ones.

Once you get this cleaned up, you might want to consider installing Eric
Howes' IESpyAds, SpywareBlaster and SpywareGuard here to help prevent this
kind of thing from happening in the future:

IESpyads - "IE-
SPYAD adds
I should have also mentioned in my first post that I have
absolutely no access to any of the four accounts on the
pc. As soon as I try one, it says 'loading personal
settings', then promptly shuts down, logging off etc. So
there is NO way I can install a program on that pc. I've
tried safe mode, and I'm still getting the same results.
This suuucks.


-----Original Message-----
Hi Pussn :-)

Don't give up so easy! So.....let's work together a bit here and try to
take back your PC. :-))

(NOTE: If you can not download these programs from the Internet, if your PC
has CD read capabilities, go to another computer with CD- ROM burning
capabilities. Create a folder on the hard drive of the other computer called
HOLD, download the programs to that folder, then burn that folder to a CD.
Copy the HOLD folder to your HD and then install the programs from there
and run them. After you have IE access again, update all programs where
possible to get the latest definitions and run them again to be sure there
are no lingering items on the system.) Hopefully, you know someone with a
PC you can use that has CD burner capability, or go to a public library.

Understand that reinstalling IE or your OS at this point will not resolve
the problem, and may even make it worse, so please, DO NOT try to reinstall
anything until you have cleaned your system. Do the following, and the
parts you can't do from your PC, do from another, but, do them. We can't
do the work there for you there, so, this is your end of the partnership.
<g> However, if at any time you have a question or problem, post back here
and we'll help you work through it. OK? :-))
Please follow all instructions carefully:

Courtesy of Jim Byrd:

Sounds like this might be a variant of some malware called CoolWebSearch (if
CWShredder doesn't fix it, then see AdAware, SpyBot, and HijackThis, below,
in that order). Do the following:

Before you try to remove spyware using any of the programs below, download
both a copy of LSPFIX here:

AND a copy of Winsockfix
Directions here: ttid=257

The process of removing certain malware may kill your internet connection.
If this should occur, these programs, LSPFIX and WINSOCKFIX, will enable you
to regain your connection.

NOTE: It is reported that in XP SP2, the command netsh winsock reset
will fix this problem without the need for these programs.

All of the following removal tools should be run from Safe mode when
possible.Reboot and test if the malware is fixed after using each tool.

Download and run Stinger.exe, here:
avert/stinger.exe or from the link
on this page:

Download, from Trend Micro, here: along with the latest pattern
file, here: (You
might also
want to get Art's updater, SYS-UP.Zip, here for future updating of these: Place them in a dedicated folder after
appropriate unzipping, and then run. (If you download and use the updater
from the beginning, it will automatically handle downloading the other

Sometimes the tools below will find files which they are unable to delete
because they are in use. A program called Copylock, here, can aid in the process of
"replacing, moving, renaming or deleting one or many files which are
currently in use (e.g. system files like comctl32.dll, or virus/trojan

Download, UPDATE before running, and run: or here: or here: 17-150/ or here:
to remove the parasite. Be sure to close all instances of IE and OE.

There's a good tutorial about CWS and using CWShredder here:

BE SURE that you get v. or later!

You will need to show Hidden files first and then at the end clear the
malware garbage from your System Restore backups after you've cleaned up.
It's best to perform CWShredder (and most other malware fixers too) from
Safe mode and then reboot. AFTER cleaning things up, then you can disable
and then re-enable System Restore. See ******** below.

The following links give instructions on how to do these various functions:

HOW TO Restart in Safe Mode 2001052409420406

HOW TO Enable Hidden Files 2002092715262339

HOW TO Disable/Flush System Restore (do this at the end AFTER cleaning or
use the suggested procedure for XP at the ******'s) 2001111912274039

Then download and run: to restore your
tabs and remove any restrictions that the parasite has put in place.

Now download and run:
http://www.kellys-korner- to restore
your search functions if they've been affected (as they probably will have

Be sure that you also download and install hotfix Q816093, here:
which blocks the exploit upon which this parasite family depends.

However, this also indicates that you may have acquired some other malware
along the way. If you go to this page at Jim Eshelman's site, here: and wait a little bit (be patient), an analysis
of a number of possible parasites on your machine will be made to help you
identify and remove them. NOTE: You will need to disable Ad Blocking in Zone
Alarm 3.x or later, if present or any other Ad Blocking software which
interferes with Java Scripting for this scan to work. You should get a
message between the two lines of **** giving the results of the scan.

Get Ad-Aware SE Personal Edition, here: UPDATE, set it up in
accordance with this: or the
directions immediately below and run this regularly to get rid of most
"spyware/hijackware" on your machine. If it has to fix things, be sure to
re-boot and rerun AdAware again and repeat this cycle until you get a clean
scan. The reason is that it may have to remove things which are currently
"in use" before it can then clean up others. Configure Ad-aware for a
customized scan, and let it remove any bad files found.....

<Begin Setup Directions>
Then, courtesy of NonSuch at Lockergnome, open Ad-aware then click the gear
wheel at the top and check these options to configure Ad- aware for a
customized scan:

General> activate these: "Automatically save log-file" and "Automatically
quarantine objects prior to removal"

Scanning > activate these: "Scan within archives", "Scan active processes",
"Scan registry", "Deep scan registry," "Scan my IE Favorites for banned
sites," and "Scan my Hosts file"

Tweaks > Scanning Engine> activate this: "Unload recognized processes during

Tweaks > Cleaning Engine: activate these: "Automatically try to unregister
objects prior to deletion" and "Let Windows remove files in use after

Click "Proceed" to save your settings, then click "Start." Make sure
"Activate in-depth scan" is ticked green, then scan your system. When the
scan is finished, the screen will tell you if anything has been found, click
"Next." The bad files will be listed. Right click the pane and click "Select
all objects" - This will put a check mark in the box at the side, click
"Next" again and click "OK" at the prompt "# objects will be removed.
<End Setup Directions>

Courtesy of
Ad Aware is automatically shut-down by a malicious software, first run
AWCloak.exe,, before
opening Ad Aware. When AAWCloak is open, click "Activate Cloak". Than open
Ad Aware and scan your system.

Another excellent program for this purpose is SpyBot Search and Destroy
available here: SpyBot Support Forum here:
bin/forums/ikonboard.cgi. I recommend
using both normally. After UPDATING and fixing ONLY RED things with SpyBot
S&D, be sure to re-boot and rerun SpyBot again and repeat this cycle until
you get a clean "no red" scan. The reason is that SpyBot sometimes has to
remove things which are currently "in use" before it can then clean up

Note that sometimes you need to make a judgement call about what these
programs report as spyware. See here, for example:

Both of these programs should normally be UPDATED and run after doing any
other fix such as CWShredder and, as a minimum, normally at least once a

If they don't fix it then start here:

Download HijackThis, free, here: (Always download a new
fresh copy of HijackThis [and CWShredder also] - It's UPDATED frequently.)
You may also get it here if that link is blocked: id=3155&file=3&evp=3304750663b552982a8baee6434cfc13
or here:

In Windows Explorer, click on Tools|Folder Options|View and check "Show
hidden files and folders" and uncheck "Hide protected operating system
files". (You may want to restore these when you're all finished with

Place HijackThis.exe or unzip into its own dedicated folder
at the root level such as C:\HijackThis (NOT in a Temp folder or on your
Desktop), reboot to Safe mode, start HT (have ONLY HT running - IE MUST be
closed) then press Scan. Click on SaveLog when it's finished which will
create hijackthis.log. Now click the Config button, then Misc Tools and
click on Generate StartupList.log which will create Startuplist.txt

Then go to one of the following forums:

Spyware and Hijackware Removal Support, here:

or Net-Integration here: bin/forum/ikonboard.cgi?

or Tom Coyote here:
or Jim Eshelman's site here:
or Bleepingcomputer here:
or Computer Cops here:

Register if necessary, then sign in and READ THE DIRECTIONS at the beginning
of the particular site's HiJackThis forum, then copy and paste both files
into a message asking for assistance, Someone will answer with detailed
instructions for the removal of your parasite(s). Be sure you include at
the beginning of your post a description of "What specific
problem(s)/symptoms you're trying to solve" and "What steps you've already

ONLY IF you've successfully eliminated the malware, you can now make a new,
clean Restore Point and delete any previously saved (possibly infected)
ones. The following suggested approach is courtesy of Gary Woodruff: For XP
you can run a Disk Cleanup cycle and then look in the More Options tab. The
System Restore option removes all but the latest Restore Point. If there
hasn't been one made since the system was cleaned you should manually create
one before dumping the old possibly infected ones.

Once you get this cleaned up, you might want to consider installing Eric
Howes' IESpyAds, SpywareBlaster and SpywareGuard here to help prevent this
kind of thing from happening in the future:

IESpyads - "IE-
SPYAD adds
Hi Pussn :-)
I should have also mentioned in my first post that I have
absolutely no access to any of the four accounts on the
pc. As soon as I try one, it says 'loading personal
settings', then promptly shuts down, logging off etc. So
there is NO way I can install a program on that pc. I've
tried safe mode, and I'm still getting the same results.
This suuucks.
'k....hang on, I'm going to do some checking and I'll get back to you
shortly. :-)

Jan :)
Smiles are meant to be shared,
that's why they're so contagious.

Please reply to the newsgroup so others may benefit.
Replies are posted only to the newsgroup for the benefit or other readers.

How to make a good newsgroup post:
-----Original Message-----
Hi Pussn :-)

Don't give up so easy! So.....let's work together a bit here and
try to take back your PC. :-))

(NOTE: If you can not download these programs from the Internet, if
your PC has CD read capabilities, go to another computer with CD-
ROM burning capabilities. Create a folder on the hard drive of the
other computer called HOLD, download the programs to that folder,
then burn that folder to a CD. Copy the HOLD folder to your HD and
then install the programs from there and run them. After you have IE
access again, update all programs where possible to get the latest
definitions and run them again to be sure there are no lingering
items on the system.) Hopefully, you know someone with a PC you
can use that has CD burner capability, or go to a public library.

Understand that reinstalling IE or your OS at this point will not
resolve the problem, and may even make it worse, so please, DO NOT
try to reinstall anything until you have cleaned your system. Do
the following, and the parts you can't do from your PC, do from
another, but, do them. We can't do the work there for you there,
so, this is your end of the partnership. <g> However, if at any time
you have a question or problem, post back here and we'll help you
work through it. OK? :-))
Please follow all instructions carefully:

Courtesy of Jim Byrd:

Sounds like this might be a variant of some malware called
CoolWebSearch (if CWShredder doesn't fix it, then see AdAware,
SpyBot, and HijackThis, below, in that order). Do the following:

Before you try to remove spyware using any of the programs below,
download both a copy of LSPFIX here:

AND a copy of Winsockfix
Directions here: ttid=257

The process of removing certain malware may kill your internet
connection. If this should occur, these programs, LSPFIX and
WINSOCKFIX, will enable you to regain your connection.

NOTE: It is reported that in XP SP2, the command netsh winsock reset
will fix this problem without the need for these programs.

All of the following removal tools should be run from Safe mode when
possible.Reboot and test if the malware is fixed after using each
tool. #########IMPORTANT#########

Download and run Stinger.exe, here:
avert/stinger.exe or from the link
on this page:

Download, from Trend Micro, here: along with the latest
pattern file, here: (You
might also
want to get Art's updater, SYS-UP.Zip, here for future updating of
these: Place them in a dedicated
folder after appropriate unzipping, and then run. (If you download
and use the updater from the beginning, it will automatically handle
downloading the other files.)

Sometimes the tools below will find files which they are unable to
delete because they are in use. A program called Copylock, here, can aid in the
process of "replacing, moving, renaming or deleting one or many
files which are currently in use (e.g. system files like
comctl32.dll, or virus/trojan files.)"

Download, UPDATE before running, and run: or here: or here: 17-150/ or
to remove the parasite. Be sure to close all instances of IE and OE.

There's a good tutorial about CWS and using CWShredder here:

BE SURE that you get v. or later!

You will need to show Hidden files first and then at the end clear
the malware garbage from your System Restore backups after you've
cleaned up. It's best to perform CWShredder (and most other malware
fixers too) from Safe mode and then reboot. AFTER cleaning things
up, then you can disable and then re-enable System Restore. See
******** below.

The following links give instructions on how to do these various

HOW TO Restart in Safe Mode

HOW TO Enable Hidden Files

HOW TO Disable/Flush System Restore (do this at the end AFTER
cleaning or use the suggested procedure for XP at the ******'s)
2001111912274039 (WinXP)
2001012513122239 (WinME)

Then download and run: to restore
your tabs and remove any restrictions that the parasite has put in

Now download and run:
http://www.kellys-korner- to restore
your search functions if they've been affected (as they probably
will have been).

Be sure that you also download and install hotfix Q816093, here:
which blocks the exploit upon which this parasite family depends.

However, this also indicates that you may have acquired some other
malware along the way. If you go to this page at Jim Eshelman's
site, here: and wait a little bit (be
patient), an analysis of a number of possible parasites on your
machine will be made to help you identify and remove them. NOTE: You
will need to disable Ad Blocking in Zone Alarm 3.x or later, if
present or any other Ad Blocking software which interferes with Java
Scripting for this scan to work. You should get a message between
the two lines of **** giving the results of the scan.

Get Ad-Aware SE Personal Edition, here: UPDATE, set it up in
accordance with this: or the
directions immediately below and run this regularly to get rid of
most "spyware/hijackware" on your machine. If it has to fix
things, be sure to re-boot and rerun AdAware again and repeat this
cycle until you get a clean scan. The reason is that it may have to
remove things which are currently "in use" before it can then clean
up others. Configure Ad-aware for a customized scan, and let it
remove any bad files found.....

<Begin Setup Directions>
Then, courtesy of NonSuch at Lockergnome, open Ad-aware then click
the gear wheel at the top and check these options to configure Ad-
aware for a customized scan:

General> activate these: "Automatically save log-file" and
"Automatically quarantine objects prior to removal"

Scanning > activate these: "Scan within archives", "Scan active
processes", "Scan registry", "Deep scan registry," "Scan my IE
Favorites for banned sites," and "Scan my Hosts file"

Tweaks > Scanning Engine> activate this: "Unload recognized
processes during scanning."

Tweaks > Cleaning Engine: activate these: "Automatically try to
unregister objects prior to deletion" and "Let Windows remove files
in use after reboot."

Click "Proceed" to save your settings, then click "Start." Make sure
"Activate in-depth scan" is ticked green, then scan your system.
When the scan is finished, the screen will tell you if anything has
been found, click "Next." The bad files will be listed. Right click
the pane and click "Select all objects" - This will put a check mark
in the box at the side, click "Next" again and click "OK" at the
prompt "# objects will be removed. Continue?"
<End Setup Directions>

Courtesy of
Ad Aware is automatically shut-down by a malicious software, first
run AWCloak.exe,, before
opening Ad Aware. When AAWCloak is open, click "Activate Cloak".
Than open Ad Aware and scan your system.

Another excellent program for this purpose is SpyBot Search and
Destroy available here: SpyBot Support
Forum here:
bin/forums/ikonboard.cgi. I recommend
using both normally. After UPDATING and fixing ONLY RED things with
SpyBot S&D, be sure to re-boot and rerun SpyBot again and repeat
this cycle until you get a clean "no red" scan. The reason is that
SpyBot sometimes has to remove things which are currently "in use"
before it can then clean up others.

Note that sometimes you need to make a judgement call about what
these programs report as spyware. See here, for example:

Both of these programs should normally be UPDATED and run after
doing any other fix such as CWShredder and, as a minimum, normally
at least once a week.

If they don't fix it then start here:

Download HijackThis, free, here: (Always download
a new fresh copy of HijackThis [and CWShredder also] - It's UPDATED
frequently.) You may also get it here if that link is blocked: id=3155&file=3&evp=3304750663b552982a8baee6434cfc13
or here:

In Windows Explorer, click on Tools|Folder Options|View and check
"Show hidden files and folders" and uncheck "Hide protected
operating system files". (You may want to restore these when you're
all finished with HijackThis.)

Place HijackThis.exe or unzip into its own dedicated
folder at the root level such as C:\HijackThis (NOT in a Temp folder
or on your Desktop), reboot to Safe mode, start HT (have ONLY HT
running - IE MUST be closed) then press Scan. Click on SaveLog when
it's finished which will create hijackthis.log. Now click the Config
button, then Misc Tools and click on Generate StartupList.log which
will create Startuplist.txt

Then go to one of the following forums:

Spyware and Hijackware Removal Support, here:

or Net-Integration here: bin/forum/ikonboard.cgi?

or Tom Coyote here:
or Jim Eshelman's site here:
or Bleepingcomputer here:
or Computer Cops here:

Register if necessary, then sign in and READ THE DIRECTIONS at the
beginning of the particular site's HiJackThis forum, then copy and
paste both files into a message asking for assistance, Someone will
answer with detailed instructions for the removal of your
parasite(s). Be sure you include at the beginning of your post a
description of "What specific problem(s)/symptoms you're trying to
solve" and "What steps you've already taken."

ONLY IF you've successfully eliminated the malware, you can now make
a new, clean Restore Point and delete any previously saved (possibly
infected) ones. The following suggested approach is courtesy of Gary
Woodruff: For XP you can run a Disk Cleanup cycle and then look in
the More Options tab. The System Restore option removes all but the
latest Restore Point. If there hasn't been one made since the system
was cleaned you should manually create one before dumping the old
possibly infected ones. *******

Once you get this cleaned up, you might want to consider installing
Eric Howes' IESpyAds, SpywareBlaster and SpywareGuard here to help
prevent this kind of thing from happening in the future:

IESpyads - "IE-
SPYAD adds
a long list of sites and domains associated with known advertisers,
marketers, and crapware pushers to the Restricted sites zone of
Internet Explorer. Once you merge this list of sites and domains
into the Registry, the web sites for these companies will not be
able to use cookies, ActiveX controls, Java applets, or scripting to
compromise your privacy or your PC while you surf the Net. Nor will
they be able to use your browser to push unwanted pop-ups, cookies,
or auto-installing programs on your PC." Read carefully. (Prevents
malware Active X installs) (BTW, SpyWareBlaster is not memory resident ... no CPU or memory
load - but keep it UPDATED) The latest version as of this writing
will prevent installation or prevent the malware from running if it
is already installed, and it provides information and fixit-links
for a variety of parasites. (Monitors for
attempts to install malware) Keep it UPDATED. All three Very Highly

Finally, go to Windows Update and ensure that ALL Critical updates
are installed.

If these steps do not resolve your problem, please post back to this
thread with the details and any error messages.

Hope this helps

Jan :)
Smiles are meant to be shared,
that's why they're so contagious.

Please reply to the newsgroup so others may benefit.
Replies are posted only to the newsgroup for the benefit or other

How to make a good newsgroup post:

This might help..
See section "Unable to logon to Windows after removing BlazeFind using
spyware removal utility? " here:

Jan Il said:
Hi Pussn :-)
I should have also mentioned in my first post that I have
absolutely no access to any of the four accounts on the
pc. As soon as I try one, it says 'loading personal
settings', then promptly shuts down, logging off etc. So
there is NO way I can install a program on that pc. I've
tried safe mode, and I'm still getting the same results.
This suuucks.
'k....hang on, I'm going to do some checking and I'll get back to
shortly. :-)

Jan :)
Smiles are meant to be shared,
that's why they're so contagious.

Please reply to the newsgroup so others may benefit.
Replies are posted only to the newsgroup for the benefit or other

How to make a good newsgroup post:
-----Original Message-----
Hi Pussn :-)

Don't give up so easy! So.....let's work together a bit here and
try to take back your PC. :-))

(NOTE: If you can not download these programs from the Internet,
your PC has CD read capabilities, go to another computer with CD-
ROM burning capabilities. Create a folder on the hard drive of the
other computer called HOLD, download the programs to that folder,
then burn that folder to a CD. Copy the HOLD folder to your HD
then install the programs from there and run them. After you have
access again, update all programs where possible to get the latest
definitions and run them again to be sure there are no lingering
items on the system.) Hopefully, you know someone with a PC you
can use that has CD burner capability, or go to a public library.

Understand that reinstalling IE or your OS at this point will not
resolve the problem, and may even make it worse, so please, DO NOT
try to reinstall anything until you have cleaned your system. Do
the following, and the parts you can't do from your PC, do from
another, but, do them. We can't do the work there for you there,
so, this is your end of the partnership. <g> However, if at any
you have a question or problem, post back here and we'll help you
work through it. OK? :-))
Please follow all instructions carefully:

Courtesy of Jim Byrd:

Sounds like this might be a variant of some malware called
CoolWebSearch (if CWShredder doesn't fix it, then see AdAware,
SpyBot, and HijackThis, below, in that order). Do the following:

Before you try to remove spyware using any of the programs below,
download both a copy of LSPFIX here:

AND a copy of Winsockfix
Directions here: ttid=257

The process of removing certain malware may kill your internet
connection. If this should occur, these programs, LSPFIX and
WINSOCKFIX, will enable you to regain your connection.

NOTE: It is reported that in XP SP2, the command netsh winsock reset
will fix this problem without the need for these programs.

All of the following removal tools should be run from Safe mode
possible.Reboot and test if the malware is fixed after using each
tool. #########IMPORTANT#########

Download and run Stinger.exe, here:
avert/stinger.exe or from the link
on this page:

Download, from Trend Micro, here: along with the latest
pattern file, here: (You
might also
want to get Art's updater, SYS-UP.Zip, here for future updating of
these: Place them in a dedicated
folder after appropriate unzipping, and then run. (If you
and use the updater from the beginning, it will automatically
downloading the other files.)

Sometimes the tools below will find files which they are unable to
delete because they are in use. A program called Copylock, here, can aid in the
process of "replacing, moving, renaming or deleting one or many
files which are currently in use (e.g. system files like
comctl32.dll, or virus/trojan files.)"

Download, UPDATE before running, and run: or here: or here: 17-150/
to remove the parasite. Be sure to close all instances of IE and

There's a good tutorial about CWS and using CWShredder here:

BE SURE that you get v. or later!

You will need to show Hidden files first and then at the end clear
the malware garbage from your System Restore backups after you've
cleaned up. It's best to perform CWShredder (and most other
fixers too) from Safe mode and then reboot. AFTER cleaning things
up, then you can disable and then re-enable System Restore. See
******** below.

The following links give instructions on how to do these various

HOW TO Restart in Safe Mode

HOW TO Enable Hidden Files

HOW TO Disable/Flush System Restore (do this at the end AFTER
cleaning or use the suggested procedure for XP at the ******'s)
2001111912274039 (WinXP)
2001012513122239 (WinME)

Then download and run: to
your tabs and remove any restrictions that the parasite has put in

Now download and run:
http://www.kellys-korner- to restore
your search functions if they've been affected (as they probably
will have been).

Be sure that you also download and install hotfix Q816093, here:
which blocks the exploit upon which this parasite family depends.

However, this also indicates that you may have acquired some other
malware along the way. If you go to this page at Jim Eshelman's
site, here: and wait a little bit (be
patient), an analysis of a number of possible parasites on your
machine will be made to help you identify and remove them. NOTE:
will need to disable Ad Blocking in Zone Alarm 3.x or later, if
present or any other Ad Blocking software which interferes with
Scripting for this scan to work. You should get a message between
the two lines of **** giving the results of the scan.

Get Ad-Aware SE Personal Edition, here: UPDATE, set it up
accordance with this: or the
directions immediately below and run this regularly to get rid of
most "spyware/hijackware" on your machine. If it has to fix
things, be sure to re-boot and rerun AdAware again and repeat this
cycle until you get a clean scan. The reason is that it may have
remove things which are currently "in use" before it can then
up others. Configure Ad-aware for a customized scan, and let it
remove any bad files found.....

<Begin Setup Directions>
Then, courtesy of NonSuch at Lockergnome, open Ad-aware then click
the gear wheel at the top and check these options to configure Ad-
aware for a customized scan:

General> activate these: "Automatically save log-file" and
"Automatically quarantine objects prior to removal"

Scanning > activate these: "Scan within archives", "Scan active
processes", "Scan registry", "Deep scan registry," "Scan my IE
Favorites for banned sites," and "Scan my Hosts file"

Tweaks > Scanning Engine> activate this: "Unload recognized
processes during scanning."

Tweaks > Cleaning Engine: activate these: "Automatically try to
unregister objects prior to deletion" and "Let Windows remove
in use after reboot."

Click "Proceed" to save your settings, then click "Start." Make sure
"Activate in-depth scan" is ticked green, then scan your system.
When the scan is finished, the screen will tell you if anything
been found, click "Next." The bad files will be listed. Right
the pane and click "Select all objects" - This will put a check
in the box at the side, click "Next" again and click "OK" at the
prompt "# objects will be removed. Continue?"
<End Setup Directions>

Courtesy of
Ad Aware is automatically shut-down by a malicious software, first
run AWCloak.exe,, before
opening Ad Aware. When AAWCloak is open, click "Activate Cloak".
Than open Ad Aware and scan your system.

Another excellent program for this purpose is SpyBot Search and
Destroy available here: SpyBot Support
Forum here:
bin/forums/ikonboard.cgi. I recommend
using both normally. After UPDATING and fixing ONLY RED things
SpyBot S&D, be sure to re-boot and rerun SpyBot again and repeat
this cycle until you get a clean "no red" scan. The reason is
SpyBot sometimes has to remove things which are currently "in use"
before it can then clean up others.

Note that sometimes you need to make a judgement call about what
these programs report as spyware. See here, for example:

Both of these programs should normally be UPDATED and run after
doing any other fix such as CWShredder and, as a minimum, normally
at least once a week.

If they don't fix it then start here:

Download HijackThis, free, here: (Always
a new fresh copy of HijackThis [and CWShredder also] - It's
frequently.) You may also get it here if that link is blocked: id=3155&file=3&evp=3304750663b552982a8baee6434cfc13
or here:

In Windows Explorer, click on Tools|Folder Options|View and check
"Show hidden files and folders" and uncheck "Hide protected
operating system files". (You may want to restore these when
all finished with HijackThis.)

Place HijackThis.exe or unzip into its own
folder at the root level such as C:\HijackThis (NOT in a Temp
or on your Desktop), reboot to Safe mode, start HT (have ONLY HT
running - IE MUST be closed) then press Scan. Click on SaveLog
it's finished which will create hijackthis.log. Now click the
button, then Misc Tools and click on Generate StartupList.log
will create Startuplist.txt

Then go to one of the following forums:

Spyware and Hijackware Removal Support, here:

or Net-Integration here: bin/forum/ikonboard.cgi?

or Tom Coyote here:
or Jim Eshelman's site here:
or Bleepingcomputer here:
or Computer Cops here:

Register if necessary, then sign in and READ THE DIRECTIONS at the
beginning of the particular site's HiJackThis forum, then copy and
paste both files into a message asking for assistance, Someone
answer with detailed instructions for the removal of your
parasite(s). Be sure you include at the beginning of your post a
description of "What specific problem(s)/symptoms you're trying to
solve" and "What steps you've already taken."

ONLY IF you've successfully eliminated the malware, you can now
a new, clean Restore Point and delete any previously saved
infected) ones. The following suggested approach is courtesy of
Woodruff: For XP you can run a Disk Cleanup cycle and then look
the More Options tab. The System Restore option removes all but
latest Restore Point. If there hasn't been one made since the
was cleaned you should manually create one before dumping the old
possibly infected ones. *******

Once you get this cleaned up, you might want to consider
Eric Howes' IESpyAds, SpywareBlaster and SpywareGuard here to help
prevent this kind of thing from happening in the future:

IESpyads - "IE-
SPYAD adds
a long list of sites and domains associated with known
marketers, and crapware pushers to the Restricted sites zone of
Internet Explorer. Once you merge this list of sites and domains
into the Registry, the web sites for these companies will not be
able to use cookies, ActiveX controls, Java applets, or scripting
compromise your privacy or your PC while you surf the Net. Nor
they be able to use your browser to push unwanted pop-ups,
or auto-installing programs on your PC." Read carefully. (Prevents
malware Active X installs) (BTW, SpyWareBlaster is not memory resident ... no CPU or memory
load - but keep it UPDATED) The latest version as of this writing
will prevent installation or prevent the malware from running if
is already installed, and it provides information and fixit-links
for a variety of parasites. (Monitors for
attempts to install malware) Keep it UPDATED. All three Very

Finally, go to Windows Update and ensure that ALL Critical updates
are installed.

If these steps do not resolve your problem, please post back to
thread with the details and any error messages.

Hope this helps

Jan :)
Smiles are meant to be shared,
that's why they're so contagious.

Please reply to the newsgroup so others may benefit.
Replies are posted only to the newsgroup for the benefit or other

How to make a good newsgroup post:

-----Original Message-----
Hi again

I'm still having a problem with IE6! OS is XP with
SP2 (I'm assuming, I see windows SR 2.0 in my programs
list), and I think I've been attacked by a virus or
whatever is out there that's taken out my browser. It
comes up but doesn't connect to the internet. I've gone
to Microsoft to download it again, but it still doesn't
I've gone back to several posts screaming for help
but the responses are a little confusing to this still
newbie. Registry? Backing it up? How does one do that?
How does one check it for viruses? I think what I need
here is someone to lead me by the hand, I'm that nervous
about digging around that deep inside the pc. Or would it
better for me just to scrub everything clean (format) and
start fresh?
So, is there anyone out there willing to give this
ole gal a helping hand? Please? I'll bake you a pie ;O)

Regards and thanks in advance, Pussn

PS-Not much meat to the info, I know, so please, go ahead
and ask! I just don't know what else to add. Thanks

Never mind....whatever it was that took out my browser
has now locked me out completly from the pc, can't even
get into my own account. Nothing. Stoopit hackers. I hate
em all!

How to obtain Windows XP Setup boot disks;en-us;Q310994

Scroll to the bottom and get the disks for your OS (Home or Pro) and
for the right service pack. You will need 6 floppies. Download the
program and when you double click it it will ask for the floppies.
Hope this helps.

Ricky said:
This might help..
See section "Unable to logon to Windows after removing BlazeFind
using a
spyware removal utility? " here:

Jan Il said:
Hi Pussn :-)
I should have also mentioned in my first post that I have
absolutely no access to any of the four accounts on the
pc. As soon as I try one, it says 'loading personal
settings', then promptly shuts down, logging off etc. So
there is NO way I can install a program on that pc. I've
tried safe mode, and I'm still getting the same results.
This suuucks.
'k....hang on, I'm going to do some checking and I'll get back to
shortly. :-)

Jan :)
Smiles are meant to be shared,
that's why they're so contagious.

Please reply to the newsgroup so others may benefit.
Replies are posted only to the newsgroup for the benefit or other

How to make a good newsgroup post:
-----Original Message-----
Hi Pussn :-)

Don't give up so easy! So.....let's work together a bit here and
try to take back your PC. :-))

(NOTE: If you can not download these programs from the Internet,
your PC has CD read capabilities, go to another computer with CD-
ROM burning capabilities. Create a folder on the hard drive of
other computer called HOLD, download the programs to that folder,
then burn that folder to a CD. Copy the HOLD folder to your HD
then install the programs from there and run them. After you have
access again, update all programs where possible to get the
definitions and run them again to be sure there are no lingering
items on the system.) Hopefully, you know someone with a PC you
can use that has CD burner capability, or go to a public library.

Understand that reinstalling IE or your OS at this point will not
resolve the problem, and may even make it worse, so please, DO
try to reinstall anything until you have cleaned your system. Do
the following, and the parts you can't do from your PC, do from
another, but, do them. We can't do the work there for you
so, this is your end of the partnership. <g> However, if at any
you have a question or problem, post back here and we'll help you
work through it. OK? :-))
Please follow all instructions carefully:

Courtesy of Jim Byrd:

Sounds like this might be a variant of some malware called
CoolWebSearch (if CWShredder doesn't fix it, then see AdAware,
SpyBot, and HijackThis, below, in that order). Do the following:

Before you try to remove spyware using any of the programs below,
download both a copy of LSPFIX here:

AND a copy of Winsockfix
Directions here: ttid=257

The process of removing certain malware may kill your internet
connection. If this should occur, these programs, LSPFIX and
WINSOCKFIX, will enable you to regain your connection.

NOTE: It is reported that in XP SP2, the command
netsh winsock reset
will fix this problem without the need for these programs.

All of the following removal tools should be run from Safe mode
possible.Reboot and test if the malware is fixed after using each
tool. #########IMPORTANT#########

Download and run Stinger.exe, here:
avert/stinger.exe or from the link
on this page:

Download, from Trend Micro, here: along with the latest
pattern file, here: (You
might also
want to get Art's updater, SYS-UP.Zip, here for future updating
these: Place them in a
folder after appropriate unzipping, and then run. (If you
and use the updater from the beginning, it will automatically
downloading the other files.)

Sometimes the tools below will find files which they are unable
delete because they are in use. A program called Copylock, here, can aid in the
process of "replacing, moving, renaming or deleting one or many
files which are currently in use (e.g. system files like
comctl32.dll, or virus/trojan files.)"

Download, UPDATE before running, and run: or here: or here: 17-150/
to remove the parasite. Be sure to close all instances of IE and

There's a good tutorial about CWS and using CWShredder here:

BE SURE that you get v. or later!

You will need to show Hidden files first and then at the end
the malware garbage from your System Restore backups after you've
cleaned up. It's best to perform CWShredder (and most other
fixers too) from Safe mode and then reboot. AFTER cleaning things
up, then you can disable and then re-enable System Restore. See
******** below.

The following links give instructions on how to do these various

HOW TO Restart in Safe Mode

HOW TO Enable Hidden Files

HOW TO Disable/Flush System Restore (do this at the end AFTER
cleaning or use the suggested procedure for XP at the ******'s)
2001111912274039 (WinXP)
2001012513122239 (WinME)

Then download and run: to
your tabs and remove any restrictions that the parasite has put

Now download and run:
http://www.kellys-korner- to restore
your search functions if they've been affected (as they probably
will have been).

Be sure that you also download and install hotfix Q816093, here:
which blocks the exploit upon which this parasite family depends.

However, this also indicates that you may have acquired some
malware along the way. If you go to this page at Jim Eshelman's
site, here: and wait a little bit
patient), an analysis of a number of possible parasites on your
machine will be made to help you identify and remove them. NOTE:
will need to disable Ad Blocking in Zone Alarm 3.x or later, if
present or any other Ad Blocking software which interferes with
Scripting for this scan to work. You should get a message between
the two lines of **** giving the results of the scan.

Get Ad-Aware SE Personal Edition, here: UPDATE, set it up
accordance with this: or the
directions immediately below and run this regularly to get rid of
most "spyware/hijackware" on your machine. If it has to fix
things, be sure to re-boot and rerun AdAware again and repeat
cycle until you get a clean scan. The reason is that it may have
remove things which are currently "in use" before it can then
up others. Configure Ad-aware for a customized scan, and let it
remove any bad files found.....

<Begin Setup Directions>
Then, courtesy of NonSuch at Lockergnome, open Ad-aware then
the gear wheel at the top and check these options to configure
aware for a customized scan:

General> activate these: "Automatically save log-file" and
"Automatically quarantine objects prior to removal"

Scanning > activate these: "Scan within archives", "Scan active
processes", "Scan registry", "Deep scan registry," "Scan my IE
Favorites for banned sites," and "Scan my Hosts file"

Tweaks > Scanning Engine> activate this: "Unload recognized
processes during scanning."

Tweaks > Cleaning Engine: activate these: "Automatically try to
unregister objects prior to deletion" and "Let Windows remove
in use after reboot."

Click "Proceed" to save your settings, then
click "Start." Make sure
"Activate in-depth scan" is ticked green, then scan your system.
When the scan is finished, the screen will tell you if anything
been found, click "Next." The bad files will be listed. Right
the pane and click "Select all objects" - This will put a check
in the box at the side, click "Next" again and click "OK" at the
prompt "# objects will be removed. Continue?"
<End Setup Directions>

Courtesy of
Ad Aware is automatically shut-down by a malicious software,
run AWCloak.exe,, before
opening Ad Aware. When AAWCloak is open, click "Activate Cloak".
Than open Ad Aware and scan your system.

Another excellent program for this purpose is SpyBot Search and
Destroy available here: SpyBot
Forum here:
bin/forums/ikonboard.cgi. I recommend
using both normally. After UPDATING and fixing ONLY RED things
SpyBot S&D, be sure to re-boot and rerun SpyBot again and repeat
this cycle until you get a clean "no red" scan. The reason is
SpyBot sometimes has to remove things which are currently "in
before it can then clean up others.

Note that sometimes you need to make a judgement call about what
these programs report as spyware. See here, for example:

Both of these programs should normally be UPDATED and run after
doing any other fix such as CWShredder and, as a minimum,
at least once a week.

If they don't fix it then start here:

Download HijackThis, free, here: (Always
a new fresh copy of HijackThis [and CWShredder also] - It's
frequently.) You may also get it here if that link is blocked:
or here:

In Windows Explorer, click on Tools|Folder Options|View and check
"Show hidden files and folders" and uncheck "Hide protected
operating system files". (You may want to restore these when
all finished with HijackThis.)

Place HijackThis.exe or unzip into its own
folder at the root level such as C:\HijackThis (NOT in a Temp
or on your Desktop), reboot to Safe mode, start HT (have ONLY HT
running - IE MUST be closed) then press Scan. Click on SaveLog
it's finished which will create hijackthis.log. Now click the
button, then Misc Tools and click on Generate StartupList.log
will create Startuplist.txt

Then go to one of the following forums:

Spyware and Hijackware Removal Support, here:

or Net-Integration here:

or Tom Coyote here:
or Jim Eshelman's site here:
or Bleepingcomputer here:
or Computer Cops here:

Register if necessary, then sign in and READ THE DIRECTIONS at
beginning of the particular site's HiJackThis forum, then copy
paste both files into a message asking for assistance, Someone
answer with detailed instructions for the removal of your
parasite(s). Be sure you include at the beginning of your post a
description of "What specific problem(s)/symptoms you're trying
solve" and "What steps you've already taken."

ONLY IF you've successfully eliminated the malware, you can now
a new, clean Restore Point and delete any previously saved
infected) ones. The following suggested approach is courtesy of
Woodruff: For XP you can run a Disk Cleanup cycle and then look
the More Options tab. The System Restore option removes all but
latest Restore Point. If there hasn't been one made since the
was cleaned you should manually create one before dumping the old
possibly infected ones. *******

Once you get this cleaned up, you might want to consider
Eric Howes' IESpyAds, SpywareBlaster and SpywareGuard here to
prevent this kind of thing from happening in the future:

IESpyads - "IE-
SPYAD adds
a long list of sites and domains associated with known
marketers, and crapware pushers to the Restricted sites zone of
Internet Explorer. Once you merge this list of sites and domains
into the Registry, the web sites for these companies will not be
able to use cookies, ActiveX controls, Java applets, or scripting
compromise your privacy or your PC while you surf the Net. Nor
they be able to use your browser to push unwanted pop-ups,
or auto-installing programs on your PC." Read carefully. (Prevents
malware Active X installs) (BTW, SpyWareBlaster is not memory
resident ... no CPU or memory
load - but keep it UPDATED) The latest version as of this writing
will prevent installation or prevent the malware from running if
is already installed, and it provides information and fixit-links
for a variety of parasites. (Monitors for
attempts to install malware) Keep it UPDATED. All three Very

Finally, go to Windows Update and ensure that ALL Critical
are installed.

If these steps do not resolve your problem, please post back to
thread with the details and any error messages.

Hope this helps

Jan :)
Smiles are meant to be shared,
that's why they're so contagious.

Please reply to the newsgroup so others may benefit.
Replies are posted only to the newsgroup for the benefit or other

How to make a good newsgroup post:

-----Original Message-----
Hi again

I'm still having a problem with IE6! OS is XP with
SP2 (I'm assuming, I see windows SR 2.0 in my programs
list), and I think I've been attacked by a virus or
whatever is out there that's taken out my browser. It
comes up but doesn't connect to the internet. I've gone
to Microsoft to download it again, but it still doesn't
I've gone back to several posts screaming for help
but the responses are a little confusing to this still
newbie. Registry? Backing it up? How does one do that?
How does one check it for viruses? I think what I need
here is someone to lead me by the hand, I'm that nervous
about digging around that deep inside the pc. Or would it
better for me just to scrub everything clean (format) and
start fresh?
So, is there anyone out there willing to give this
ole gal a helping hand? Please? I'll bake you a
pie ;O)

Regards and thanks in advance, Pussn

PS-Not much meat to the info, I know, so please, go ahead
and ask! I just don't know what else to add. Thanks

Never mind....whatever it was that took out my browser
has now locked me out completly from the pc, can't even
get into my own account. Nothing. Stoopit hackers. I hate
em all!

Hi Pussn :-)
I should have also mentioned in my first post that I have
absolutely no access to any of the four accounts on the
pc. As soon as I try one, it says 'loading personal
settings', then promptly shuts down, logging off etc. So
there is NO way I can install a program on that pc. I've
tried safe mode, and I'm still getting the same results.
This suuucks.

Okie Doke! Here are a couple of AV's you can use and run from DOS, and
hopefully, they may kill enough of the junkware to allow you access the
Windows Explorer and run the other cleaning programs.

F-Prot - Home Use - Free

Here is how to create the 3.5 floppy disks to run it from.
Follow all the instructions carefully. Prepare the floppy's from the other
mahcine to run on yours.

and ......

AVG6 Free:

Copy AVG files to the hard drive and then follow the steps here:

Start the computer in MS-DOS mode (hold down F8 key while computer is
booting up, then from Windows start-up menu select "start in MS-DOS mode" or
"Command prompt only").
Switch to AVG Anti-Virus destination folder using these steps (assuming this
is the path AVG is installed to) C:\Program Files\Grisoft\AVG6 as
destination folder):
Start AVG for MS-DOS application: avg
In this DOS application, every feature could be selected by pressing the key
with other color (or the key in combination with ALT key). So it is
necessary to choose the Test menu, Complete test item, and start the test.
Select "Heal virus"
In case of infectiuon of some system files should be necessary to reinstall
operating system, to restore the files from backup or to extract the files
from installation *.cab archives .

Or...install the AVG on the other machine and then burn the folder to the
CD. Try to copy the folder to the hard drive of your machine and run from
there, but, it not, then try to run it from the CD, using the path to the CD
as the location. Don't know about that for sure, can try. :-)

Please post back with the results and any error messages you may get.

Jan :)
Smiles are meant to be shared,
that's why they're so contagious.

Please reply to the newsgroup so others may benefit.
Replies are posted only to the newsgroup for the benefit or other readers.

How to make a good newsgroup post:

-----Original Message-----
Hi Pussn :-)

Don't give up so easy! So.....let's work together a bit here and
try to take back your PC. :-))

(NOTE: If you can not download these programs from the Internet, if
your PC has CD read capabilities, go to another computer with CD-
ROM burning capabilities. Create a folder on the hard drive of the
other computer called HOLD, download the programs to that folder,
then burn that folder to a CD. Copy the HOLD folder to your HD and
then install the programs from there and run them. After you have IE
access again, update all programs where possible to get the latest
definitions and run them again to be sure there are no lingering
items on the system.) Hopefully, you know someone with a PC you
can use that has CD burner capability, or go to a public library.

Understand that reinstalling IE or your OS at this point will not
resolve the problem, and may even make it worse, so please, DO NOT
try to reinstall anything until you have cleaned your system. Do
the following, and the parts you can't do from your PC, do from
another, but, do them. We can't do the work there for you there,
so, this is your end of the partnership. <g> However, if at any time
you have a question or problem, post back here and we'll help you
work through it. OK? :-))
Please follow all instructions carefully:

Courtesy of Jim Byrd:

Sounds like this might be a variant of some malware called
CoolWebSearch (if CWShredder doesn't fix it, then see AdAware,
SpyBot, and HijackThis, below, in that order). Do the following:

Before you try to remove spyware using any of the programs below,
download both a copy of LSPFIX here:

AND a copy of Winsockfix
Directions here: ttid=257

The process of removing certain malware may kill your internet
connection. If this should occur, these programs, LSPFIX and
WINSOCKFIX, will enable you to regain your connection.

NOTE: It is reported that in XP SP2, the command netsh winsock reset
will fix this problem without the need for these programs.

All of the following removal tools should be run from Safe mode when
possible.Reboot and test if the malware is fixed after using each
tool. #########IMPORTANT#########

Download and run Stinger.exe, here:
avert/stinger.exe or from the link
on this page:

Download, from Trend Micro, here: along with the latest
pattern file, here: (You
might also
want to get Art's updater, SYS-UP.Zip, here for future updating of
these: Place them in a dedicated
folder after appropriate unzipping, and then run. (If you download
and use the updater from the beginning, it will automatically handle
downloading the other files.)

Sometimes the tools below will find files which they are unable to
delete because they are in use. A program called Copylock, here, can aid in the
process of "replacing, moving, renaming or deleting one or many
files which are currently in use (e.g. system files like
comctl32.dll, or virus/trojan files.)"

Download, UPDATE before running, and run: or here: or here: 17-150/ or
to remove the parasite. Be sure to close all instances of IE and OE.

There's a good tutorial about CWS and using CWShredder here:

BE SURE that you get v. or later!

You will need to show Hidden files first and then at the end clear
the malware garbage from your System Restore backups after you've
cleaned up. It's best to perform CWShredder (and most other malware
fixers too) from Safe mode and then reboot. AFTER cleaning things
up, then you can disable and then re-enable System Restore. See
******** below.

The following links give instructions on how to do these various

HOW TO Restart in Safe Mode

HOW TO Enable Hidden Files

HOW TO Disable/Flush System Restore (do this at the end AFTER
cleaning or use the suggested procedure for XP at the ******'s)
2001111912274039 (WinXP)
2001012513122239 (WinME)

Then download and run: to restore
your tabs and remove any restrictions that the parasite has put in

Now download and run:
http://www.kellys-korner- to restore
your search functions if they've been affected (as they probably
will have been).

Be sure that you also download and install hotfix Q816093, here:
which blocks the exploit upon which this parasite family depends.

However, this also indicates that you may have acquired some other
malware along the way. If you go to this page at Jim Eshelman's
site, here: and wait a little bit (be
patient), an analysis of a number of possible parasites on your
machine will be made to help you identify and remove them. NOTE: You
will need to disable Ad Blocking in Zone Alarm 3.x or later, if
present or any other Ad Blocking software which interferes with Java
Scripting for this scan to work. You should get a message between
the two lines of **** giving the results of the scan.

Get Ad-Aware SE Personal Edition, here: UPDATE, set it up in
accordance with this: or the
directions immediately below and run this regularly to get rid of
most "spyware/hijackware" on your machine. If it has to fix
things, be sure to re-boot and rerun AdAware again and repeat this
cycle until you get a clean scan. The reason is that it may have to
remove things which are currently "in use" before it can then clean
up others. Configure Ad-aware for a customized scan, and let it
remove any bad files found.....

<Begin Setup Directions>
Then, courtesy of NonSuch at Lockergnome, open Ad-aware then click
the gear wheel at the top and check these options to configure Ad-
aware for a customized scan:

General> activate these: "Automatically save log-file" and
"Automatically quarantine objects prior to removal"

Scanning > activate these: "Scan within archives", "Scan active
processes", "Scan registry", "Deep scan registry," "Scan my IE
Favorites for banned sites," and "Scan my Hosts file"

Tweaks > Scanning Engine> activate this: "Unload recognized
processes during scanning."

Tweaks > Cleaning Engine: activate these: "Automatically try to
unregister objects prior to deletion" and "Let Windows remove files
in use after reboot."

Click "Proceed" to save your settings, then click "Start." Make sure
"Activate in-depth scan" is ticked green, then scan your system.
When the scan is finished, the screen will tell you if anything has
been found, click "Next." The bad files will be listed. Right click
the pane and click "Select all objects" - This will put a check mark
in the box at the side, click "Next" again and click "OK" at the
prompt "# objects will be removed. Continue?"
<End Setup Directions>

Courtesy of
Ad Aware is automatically shut-down by a malicious software, first
run AWCloak.exe,, before
opening Ad Aware. When AAWCloak is open, click "Activate Cloak".
Than open Ad Aware and scan your system.

Another excellent program for this purpose is SpyBot Search and
Destroy available here: SpyBot Support
Forum here:
bin/forums/ikonboard.cgi. I recommend
using both normally. After UPDATING and fixing ONLY RED things with
SpyBot S&D, be sure to re-boot and rerun SpyBot again and repeat
this cycle until you get a clean "no red" scan. The reason is that
SpyBot sometimes has to remove things which are currently "in use"
before it can then clean up others.

Note that sometimes you need to make a judgement call about what
these programs report as spyware. See here, for example:

Both of these programs should normally be UPDATED and run after
doing any other fix such as CWShredder and, as a minimum, normally
at least once a week.

If they don't fix it then start here:

Download HijackThis, free, here: (Always download
a new fresh copy of HijackThis [and CWShredder also] - It's UPDATED
frequently.) You may also get it here if that link is blocked: id=3155&file=3&evp=3304750663b552982a8baee6434cfc13
or here:

In Windows Explorer, click on Tools|Folder Options|View and check
"Show hidden files and folders" and uncheck "Hide protected
operating system files". (You may want to restore these when you're
all finished with HijackThis.)

Place HijackThis.exe or unzip into its own dedicated
folder at the root level such as C:\HijackThis (NOT in a Temp folder
or on your Desktop), reboot to Safe mode, start HT (have ONLY HT
running - IE MUST be closed) then press Scan. Click on SaveLog when
it's finished which will create hijackthis.log. Now click the Config
button, then Misc Tools and click on Generate StartupList.log which
will create Startuplist.txt

Then go to one of the following forums:

Spyware and Hijackware Removal Support, here:

or Net-Integration here: bin/forum/ikonboard.cgi?

or Tom Coyote here:
or Jim Eshelman's site here:
or Bleepingcomputer here:
or Computer Cops here:

Register if necessary, then sign in and READ THE DIRECTIONS at the
beginning of the particular site's HiJackThis forum, then copy and
paste both files into a message asking for assistance, Someone will
answer with detailed instructions for the removal of your
parasite(s). Be sure you include at the beginning of your post a
description of "What specific problem(s)/symptoms you're trying to
solve" and "What steps you've already taken."

ONLY IF you've successfully eliminated the malware, you can now make
a new, clean Restore Point and delete any previously saved (possibly
infected) ones. The following suggested approach is courtesy of Gary
Woodruff: For XP you can run a Disk Cleanup cycle and then look in
the More Options tab. The System Restore option removes all but the
latest Restore Point. If there hasn't been one made since the system
was cleaned you should manually create one before dumping the old
possibly infected ones. *******

Once you get this cleaned up, you might want to consider installing
Eric Howes' IESpyAds, SpywareBlaster and SpywareGuard here to help
prevent this kind of thing from happening in the future:

IESpyads - "IE-
SPYAD adds
a long list of sites and domains associated with known advertisers,
marketers, and crapware pushers to the Restricted sites zone of
Internet Explorer. Once you merge this list of sites and domains
into the Registry, the web sites for these companies will not be
able to use cookies, ActiveX controls, Java applets, or scripting to
compromise your privacy or your PC while you surf the Net. Nor will
they be able to use your browser to push unwanted pop-ups, cookies,
or auto-installing programs on your PC." Read carefully. (Prevents
malware Active X installs) (BTW, SpyWareBlaster is not memory resident ... no CPU or memory
load - but keep it UPDATED) The latest version as of this writing
will prevent installation or prevent the malware from running if it
is already installed, and it provides information and fixit-links
for a variety of parasites. (Monitors for
attempts to install malware) Keep it UPDATED. All three Very Highly

Finally, go to Windows Update and ensure that ALL Critical updates
are installed.

If these steps do not resolve your problem, please post back to this
thread with the details and any error messages.

Hope this helps

Jan :)
Smiles are meant to be shared,
that's why they're so contagious.

Please reply to the newsgroup so others may benefit.
Replies are posted only to the newsgroup for the benefit or other

How to make a good newsgroup post:

HI Jan!

I had my brother in law to come up yesterday to give
me a hand and we tried some things before you post came
up. I apologize ahead also for the lenghty post, but like
your credo is, information for the masses to share is the
way to go.
When I was giving up, I was at the point where the
Welcome page came up, but it would not let you log on,
instead it would immediatly log you off. That was no
good, since I couldn't do anything. I took Rick's
suggestion and checked out the sites he posted and though
I found some interesting info, I didn't delve too deep in
the registry because I wasn't comfortable with it.
It was suggested in one of those sites to boot from
the OS CD and go into the recovery mode to do some
tinkering in there but I ran into a wall there until I
realized I did a newbie move and hadn't put the CD as the
#1 boot sequence, which finally worked once I rectified
that embarassement.
Bro in law did some tinkering in there, explaining
as he worked away, but some of it was over my head, so I
can't really share what I didn't understand. We weren't
making headway in there, so it was decided that we would
re-install Windows (but not play with the data). That
worked VERY well, but I had a problem with MY documents
(kids worked fine) because I had password protected my
account. When I try to open MY documents, it says I can't
access it. So now, to finally finish what I started (and
some other problems that fell into my lap)the only thing
left is to find out how to crack into that My document,
the original one before I reinstalled Windows.
I apologize, after all the research you probably did,
that I had gone another route. I hope you, or anybody
else, can help me figure out this last problem.

Thanks a million!

-----Original Message-----
Hi Pussn :-)

Okie Doke! Here are a couple of AV's you can use and run from DOS, and
hopefully, they may kill enough of the junkware to allow you access the
Windows Explorer and run the other cleaning programs.

F-Prot - Home Use - Free

Here is how to create the 3.5 floppy disks to run it from.
Follow all the instructions carefully. Prepare the floppy's from the other
mahcine to run on yours.

and ......

AVG6 Free:

Copy AVG files to the hard drive and then follow the steps here:

Start the computer in MS-DOS mode (hold down F8 key while computer is
booting up, then from Windows start-up menu
select "start in MS-DOS mode" or
"Command prompt only").
Switch to AVG Anti-Virus destination folder using these steps (assuming this
is the path AVG is installed to) C:\Program Files\Grisoft\AVG6 as
destination folder):
Start AVG for MS-DOS application: avg
In this DOS application, every feature could be selected by pressing the key
with other color (or the key in combination with ALT key). So it is
necessary to choose the Test menu, Complete test item, and start the test.
Select "Heal virus"
In case of infectiuon of some system files should be necessary to reinstall
operating system, to restore the files from backup or to extract the files
from installation *.cab archives .

Or...install the AVG on the other machine and then burn the folder to the
CD. Try to copy the folder to the hard drive of your machine and run from
there, but, it not, then try to run it from the CD, using the path to the CD
as the location. Don't know about that for sure, can try. :-)

Please post back with the results and any error messages you may get.

Jan :)
Smiles are meant to be shared,
that's why they're so contagious.

Please reply to the newsgroup so others may benefit.
Replies are posted only to the newsgroup for the benefit or other readers.

How to make a good newsgroup post:
17-150/ or
to remove the parasite. Be sure to close all instances of IE and OE.

There's a good tutorial about CWS and using CWShredder here:

BE SURE that you get v. or later!

You will need to show Hidden files first and then at the end clear
the malware garbage from your System Restore backups after you've
cleaned up. It's best to perform CWShredder (and most other malware
fixers too) from Safe mode and then reboot. AFTER cleaning things
up, then you can disable and then re-enable System Restore. See
******** below.

The following links give instructions on how to do these various

HOW TO Restart in Safe Mode

HOW TO Enable Hidden Files

HOW TO Disable/Flush System Restore (do this at the end AFTER
cleaning or use the suggested procedure for XP at the ******'s)
2001111912274039 (WinXP)
2001012513122239 (WinME)

Then download and run:
http://www.kellys-korner- to restore
your tabs and remove any restrictions that the parasite has put in

Now download and run:
http://www.kellys-korner- to restore
your search functions if they've been affected (as they probably
will have been).

Be sure that you also download and install hotfix Q816093, here:
which blocks the exploit upon which this parasite family depends.

However, this also indicates that you may have acquired some other
malware along the way. If you go to this page at Jim Eshelman's
site, here: and wait a little bit (be
patient), an analysis of a number of possible parasites on your
machine will be made to help you identify and remove them. NOTE: You
will need to disable Ad Blocking in Zone Alarm 3.x or later, if
present or any other Ad Blocking software which interferes with Java
Scripting for this scan to work. You should get a message between
the two lines of **** giving the results of the scan.

Get Ad-Aware SE Personal Edition, here: UPDATE, set it up in
accordance with this: or the
directions immediately below and run this regularly to get rid of
most "spyware/hijackware" on your machine. If it has to fix
things, be sure to re-boot and rerun AdAware again and repeat this
cycle until you get a clean scan. The reason is that it may have to
remove things which are currently "in use" before it can then clean
up others. Configure Ad-aware for a customized scan, and let it
remove any bad files found.....

<Begin Setup Directions>
Then, courtesy of NonSuch at Lockergnome, open Ad- aware then click
the gear wheel at the top and check these options to configure Ad-
aware for a customized scan:

General> activate these: "Automatically save log- file" and
"Automatically quarantine objects prior to removal"

Scanning > activate these: "Scan within archives", "Scan active
processes", "Scan registry", "Deep scan registry," "Scan my IE
Favorites for banned sites," and "Scan my Hosts file"

Tweaks > Scanning Engine> activate this: "Unload recognized
processes during scanning."

Tweaks > Cleaning Engine: activate these: "Automatically try to
unregister objects prior to deletion" and "Let Windows remove files
in use after reboot."

Click "Proceed" to save your settings, then click "Start." Make sure
"Activate in-depth scan" is ticked green, then scan your system.
When the scan is finished, the screen will tell you if anything has
been found, click "Next." The bad files will be listed. Right click
the pane and click "Select all objects" - This will put a check mark
in the box at the side, click "Next" again and click "OK" at the
prompt "# objects will be removed. Continue?"
<End Setup Directions>

Courtesy of
Ad Aware is automatically shut-down by a malicious software, first
run AWCloak.exe,, before
opening Ad Aware. When AAWCloak is open, click "Activate Cloak".
Than open Ad Aware and scan your system.

Another excellent program for this purpose is SpyBot Search and
Destroy available here: SpyBot Support
Forum here:
bin/forums/ikonboard.cgi. I recommend
using both normally. After UPDATING and fixing ONLY RED things with
SpyBot S&D, be sure to re-boot and rerun SpyBot again and repeat
this cycle until you get a clean "no red" scan. The reason is that
SpyBot sometimes has to remove things which are currently "in use"
before it can then clean up others.

Note that sometimes you need to make a judgement call about what
these programs report as spyware. See here, for example:

Both of these programs should normally be UPDATED and run after
doing any other fix such as CWShredder and, as a minimum, normally
at least once a week.

If they don't fix it then start here:

Download HijackThis, free, here: (Always download
a new fresh copy of HijackThis [and CWShredder also] - It's UPDATED
frequently.) You may also get it here if that link is blocked: id=3155&file=3&evp=3304750663b552982a8baee6434cfc13
or here:
In Windows Explorer, click on Tools|Folder Options|View and check
"Show hidden files and folders" and uncheck "Hide protected
operating system files". (You may want to restore these when you're
all finished with HijackThis.)

Place HijackThis.exe or unzip into its own dedicated
folder at the root level such as C:\HijackThis (NOT in a Temp folder
or on your Desktop), reboot to Safe mode, start HT (have ONLY HT
running - IE MUST be closed) then press Scan. Click on SaveLog when
it's finished which will create hijackthis.log. Now click the Config
button, then Misc Tools and click on Generate StartupList.log which
will create Startuplist.txt

Then go to one of the following forums:

Spyware and Hijackware Removal Support, here:

or Net-Integration here: bin/forum/ikonboard.cgi?

or Tom Coyote here:
or Jim Eshelman's site here:
or Bleepingcomputer here:
or Computer Cops here:

Register if necessary, then sign in and READ THE DIRECTIONS at the
beginning of the particular site's HiJackThis forum, then copy and
paste both files into a message asking for assistance, Someone will
answer with detailed instructions for the removal of your
parasite(s). Be sure you include at the beginning of your post a
description of "What specific problem(s)/symptoms you're trying to
solve" and "What steps you've already taken."

ONLY IF you've successfully eliminated the malware, you can now make
a new, clean Restore Point and delete any previously saved (possibly
infected) ones. The following suggested approach is courtesy of Gary
Woodruff: For XP you can run a Disk Cleanup cycle and then look in
the More Options tab. The System Restore option removes all but the
latest Restore Point. If there hasn't been one made since the system
was cleaned you should manually create one before dumping the old
possibly infected ones. *******

Once you get this cleaned up, you might want to consider installing
Eric Howes' IESpyAds, SpywareBlaster and SpywareGuard here to help
prevent this kind of thing from happening in the future:

IESpyads - "IE-
SPYAD adds
a long list of sites and domains associated with known advertisers,
marketers, and crapware pushers to the Restricted sites zone of
Internet Explorer. Once you merge this list of sites and domains
into the Registry, the web sites for these companies will not be
able to use cookies, ActiveX controls, Java applets, or scripting to
compromise your privacy or your PC while you surf the Net. Nor will
they be able to use your browser to push unwanted pop- ups, cookies,
or auto-installing programs on your PC." Read carefully. (Prevents
malware Active X installs) (BTW, SpyWareBlaster is
not memory
resident ... no CPU or memory
load - but keep it UPDATED) The latest version as of this writing
will prevent installation or prevent the malware from running if it
is already installed, and it provides information and fixit-links
for a variety of parasites. (Monitors for
attempts to install malware) Keep it UPDATED. All three Very Highly

Finally, go to Windows Update and ensure that ALL Critical updates
are installed.

If these steps do not resolve your problem, please post back to this
thread with the details and any error messages.

Hope this helps

Jan :)
Smiles are meant to be shared,
that's why they're so contagious.

Please reply to the newsgroup so others may benefit.
Replies are posted only to the newsgroup for the benefit or other

How to make a good newsgroup post:

-----Original Message-----
Hi again

I'm still having a problem with IE6! OS is XP with
SP2 (I'm assuming, I see windows SR 2.0 in my programs
list), and I think I've been attacked by a virus or
whatever is out there that's taken out my browser. It
comes up but doesn't connect to the internet. I've gone
to Microsoft to download it again, but it still doesn't
I've gone back to several posts screaming for help
but the responses are a little confusing to this still
newbie. Registry? Backing it up? How does one do that?
How does one check it for viruses? I think what I need
here is someone to lead me by the hand, I'm that nervous
about digging around that deep inside the pc. Or would it
better for me just to scrub everything clean (format) and
start fresh?
So, is there anyone out there willing to give this
ole gal a helping hand? Please? I'll bake you a pie ;O)

Regards and thanks in advance, Pussn

PS-Not much meat to the info, I know, so please, go ahead
and ask! I just don't know what else to add. Thanks

Never mind....whatever it was that took out my browser
has now locked me out completly from the pc, can't even
get into my own account. Nothing. Stoopit hackers. I hate
em all!


Try this link..
How to take ownership of a file or folder in Windows XP;en-us;308421&Product=winxp
In XP Home you have to boot in safe mode to see the security tab.
Hope this helps.

The most overlooked advantage to owning a computer is that if they
foul up there's no law against wacking them around a little.
Joe Martin

Pussn said:
HI Jan!

I had my brother in law to come up yesterday to give
me a hand and we tried some things before you post came
up. I apologize ahead also for the lenghty post, but like
your credo is, information for the masses to share is the
way to go.
When I was giving up, I was at the point where the
Welcome page came up, but it would not let you log on,
instead it would immediatly log you off. That was no
good, since I couldn't do anything. I took Rick's
suggestion and checked out the sites he posted and though
I found some interesting info, I didn't delve too deep in
the registry because I wasn't comfortable with it.
It was suggested in one of those sites to boot from
the OS CD and go into the recovery mode to do some
tinkering in there but I ran into a wall there until I
realized I did a newbie move and hadn't put the CD as the
#1 boot sequence, which finally worked once I rectified
that embarassement.
Bro in law did some tinkering in there, explaining
as he worked away, but some of it was over my head, so I
can't really share what I didn't understand. We weren't
making headway in there, so it was decided that we would
re-install Windows (but not play with the data). That
worked VERY well, but I had a problem with MY documents
(kids worked fine) because I had password protected my
account. When I try to open MY documents, it says I can't
access it. So now, to finally finish what I started (and
some other problems that fell into my lap)the only thing
left is to find out how to crack into that My document,
the original one before I reinstalled Windows.
I apologize, after all the research you probably did,
that I had gone another route. I hope you, or anybody
else, can help me figure out this last problem.

Thanks a million!

-----Original Message-----
Hi Pussn :-)

Okie Doke! Here are a couple of AV's you can use and run from DOS, and
hopefully, they may kill enough of the junkware to allow you access the
Windows Explorer and run the other cleaning programs.

F-Prot - Home Use - Free

Here is how to create the 3.5 floppy disks to run it from.
Follow all the instructions carefully. Prepare the floppy's from the other
mahcine to run on yours.

and ......

AVG6 Free:

Copy AVG files to the hard drive and then follow the steps here:

Start the computer in MS-DOS mode (hold down F8 key while computer is
booting up, then from Windows start-up menu
select "start in MS-DOS mode" or
"Command prompt only").
Switch to AVG Anti-Virus destination folder using these steps (assuming this
is the path AVG is installed to) C:\Program Files\Grisoft\AVG6 as
destination folder):
Start AVG for MS-DOS application: avg
In this DOS application, every feature could be selected by pressing the key
with other color (or the key in combination with ALT key). So it is
necessary to choose the Test menu, Complete test item, and start the test.
Select "Heal virus"
In case of infectiuon of some system files should be necessary to reinstall
operating system, to restore the files from backup or to extract the files
from installation *.cab archives .

Or...install the AVG on the other machine and then burn the folder to the
CD. Try to copy the folder to the hard drive of your machine and run from
there, but, it not, then try to run it from the CD, using the path to the CD
as the location. Don't know about that for sure, can try. :-)

Please post back with the results and any error messages you may get.

Jan :)
Smiles are meant to be shared,
that's why they're so contagious.

Please reply to the newsgroup so others may benefit.
Replies are posted only to the newsgroup for the benefit or other readers.

How to make a good newsgroup post:
17-150/ or
to remove the parasite. Be sure to close all instances of IE and OE.

There's a good tutorial about CWS and using CWShredder here:

BE SURE that you get v. or later!

You will need to show Hidden files first and then at the end clear
the malware garbage from your System Restore backups after you've
cleaned up. It's best to perform CWShredder (and most other malware
fixers too) from Safe mode and then reboot. AFTER cleaning things
up, then you can disable and then re-enable System Restore. See
******** below.

The following links give instructions on how to do these various

HOW TO Restart in Safe Mode

HOW TO Enable Hidden Files

HOW TO Disable/Flush System Restore (do this at the end AFTER
cleaning or use the suggested procedure for XP at the ******'s)
2001111912274039 (WinXP)
2001012513122239 (WinME)

Then download and run:
http://www.kellys-korner- to restore
your tabs and remove any restrictions that the parasite has put in

Now download and run:
http://www.kellys-korner- to restore
your search functions if they've been affected (as they probably
will have been).

Be sure that you also download and install hotfix Q816093, here:
which blocks the exploit upon which this parasite family depends.

However, this also indicates that you may have acquired some other
malware along the way. If you go to this page at Jim Eshelman's
site, here: and wait a little bit (be
patient), an analysis of a number of possible parasites on your
machine will be made to help you identify and remove them. NOTE: You
will need to disable Ad Blocking in Zone Alarm 3.x or later, if
present or any other Ad Blocking software which interferes with Java
Scripting for this scan to work. You should get a message between
the two lines of **** giving the results of the scan.

Get Ad-Aware SE Personal Edition, here: UPDATE, set it up in
accordance with this: or the
directions immediately below and run this regularly to get rid of
most "spyware/hijackware" on your machine. If it has to fix
things, be sure to re-boot and rerun AdAware again and repeat this
cycle until you get a clean scan. The reason is that it may have to
remove things which are currently "in use" before it can then clean
up others. Configure Ad-aware for a customized scan, and let it
remove any bad files found.....

<Begin Setup Directions>
Then, courtesy of NonSuch at Lockergnome, open Ad- aware then click
the gear wheel at the top and check these options to configure Ad-
aware for a customized scan:

General> activate these: "Automatically save log- file" and
"Automatically quarantine objects prior to removal"

Scanning > activate these: "Scan within archives", "Scan active
processes", "Scan registry", "Deep scan registry," "Scan my IE
Favorites for banned sites," and "Scan my Hosts file"

Tweaks > Scanning Engine> activate this: "Unload recognized
processes during scanning."

Tweaks > Cleaning Engine: activate these: "Automatically try to
unregister objects prior to deletion" and "Let Windows remove files
in use after reboot."

Click "Proceed" to save your settings, then
click "Start." Make sure
"Activate in-depth scan" is ticked green, then scan your system.
When the scan is finished, the screen will tell you if anything has
been found, click "Next." The bad files will be listed. Right click
the pane and click "Select all objects" - This will put a check mark
in the box at the side, click "Next" again and click "OK" at the
prompt "# objects will be removed. Continue?"
<End Setup Directions>

Courtesy of
Ad Aware is automatically shut-down by a malicious software, first
run AWCloak.exe,, before
opening Ad Aware. When AAWCloak is open, click "Activate Cloak".
Than open Ad Aware and scan your system.

Another excellent program for this purpose is SpyBot Search and
Destroy available here: SpyBot Support
Forum here:
bin/forums/ikonboard.cgi. I recommend
using both normally. After UPDATING and fixing ONLY RED things with
SpyBot S&D, be sure to re-boot and rerun SpyBot again and repeat
this cycle until you get a clean "no red" scan. The reason is that
SpyBot sometimes has to remove things which are currently "in use"
before it can then clean up others.

Note that sometimes you need to make a judgement call about what
these programs report as spyware. See here, for example:

Both of these programs should normally be UPDATED and run after
doing any other fix such as CWShredder and, as a minimum, normally
at least once a week.

If they don't fix it then start here:

Download HijackThis, free, here: (Always download
a new fresh copy of HijackThis [and CWShredder also] - It's UPDATED
frequently.) You may also get it here if that link is blocked:
or here:

In Windows Explorer, click on Tools|Folder Options|View and check
"Show hidden files and folders" and uncheck "Hide protected
operating system files". (You may want to restore these when you're
all finished with HijackThis.)

Place HijackThis.exe or unzip into its own dedicated
folder at the root level such as C:\HijackThis (NOT in a Temp folder
or on your Desktop), reboot to Safe mode, start HT (have ONLY HT
running - IE MUST be closed) then press Scan. Click on SaveLog when
it's finished which will create hijackthis.log. Now click the Config
button, then Misc Tools and click on Generate StartupList.log which
will create Startuplist.txt

Then go to one of the following forums:

Spyware and Hijackware Removal Support, here:

or Net-Integration here:

or Tom Coyote here:
or Jim Eshelman's site here:
or Bleepingcomputer here:
or Computer Cops here:

Register if necessary, then sign in and READ THE DIRECTIONS at the
beginning of the particular site's HiJackThis forum, then copy and
paste both files into a message asking for assistance, Someone will
answer with detailed instructions for the removal of your
parasite(s). Be sure you include at the beginning of your post a
description of "What specific problem(s)/symptoms you're trying to
solve" and "What steps you've already taken."

ONLY IF you've successfully eliminated the malware, you can now make
a new, clean Restore Point and delete any previously saved (possibly
infected) ones. The following suggested approach is courtesy of Gary
Woodruff: For XP you can run a Disk Cleanup cycle and then look in
the More Options tab. The System Restore option removes all but the
latest Restore Point. If there hasn't been one made since the system
was cleaned you should manually create one before dumping the old
possibly infected ones. *******

Once you get this cleaned up, you might want to consider installing
Eric Howes' IESpyAds, SpywareBlaster and SpywareGuard here to help
prevent this kind of thing from happening in the future:

IESpyads - "IE-
SPYAD adds
a long list of sites and domains associated with known advertisers,
marketers, and crapware pushers to the Restricted sites zone of
Internet Explorer. Once you merge this list of sites and domains
into the Registry, the web sites for these companies will not be
able to use cookies, ActiveX controls, Java applets, or scripting to
compromise your privacy or your PC while you surf the Net. Nor will
they be able to use your browser to push unwanted pop- ups, cookies,
or auto-installing programs on your PC." Read carefully. (Prevents
malware Active X installs) (BTW, SpyWareBlaster is not memory
resident ... no CPU or memory
load - but keep it UPDATED) The latest version as of this writing
will prevent installation or prevent the malware from running if it
is already installed, and it provides information and fixit-links
for a variety of parasites. (Monitors for
attempts to install malware) Keep it UPDATED. All three Very Highly

Finally, go to Windows Update and ensure that ALL Critical updates
are installed.

If these steps do not resolve your problem, please post back to this
thread with the details and any error messages.

Hope this helps

Jan :)
Smiles are meant to be shared,
that's why they're so contagious.

Please reply to the newsgroup so others may benefit.
Replies are posted only to the newsgroup for the benefit or other

How to make a good newsgroup post:

-----Original Message-----
Hi again

I'm still having a problem with IE6! OS is XP with
SP2 (I'm assuming, I see windows SR 2.0 in my programs
list), and I think I've been attacked by a virus or
whatever is out there that's taken out my browser. It
comes up but doesn't connect to the internet. I've gone
to Microsoft to download it again, but it still doesn't
I've gone back to several posts screaming for help
but the responses are a little confusing to this still
newbie. Registry? Backing it up? How does one do that?
How does one check it for viruses? I think what I need
here is someone to lead me by the hand, I'm that nervous
about digging around that deep inside the pc. Or would it
better for me just to scrub everything clean (format) and
start fresh?
So, is there anyone out there willing to give this
ole gal a helping hand? Please? I'll bake you a
pie ;O)

Regards and thanks in advance, Pussn

PS-Not much meat to the info, I know, so please, go ahead
and ask! I just don't know what else to add. Thanks

Never mind....whatever it was that took out my browser
has now locked me out completly from the pc, can't even
get into my own account. Nothing. Stoopit hackers. I hate
em all!


Hi Pussn :-)

Glad to hear that you are finally able to get your machine back in service,
and all you have now is a Admin issue, and it looks like Ricky has good
information for you on this.

The main thing is that you are back up again. I learned a few new things
through this too ;-)))

Thank you for posting back and letting us know the details of what worked
for you, and for the benefit of other readers who may have a similar
problem. :-)

Jan :)
Smiles are meant to be shared,
that's why they're so contagious.

Please reply to the newsgroup so others may benefit.
Replies are posted only to the newsgroup for the benefit or other readers.

How to make a good newsgroup post:

HI Jan!

I had my brother in law to come up yesterday to give
me a hand and we tried some things before you post came
up. I apologize ahead also for the lenghty post, but like
your credo is, information for the masses to share is the
way to go.
When I was giving up, I was at the point where the
Welcome page came up, but it would not let you log on,
instead it would immediatly log you off. That was no
good, since I couldn't do anything. I took Rick's
suggestion and checked out the sites he posted and though
I found some interesting info, I didn't delve too deep in
the registry because I wasn't comfortable with it.
It was suggested in one of those sites to boot from
the OS CD and go into the recovery mode to do some
tinkering in there but I ran into a wall there until I
realized I did a newbie move and hadn't put the CD as the
#1 boot sequence, which finally worked once I rectified
that embarassement.
Bro in law did some tinkering in there, explaining
as he worked away, but some of it was over my head, so I
can't really share what I didn't understand. We weren't
making headway in there, so it was decided that we would
re-install Windows (but not play with the data). That
worked VERY well, but I had a problem with MY documents
(kids worked fine) because I had password protected my
account. When I try to open MY documents, it says I can't
access it. So now, to finally finish what I started (and
some other problems that fell into my lap)the only thing
left is to find out how to crack into that My document,
the original one before I reinstalled Windows.
I apologize, after all the research you probably did,
that I had gone another route. I hope you, or anybody
else, can help me figure out this last problem.

Thanks a million!

-----Original Message-----
Hi Pussn :-)

Okie Doke! Here are a couple of AV's you can use and run from DOS,
and hopefully, they may kill enough of the junkware to allow you
access the Windows Explorer and run the other cleaning programs.

F-Prot - Home Use - Free

Here is how to create the 3.5 floppy disks to run it from.
Follow all the instructions carefully. Prepare the floppy's from
the other mahcine to run on yours.

and ......

AVG6 Free:

Copy AVG files to the hard drive and then follow the steps here:

Start the computer in MS-DOS mode (hold down F8 key while computer is
booting up, then from Windows start-up menu
select "start in MS-DOS mode" or
"Command prompt only").
Switch to AVG Anti-Virus destination folder using these steps
(assuming this is the path AVG is installed to) C:\Program
Files\Grisoft\AVG6 as destination folder):
Start AVG for MS-DOS application: avg
In this DOS application, every feature could be selected by pressing
the key with other color (or the key in combination with ALT key).
So it is necessary to choose the Test menu, Complete test item, and
start the test. Select "Heal virus"
In case of infectiuon of some system files should be necessary to
reinstall operating system, to restore the files from backup or to
extract the files from installation *.cab archives .

Or...install the AVG on the other machine and then burn the folder
to the CD. Try to copy the folder to the hard drive of your machine
and run from there, but, it not, then try to run it from the CD,
using the path to the CD as the location. Don't know about that for
sure, can try. :-)

Please post back with the results and any error messages you may get.

Jan :)
Smiles are meant to be shared,
that's why they're so contagious.

Please reply to the newsgroup so others may benefit.
Replies are posted only to the newsgroup for the benefit or other

How to make a good newsgroup post:
17-150/ or
to remove the parasite. Be sure to close all instances of IE and

There's a good tutorial about CWS and using CWShredder here:

BE SURE that you get v. or later!

You will need to show Hidden files first and then at the end clear
the malware garbage from your System Restore backups after you've
cleaned up. It's best to perform CWShredder (and most other malware
fixers too) from Safe mode and then reboot. AFTER cleaning things
up, then you can disable and then re-enable System Restore. See
******** below.

The following links give instructions on how to do these various

HOW TO Restart in Safe Mode

HOW TO Enable Hidden Files

HOW TO Disable/Flush System Restore (do this at the end AFTER
cleaning or use the suggested procedure for XP at the ******'s)
2001111912274039 (WinXP)
2001012513122239 (WinME)

Then download and run:
http://www.kellys-korner- to restore
your tabs and remove any restrictions that the parasite has put in

Now download and run:
http://www.kellys-korner- to restore
your search functions if they've been affected (as they probably
will have been).

Be sure that you also download and install hotfix Q816093, here:
which blocks the exploit upon which this parasite family depends.

However, this also indicates that you may have acquired some other
malware along the way. If you go to this page at Jim Eshelman's
site, here: and wait a little bit (be
patient), an analysis of a number of possible parasites on your
machine will be made to help you identify and remove them. NOTE:
You will need to disable Ad Blocking in Zone Alarm 3.x or later, if
present or any other Ad Blocking software which interferes with
Java Scripting for this scan to work. You should get a message
between the two lines of **** giving the results of the scan.

Get Ad-Aware SE Personal Edition, here: UPDATE, set it up in
accordance with this: or the
directions immediately below and run this regularly to get rid of
most "spyware/hijackware" on your machine. If it has to fix
things, be sure to re-boot and rerun AdAware again and repeat this
cycle until you get a clean scan. The reason is that it may have
to remove things which are currently "in use" before it can then
clean up others. Configure Ad-aware for a customized scan, and
let it remove any bad files found.....

<Begin Setup Directions>
Then, courtesy of NonSuch at Lockergnome, open Ad- aware then click
the gear wheel at the top and check these options to configure Ad-
aware for a customized scan:

General> activate these: "Automatically save log- file" and
"Automatically quarantine objects prior to removal"

Scanning > activate these: "Scan within archives", "Scan active
processes", "Scan registry", "Deep scan registry," "Scan my IE
Favorites for banned sites," and "Scan my Hosts file"

Tweaks > Scanning Engine> activate this: "Unload recognized
processes during scanning."

Tweaks > Cleaning Engine: activate these: "Automatically try to
unregister objects prior to deletion" and "Let Windows remove files
in use after reboot."

Click "Proceed" to save your settings, then
click "Start." Make sure
"Activate in-depth scan" is ticked green, then scan your system.
When the scan is finished, the screen will tell you if anything has
been found, click "Next." The bad files will be listed. Right click
the pane and click "Select all objects" - This will put a check
mark in the box at the side, click "Next" again and click "OK" at the
prompt "# objects will be removed. Continue?"
<End Setup Directions>

Courtesy of
Ad Aware is automatically shut-down by a malicious software, first
run AWCloak.exe,, before
opening Ad Aware. When AAWCloak is open, click "Activate Cloak".
Than open Ad Aware and scan your system.

Another excellent program for this purpose is SpyBot Search and
Destroy available here: SpyBot Support
Forum here:
bin/forums/ikonboard.cgi. I recommend
using both normally. After UPDATING and fixing ONLY RED things
with SpyBot S&D, be sure to re-boot and rerun SpyBot again and
repeat this cycle until you get a clean "no red" scan. The reason
is that SpyBot sometimes has to remove things which are currently
"in use" before it can then clean up others.

Note that sometimes you need to make a judgement call about what
these programs report as spyware. See here, for example:

Both of these programs should normally be UPDATED and run after
doing any other fix such as CWShredder and, as a minimum, normally
at least once a week.

If they don't fix it then start here:

Download HijackThis, free, here: (Always download
a new fresh copy of HijackThis [and CWShredder also] - It's UPDATED
frequently.) You may also get it here if that link is blocked:
or here:

In Windows Explorer, click on Tools|Folder Options|View and check
"Show hidden files and folders" and uncheck "Hide protected
operating system files". (You may want to restore these when
you're all finished with HijackThis.)

Place HijackThis.exe or unzip into its own dedicated
folder at the root level such as C:\HijackThis (NOT in a Temp
folder or on your Desktop), reboot to Safe mode, start HT (have
ONLY HT running - IE MUST be closed) then press Scan. Click on
SaveLog when it's finished which will create hijackthis.log. Now
click the Config button, then Misc Tools and click on Generate
StartupList.log which will create Startuplist.txt

Then go to one of the following forums:

Spyware and Hijackware Removal Support, here:

or Net-Integration here:

or Tom Coyote here:
or Jim Eshelman's site here:
or Bleepingcomputer here:
or Computer Cops here:

Register if necessary, then sign in and READ THE DIRECTIONS at the
beginning of the particular site's HiJackThis forum, then copy and
paste both files into a message asking for assistance, Someone will
answer with detailed instructions for the removal of your
parasite(s). Be sure you include at the beginning of your post a
description of "What specific problem(s)/symptoms you're trying to
solve" and "What steps you've already taken."

ONLY IF you've successfully eliminated the malware, you can now
make a new, clean Restore Point and delete any previously saved
(possibly infected) ones. The following suggested approach is
courtesy of Gary Woodruff: For XP you can run a Disk Cleanup
cycle and then look in the More Options tab. The System Restore
option removes all but the latest Restore Point. If there hasn't
been one made since the system was cleaned you should manually
create one before dumping the old possibly infected ones. *******

Once you get this cleaned up, you might want to consider installing
Eric Howes' IESpyAds, SpywareBlaster and SpywareGuard here to help
prevent this kind of thing from happening in the future:

IESpyads - "IE-
SPYAD adds
a long list of sites and domains associated with known advertisers,
marketers, and crapware pushers to the Restricted sites zone of
Internet Explorer. Once you merge this list of sites and domains
into the Registry, the web sites for these companies will not be
able to use cookies, ActiveX controls, Java applets, or scripting
to compromise your privacy or your PC while you surf the Net. Nor
will they be able to use your browser to push unwanted pop- ups,
cookies, or auto-installing programs on your PC." Read carefully. (Prevents
malware Active X installs) (BTW, SpyWareBlaster is not memory
resident ... no CPU or memory load - but keep it UPDATED) The
latest version as of this writing will prevent installation or
prevent the malware from running if it is already installed, and
it provides information and fixit-links for a variety of parasites. (Monitors for
attempts to install malware) Keep it UPDATED. All three Very
Highly Recommended

Finally, go to Windows Update and ensure that ALL Critical updates
are installed.

If these steps do not resolve your problem, please post back to
this thread with the details and any error messages.

Hope this helps

Jan :)
Smiles are meant to be shared,
that's why they're so contagious.

Please reply to the newsgroup so others may benefit.
Replies are posted only to the newsgroup for the benefit or other

How to make a good newsgroup post:

-----Original Message-----
Hi again

I'm still having a problem with IE6! OS is XP with
SP2 (I'm assuming, I see windows SR 2.0 in my programs
list), and I think I've been attacked by a virus or
whatever is out there that's taken out my browser. It
comes up but doesn't connect to the internet. I've gone
to Microsoft to download it again, but it still doesn't
I've gone back to several posts screaming for help
but the responses are a little confusing to this still
newbie. Registry? Backing it up? How does one do that?
How does one check it for viruses? I think what I need
here is someone to lead me by the hand, I'm that nervous
about digging around that deep inside the pc. Or would it
better for me just to scrub everything clean (format) and
start fresh?
So, is there anyone out there willing to give this
ole gal a helping hand? Please? I'll bake you a
pie ;O)

Regards and thanks in advance, Pussn

PS-Not much meat to the info, I know, so please, go ahead
and ask! I just don't know what else to add. Thanks

Never mind....whatever it was that took out my browser
has now locked me out completly from the pc, can't even
get into my own account. Nothing. Stoopit hackers. I hate
em all!


Jan and Rick,
Wow, if it hadn't been for Rick's last info, I never
would have been able to take ownership of my old
documents folder, the one that was there before I
reinstalled Windows. I couldn't get into to it because I
had password protected my account at the welcome page and
that had totally screwed all access to my previous
documents. He saved all my files! Thanks, Rick.
I have to thank all of you out there, including Jan,
who have memory banks as huge as a house to be able to
find this info for us. We'd certainly be lost without

-----Original Message-----
Hi Pussn :-)

Glad to hear that you are finally able to get your machine back in service,
and all you have now is a Admin issue, and it looks like Ricky has good
information for you on this.

The main thing is that you are back up again. I learned a few new things
through this too ;-)))

Thank you for posting back and letting us know the details of what worked
for you, and for the benefit of other readers who may have a similar
problem. :-)

Jan :)
Smiles are meant to be shared,
that's why they're so contagious.

Please reply to the newsgroup so others may benefit.
Replies are posted only to the newsgroup for the benefit or other readers.

How to make a good newsgroup post:

HI Jan!

I had my brother in law to come up yesterday to give
me a hand and we tried some things before you post came
up. I apologize ahead also for the lenghty post, but like
your credo is, information for the masses to share is the
way to go.
When I was giving up, I was at the point where the
Welcome page came up, but it would not let you log on,
instead it would immediatly log you off. That was no
good, since I couldn't do anything. I took Rick's
suggestion and checked out the sites he posted and though
I found some interesting info, I didn't delve too deep in
the registry because I wasn't comfortable with it.
It was suggested in one of those sites to boot from
the OS CD and go into the recovery mode to do some
tinkering in there but I ran into a wall there until I
realized I did a newbie move and hadn't put the CD as the
#1 boot sequence, which finally worked once I rectified
that embarassement.
Bro in law did some tinkering in there, explaining
as he worked away, but some of it was over my head, so I
can't really share what I didn't understand. We weren't
making headway in there, so it was decided that we would
re-install Windows (but not play with the data). That
worked VERY well, but I had a problem with MY documents
(kids worked fine) because I had password protected my
account. When I try to open MY documents, it says I can't
access it. So now, to finally finish what I started (and
some other problems that fell into my lap)the only thing
left is to find out how to crack into that My document,
the original one before I reinstalled Windows.
I apologize, after all the research you probably did,
that I had gone another route. I hope you, or anybody
else, can help me figure out this last problem.

Thanks a million!

-----Original Message-----
Hi Pussn :-)

I should have also mentioned in my first post that I have
absolutely no access to any of the four accounts on the
pc. As soon as I try one, it says 'loading personal
settings', then promptly shuts down, logging off etc. So
there is NO way I can install a program on that pc. I've
tried safe mode, and I'm still getting the same results.
This suuucks.

Okie Doke! Here are a couple of AV's you can use and run from DOS,
and hopefully, they may kill enough of the junkware to allow you
access the Windows Explorer and run the other cleaning programs.

F-Prot - Home Use - Free

Here is how to create the 3.5 floppy disks to run it from.
Follow all the instructions carefully. Prepare the floppy's from
the other mahcine to run on yours.

and ......

AVG6 Free:

Copy AVG files to the hard drive and then follow the steps here:

Start the computer in MS-DOS mode (hold down F8 key while computer is
booting up, then from Windows start-up menu
select "start in MS-DOS mode" or
"Command prompt only").
Switch to AVG Anti-Virus destination folder using these steps
(assuming this is the path AVG is installed to) C:\Program
Files\Grisoft\AVG6 as destination folder):
Start AVG for MS-DOS application: avg
In this DOS application, every feature could be selected by pressing
the key with other color (or the key in combination with ALT key).
So it is necessary to choose the Test menu, Complete test item, and
start the test. Select "Heal virus"
In case of infectiuon of some system files should be necessary to
reinstall operating system, to restore the files from backup or to
extract the files from installation *.cab archives .

Or...install the AVG on the other machine and then burn the folder
to the CD. Try to copy the folder to the hard drive of your machine
and run from there, but, it not, then try to run it from the CD,
using the path to the CD as the location. Don't know about that for
sure, can try. :-)

Please post back with the results and any error messages you may get.

Jan :)
Smiles are meant to be shared,
that's why they're so contagious.

Please reply to the newsgroup so others may benefit.
Replies are posted only to the newsgroup for the benefit or other

How to make a good newsgroup post:

-----Original Message-----
Hi Pussn :-)

Don't give up so easy! So.....let's work together a bit here and
try to take back your PC. :-))

(NOTE: If you can not download these programs from the Internet, if
your PC has CD read capabilities, go to another computer with CD-
ROM burning capabilities. Create a folder on the hard drive of the
other computer called HOLD, download the programs to that folder,
then burn that folder to a CD. Copy the HOLD folder to your HD and
then install the programs from there and run them. After you have
IE access again, update all programs where possible to get the
latest definitions and run them again to be sure there are no
lingering items on the system.) Hopefully, you know someone with
a PC you can use that has CD burner capability, or go to a public

Understand that reinstalling IE or your OS at this point will not
resolve the problem, and may even make it worse, so please, DO NOT
try to reinstall anything until you have cleaned your system. Do
the following, and the parts you can't do from your PC, do from
another, but, do them. We can't do the work there for you there,
so, this is your end of the partnership. <g> However, if at any
time you have a question or problem, post back here and we'll help
you work through it. OK? :-))
Please follow all instructions carefully:

Courtesy of Jim Byrd:

Sounds like this might be a variant of some malware called
CoolWebSearch (if CWShredder doesn't fix it, then see AdAware,
SpyBot, and HijackThis, below, in that order). Do the following:

Before you try to remove spyware using any of the programs below,
download both a copy of LSPFIX here:

AND a copy of Winsockfix
Directions here: ttid=257
The process of removing certain malware may kill your internet
connection. If this should occur, these programs, LSPFIX and
WINSOCKFIX, will enable you to regain your connection.

NOTE: It is reported that in XP SP2, the command netsh winsock
reset will fix this problem without the need for these programs.

All of the following removal tools should be run from Safe mode
when possible.Reboot and test if the malware is fixed after using
each tool. #########IMPORTANT#########

Download and run Stinger.exe, here:
avert/stinger.exe or from the link
on this page:

Download, from Trend Micro, here: along with the latest
pattern file, here: (You
might also
want to get Art's updater, SYS-UP.Zip, here for future updating of
these: Place them in a dedicated
folder after appropriate unzipping, and then run. (If you download
and use the updater from the beginning, it will automatically
handle downloading the other files.)

Sometimes the tools below will find files which they are unable to
delete because they are in use. A program called Copylock, here, can aid in the
process of "replacing, moving, renaming or deleting one or many
files which are currently in use (e.g. system files like
comctl32.dll, or virus/trojan files.)"

Download, UPDATE before running, and run: or here: or here:
17-150/ or
to remove the parasite. Be sure to close all instances of IE and

There's a good tutorial about CWS and using CWShredder here:

BE SURE that you get v. or later!

You will need to show Hidden files first and then at the end clear
the malware garbage from your System Restore backups after you've
cleaned up. It's best to perform CWShredder (and most other malware
fixers too) from Safe mode and then reboot. AFTER cleaning things
up, then you can disable and then re-enable System Restore. See
******** below.

The following links give instructions on how to do these various

HOW TO Restart in Safe Mode

HOW TO Enable Hidden Files

HOW TO Disable/Flush System Restore (do this at the end AFTER
cleaning or use the suggested procedure for XP at the ******'s)
2001111912274039 (WinXP)
2001012513122239 (WinME)

Then download and run:
http://www.kellys-korner- to restore
your tabs and remove any restrictions that the parasite has put in

Now download and run:
http://www.kellys-korner- to restore
your search functions if they've been affected (as they probably
will have been).

Be sure that you also download and install hotfix Q816093, here:
which blocks the exploit upon which this parasite family depends.

However, this also indicates that you may have acquired some other
malware along the way. If you go to this page at Jim Eshelman's
site, here: and wait a little bit (be
patient), an analysis of a number of possible parasites on your
machine will be made to help you identify and remove them. NOTE:
You will need to disable Ad Blocking in Zone Alarm 3.x or later, if
present or any other Ad Blocking software which interferes with
Java Scripting for this scan to work. You should get a message
between the two lines of **** giving the results of the scan.

Get Ad-Aware SE Personal Edition, here: UPDATE, set it up in
accordance with this: or the
directions immediately below and run this regularly to get rid of
most "spyware/hijackware" on your machine. If it has to fix
things, be sure to re-boot and rerun AdAware again and repeat this
cycle until you get a clean scan. The reason is that it may have
to remove things which are currently "in use" before it can then
clean up others. Configure Ad-aware for a customized scan, and
let it remove any bad files found.....

<Begin Setup Directions>
Then, courtesy of NonSuch at Lockergnome, open Ad- aware then click
the gear wheel at the top and check these options to configure Ad-
aware for a customized scan:

General> activate these: "Automatically save log- file" and
"Automatically quarantine objects prior to removal"

Scanning > activate these: "Scan within archives", "Scan active
processes", "Scan registry", "Deep scan registry," "Scan my IE
Favorites for banned sites," and "Scan my Hosts file"

Tweaks > Scanning Engine> activate this: "Unload recognized
processes during scanning."

Tweaks > Cleaning Engine: activate these: "Automatically try to
unregister objects prior to deletion" and "Let Windows remove files
in use after reboot."

Click "Proceed" to save your settings, then
click "Start." Make sure
"Activate in-depth scan" is ticked green, then scan your system.
When the scan is finished, the screen will tell you if anything has
been found, click "Next." The bad files will be listed. Right click
the pane and click "Select all objects" - This will put a check
mark in the box at the side, click "Next" again and click "OK" at the
prompt "# objects will be removed. Continue?"
<End Setup Directions>

Courtesy of
Ad Aware is automatically shut-down by a malicious software, first
run AWCloak.exe,, before
opening Ad Aware. When AAWCloak is open, click "Activate Cloak".
Than open Ad Aware and scan your system.

Another excellent program for this purpose is SpyBot Search and
Destroy available here: SpyBot Support
Forum here:
bin/forums/ikonboard.cgi. I recommend
using both normally. After UPDATING and fixing ONLY RED things
with SpyBot S&D, be sure to re-boot and rerun SpyBot again and
repeat this cycle until you get a clean "no red" scan. The reason
is that SpyBot sometimes has to remove things which are currently
"in use" before it can then clean up others.

Note that sometimes you need to make a judgement call about what
these programs report as spyware. See here, for example:

Both of these programs should normally be UPDATED and run after
doing any other fix such as CWShredder and, as a minimum, normally
at least once a week.

If they don't fix it then start here:

Download HijackThis, free, here: (Always download
a new fresh copy of HijackThis [and CWShredder
also] -
frequently.) You may also get it here if that link is blocked:
or here:

In Windows Explorer, click on Tools|Folder Options|View and check
"Show hidden files and folders" and uncheck "Hide protected
operating system files". (You may want to restore these when
you're all finished with HijackThis.)

Place HijackThis.exe or unzip into its own dedicated
folder at the root level such as C:\HijackThis (NOT in a Temp
folder or on your Desktop), reboot to Safe mode, start HT (have
ONLY HT running - IE MUST be closed) then press Scan. Click on
SaveLog when it's finished which will create hijackthis.log. Now
click the Config button, then Misc Tools and click on Generate
StartupList.log which will create Startuplist.txt

Then go to one of the following forums:

Spyware and Hijackware Removal Support, here:

or Net-Integration here:

or Tom Coyote here:
or Jim Eshelman's site here:
or Bleepingcomputer here:
or Computer Cops here:

Register if necessary, then sign in and READ THE DIRECTIONS at the
beginning of the particular site's HiJackThis forum, then copy and
paste both files into a message asking for assistance, Someone will
answer with detailed instructions for the removal of your
parasite(s). Be sure you include at the beginning of your post a
description of "What specific problem(s)/symptoms you're trying to
solve" and "What steps you've already taken."

ONLY IF you've successfully eliminated the malware, you can now
make a new, clean Restore Point and delete any previously saved
(possibly infected) ones. The following suggested approach is
courtesy of Gary Woodruff: For XP you can run a Disk Cleanup
cycle and then look in the More Options tab. The System Restore
option removes all but the latest Restore Point. If there hasn't
been one made since the system was cleaned you should manually
create one before dumping the old possibly infected ones. *******

Once you get this cleaned up, you might want to consider installing
Eric Howes' IESpyAds, SpywareBlaster and SpywareGuard here to help
prevent this kind of thing from happening in the future:

IESpyads - "IE-
SPYAD adds
a long list of sites and domains associated with known advertisers,
marketers, and crapware pushers to the Restricted sites zone of
Internet Explorer. Once you merge this list of sites and domains
into the Registry, the web sites for these companies will not be
able to use cookies, ActiveX controls, Java applets, or scripting
to compromise your privacy or your PC while you surf the Net. Nor
will they be able to use your browser to push unwanted pop- ups,
cookies, or auto-installing programs on your PC." Read carefully. (Prevents
malware Active X installs) (BTW, SpyWareBlaster is not memory
resident ... no CPU or memory load - but keep it UPDATED) The
latest version as of this writing will prevent installation or
prevent the malware from running if it is already installed, and
it provides information and fixit-links for a variety of parasites. (Monitors for
attempts to install malware) Keep it UPDATED. All three Very
Highly Recommended

Finally, go to Windows Update and ensure that ALL Critical updates
are installed.

If these steps do not resolve your problem, please post back to
this thread with the details and any error messages.

Hope this helps

Jan :)
Smiles are meant to be shared,
that's why they're so contagious.

Please reply to the newsgroup so others may benefit.
Replies are posted only to the newsgroup for the benefit or other

How to make a good newsgroup post:

-----Original Message-----
Hi again

I'm still having a problem with IE6! OS is XP with
SP2 (I'm assuming, I see windows SR 2.0 in my programs
list), and I think I've been attacked by a virus or
whatever is out there that's taken out my browser. It
comes up but doesn't connect to the internet. I've gone
to Microsoft to download it again, but it still doesn't
I've gone back to several posts screaming for help
but the responses are a little confusing to this still
newbie. Registry? Backing it up? How does one do that?
How does one check it for viruses? I think what I need
here is someone to lead me by the hand, I'm that nervous
about digging around that deep inside the pc. Or would it
better for me just to scrub everything clean (format) and
start fresh?
So, is there anyone out there willing to give this
ole gal a helping hand? Please? I'll bake you a
pie ;O)

Regards and thanks in advance, Pussn

PS-Not much meat to the info, I know, so please, go ahead
and ask! I just don't know what else to add. Thanks

Never mind....whatever it was that took out my browser
has now locked me out completly from the pc, can't even
get into my own account. Nothing. Stoopit hackers. I hate
em all!



Pussn said:
Jan and Rick,
Wow, if it hadn't been for Rick's last info, I never
would have been able to take ownership of my old
documents folder, the one that was there before I
reinstalled Windows. I couldn't get into to it because I
had password protected my account at the welcome page and
that had totally screwed all access to my previous
documents. He saved all my files! Thanks, Rick.
I have to thank all of you out there, including Jan,
who have memory banks as huge as a house to be able to
find this info for us. We'd certainly be lost without

-----Original Message-----
Hi Pussn :-)

Glad to hear that you are finally able to get your machine back in service,
and all you have now is a Admin issue, and it looks like Ricky has good
information for you on this.

The main thing is that you are back up again. I learned a few new things
through this too ;-)))

Thank you for posting back and letting us know the details of what worked
for you, and for the benefit of other readers who may have a similar
problem. :-)

Jan :)
Smiles are meant to be shared,
that's why they're so contagious.

Please reply to the newsgroup so others may benefit.
Replies are posted only to the newsgroup for the benefit or other readers.

How to make a good newsgroup post:

HI Jan!

I had my brother in law to come up yesterday to give
me a hand and we tried some things before you post came
up. I apologize ahead also for the lenghty post, but like
your credo is, information for the masses to share is the
way to go.
When I was giving up, I was at the point where the
Welcome page came up, but it would not let you log on,
instead it would immediatly log you off. That was no
good, since I couldn't do anything. I took Rick's
suggestion and checked out the sites he posted and though
I found some interesting info, I didn't delve too deep in
the registry because I wasn't comfortable with it.
It was suggested in one of those sites to boot from
the OS CD and go into the recovery mode to do some
tinkering in there but I ran into a wall there until I
realized I did a newbie move and hadn't put the CD as the
#1 boot sequence, which finally worked once I rectified
that embarassement.
Bro in law did some tinkering in there, explaining
as he worked away, but some of it was over my head, so I
can't really share what I didn't understand. We weren't
making headway in there, so it was decided that we would
re-install Windows (but not play with the data). That
worked VERY well, but I had a problem with MY documents
(kids worked fine) because I had password protected my
account. When I try to open MY documents, it says I can't
access it. So now, to finally finish what I started (and
some other problems that fell into my lap)the only thing
left is to find out how to crack into that My document,
the original one before I reinstalled Windows.
I apologize, after all the research you probably did,
that I had gone another route. I hope you, or anybody
else, can help me figure out this last problem.

Thanks a million!

-----Original Message-----
Hi Pussn :-)

I should have also mentioned in my first post that I have
absolutely no access to any of the four accounts on the
pc. As soon as I try one, it says 'loading personal
settings', then promptly shuts down, logging off etc. So
there is NO way I can install a program on that pc. I've
tried safe mode, and I'm still getting the same results.
This suuucks.

Okie Doke! Here are a couple of AV's you can use and run from DOS,
and hopefully, they may kill enough of the junkware to allow you
access the Windows Explorer and run the other cleaning programs.

F-Prot - Home Use - Free

Here is how to create the 3.5 floppy disks to run it from.
Follow all the instructions carefully. Prepare the floppy's from
the other mahcine to run on yours.

and ......

AVG6 Free:

Copy AVG files to the hard drive and then follow the steps here:

Start the computer in MS-DOS mode (hold down F8 key while computer is
booting up, then from Windows start-up menu
select "start in MS-DOS mode" or
"Command prompt only").
Switch to AVG Anti-Virus destination folder using these steps
(assuming this is the path AVG is installed to) C:\Program
Files\Grisoft\AVG6 as destination folder):
Start AVG for MS-DOS application: avg
In this DOS application, every feature could be selected by pressing
the key with other color (or the key in combination with ALT key).
So it is necessary to choose the Test menu, Complete test item, and
start the test. Select "Heal virus"
In case of infectiuon of some system files should be necessary to
reinstall operating system, to restore the files from backup or to
extract the files from installation *.cab archives .

Or...install the AVG on the other machine and then burn the folder
to the CD. Try to copy the folder to the hard drive of your machine
and run from there, but, it not, then try to run it from the CD,
using the path to the CD as the location. Don't know about that for
sure, can try. :-)

Please post back with the results and any error messages you may get.

Jan :)
Smiles are meant to be shared,
that's why they're so contagious.

Please reply to the newsgroup so others may benefit.
Replies are posted only to the newsgroup for the benefit or other

How to make a good newsgroup post:

-----Original Message-----
Hi Pussn :-)

Don't give up so easy! So.....let's work together a bit here and
try to take back your PC. :-))

(NOTE: If you can not download these programs from the Internet, if
your PC has CD read capabilities, go to another computer with CD-
ROM burning capabilities. Create a folder on the hard drive of the
other computer called HOLD, download the programs to that folder,
then burn that folder to a CD. Copy the HOLD folder to your HD and
then install the programs from there and run them. After you have
IE access again, update all programs where possible to get the
latest definitions and run them again to be sure there are no
lingering items on the system.) Hopefully, you know someone with
a PC you can use that has CD burner capability, or go to a public

Understand that reinstalling IE or your OS at this point will not
resolve the problem, and may even make it worse, so please, DO NOT
try to reinstall anything until you have cleaned your system. Do
the following, and the parts you can't do from your PC, do from
another, but, do them. We can't do the work there for you there,
so, this is your end of the partnership. <g> However, if at any
time you have a question or problem, post back here and we'll help
you work through it. OK? :-))
Please follow all instructions carefully:

Courtesy of Jim Byrd:

Sounds like this might be a variant of some malware called
CoolWebSearch (if CWShredder doesn't fix it, then see AdAware,
SpyBot, and HijackThis, below, in that order). Do the following:

Before you try to remove spyware using any of the programs below,
download both a copy of LSPFIX here:

AND a copy of Winsockfix
Directions here: ttid=257

The process of removing certain malware may kill your internet
connection. If this should occur, these programs, LSPFIX and
WINSOCKFIX, will enable you to regain your connection.

NOTE: It is reported that in XP SP2, the command netsh winsock
reset will fix this problem without the need for these programs.

All of the following removal tools should be run from Safe mode
when possible.Reboot and test if the malware is fixed after using
each tool. #########IMPORTANT#########

Download and run Stinger.exe, here:
avert/stinger.exe or from the link
on this page:

Download, from Trend Micro, here: along with the latest
pattern file, here: (You
might also
want to get Art's updater, SYS-UP.Zip, here for future updating of
these: Place them in a dedicated
folder after appropriate unzipping, and then run.
(If you download
and use the updater from the beginning, it will automatically
handle downloading the other files.)

Sometimes the tools below will find files which they are unable to
delete because they are in use. A program called Copylock, here, can aid in the
process of "replacing, moving, renaming or deleting one or many
files which are currently in use (e.g. system files like
comctl32.dll, or virus/trojan files.)"

Download, UPDATE before running, and run: or here: or here:
17-150/ or
to remove the parasite. Be sure to close all instances of IE and

There's a good tutorial about CWS and using CWShredder here:

BE SURE that you get v. or later!

You will need to show Hidden files first and then at the end clear
the malware garbage from your System Restore backups after you've
cleaned up. It's best to perform CWShredder (and most other malware
fixers too) from Safe mode and then reboot. AFTER cleaning things
up, then you can disable and then re-enable System Restore. See
******** below.

The following links give instructions on how to do these various

HOW TO Restart in Safe Mode

HOW TO Enable Hidden Files

HOW TO Disable/Flush System Restore (do this at the end AFTER
cleaning or use the suggested procedure for XP at the ******'s)
2001111912274039 (WinXP)
2001012513122239 (WinME)

Then download and run:
http://www.kellys-korner- to restore
your tabs and remove any restrictions that the parasite has put in

Now download and run:
http://www.kellys-korner- to restore
your search functions if they've been affected (as they probably
will have been).

Be sure that you also download and install hotfix Q816093, here:
which blocks the exploit upon which this parasite family depends.

However, this also indicates that you may have acquired some other
malware along the way. If you go to this page at Jim Eshelman's
site, here: and wait a little bit (be
patient), an analysis of a number of possible parasites on your
machine will be made to help you identify and remove them. NOTE:
You will need to disable Ad Blocking in Zone Alarm 3.x or later, if
present or any other Ad Blocking software which interferes with
Java Scripting for this scan to work. You should get a message
between the two lines of **** giving the results of the scan.

Get Ad-Aware SE Personal Edition, here:
UPDATE, set it up in
accordance with this: or the
directions immediately below and run this regularly to get rid of
most "spyware/hijackware" on your machine. If it has to fix
things, be sure to re-boot and rerun AdAware again and repeat this
cycle until you get a clean scan. The reason is that it may have
to remove things which are currently "in use" before it can then
clean up others. Configure Ad-aware for a customized scan, and
let it remove any bad files found.....

<Begin Setup Directions>
Then, courtesy of NonSuch at Lockergnome, open Ad- aware then click
the gear wheel at the top and check these options to configure Ad-
aware for a customized scan:

General> activate these: "Automatically save log- file" and
"Automatically quarantine objects prior to removal"

Scanning > activate these: "Scan within
archives", "Scan active
processes", "Scan registry", "Deep scan
registry," "Scan my IE
Favorites for banned sites," and "Scan my Hosts file"

Tweaks > Scanning Engine> activate this: "Unload recognized
processes during scanning."

Tweaks > Cleaning Engine: activate
these: "Automatically try to
unregister objects prior to deletion" and "Let Windows remove files
in use after reboot."

Click "Proceed" to save your settings, then
click "Start." Make sure
"Activate in-depth scan" is ticked green, then scan your system.
When the scan is finished, the screen will tell you if anything has
been found, click "Next." The bad files will be listed. Right click
the pane and click "Select all objects" - This will put a check
mark in the box at the side, click "Next" again and
click "OK" at the
prompt "# objects will be removed. Continue?"
<End Setup Directions>

Courtesy of
Ad Aware is automatically shut-down by a malicious software, first
run AWCloak.exe,,
opening Ad Aware. When AAWCloak is open,
click "Activate Cloak".
Than open Ad Aware and scan your system.

Another excellent program for this purpose is SpyBot Search and
Destroy available here: SpyBot Support
Forum here:
bin/forums/ikonboard.cgi. I recommend
using both normally. After UPDATING and fixing ONLY RED things
with SpyBot S&D, be sure to re-boot and rerun SpyBot again and
repeat this cycle until you get a clean "no red" scan. The reason
is that SpyBot sometimes has to remove things which are currently
"in use" before it can then clean up others.

Note that sometimes you need to make a judgement call about what
these programs report as spyware. See here, for example:

Both of these programs should normally be UPDATED and run after
doing any other fix such as CWShredder and, as a minimum, normally
at least once a week.

If they don't fix it then start here:

Download HijackThis, free, here: (Always download
a new fresh copy of HijackThis [and CWShredder also] -
frequently.) You may also get it here if that link is blocked:
or here:

In Windows Explorer, click on Tools|Folder Options|View and check
"Show hidden files and folders" and uncheck "Hide protected
operating system files". (You may want to restore these when
you're all finished with HijackThis.)

Place HijackThis.exe or unzip into its own dedicated
folder at the root level such as C:\HijackThis (NOT in a Temp
folder or on your Desktop), reboot to Safe mode, start HT (have
ONLY HT running - IE MUST be closed) then press Scan. Click on
SaveLog when it's finished which will create hijackthis.log. Now
click the Config button, then Misc Tools and click on Generate
StartupList.log which will create Startuplist.txt

Then go to one of the following forums:

Spyware and Hijackware Removal Support, here:

or Net-Integration here:

or Tom Coyote here:
or Jim Eshelman's site here:
or Bleepingcomputer here:
or Computer Cops here:

Register if necessary, then sign in and READ THE DIRECTIONS at the
beginning of the particular site's HiJackThis forum, then copy and
paste both files into a message asking for assistance, Someone will
answer with detailed instructions for the removal of your
parasite(s). Be sure you include at the beginning of your post a
description of "What specific problem(s)/symptoms you're trying to
solve" and "What steps you've already taken."

ONLY IF you've successfully eliminated the malware, you can now
make a new, clean Restore Point and delete any previously saved
(possibly infected) ones. The following suggested approach is
courtesy of Gary Woodruff: For XP you can run a Disk Cleanup
cycle and then look in the More Options tab. The System Restore
option removes all but the latest Restore Point. If there hasn't
been one made since the system was cleaned you should manually
create one before dumping the old possibly infected ones. *******

Once you get this cleaned up, you might want to consider installing
Eric Howes' IESpyAds, SpywareBlaster and SpywareGuard here to help
prevent this kind of thing from happening in the future:

IESpyads - "IE-
SPYAD adds
a long list of sites and domains associated with known advertisers,
marketers, and crapware pushers to the Restricted sites zone of
Internet Explorer. Once you merge this list of sites and domains
into the Registry, the web sites for these companies will not be
able to use cookies, ActiveX controls, Java applets, or scripting
to compromise your privacy or your PC while you surf the Net. Nor
will they be able to use your browser to push unwanted pop- ups,
cookies, or auto-installing programs on your PC." Read carefully. (Prevents
malware Active X installs) (BTW, SpyWareBlaster is not memory
resident ... no CPU or memory load - but keep it UPDATED) The
latest version as of this writing will prevent installation or
prevent the malware from running if it is already installed, and
it provides information and fixit-links for a variety of parasites. (Monitors for
attempts to install malware) Keep it UPDATED. All three Very
Highly Recommended

Finally, go to Windows Update and ensure that ALL Critical updates
are installed.

If these steps do not resolve your problem, please post back to
this thread with the details and any error messages.

Hope this helps

Jan :)
Smiles are meant to be shared,
that's why they're so contagious.

Please reply to the newsgroup so others may benefit.
Replies are posted only to the newsgroup for the benefit or other

How to make a good newsgroup post:

-----Original Message-----
Hi again

I'm still having a problem with IE6! OS is XP with
SP2 (I'm assuming, I see windows SR 2.0 in my programs
list), and I think I've been attacked by a virus or
whatever is out there that's taken out my browser. It
comes up but doesn't connect to the internet. I've gone
to Microsoft to download it again, but it still doesn't
I've gone back to several posts screaming for help
but the responses are a little confusing to this still
newbie. Registry? Backing it up? How does one do that?
How does one check it for viruses? I think what I need
here is someone to lead me by the hand, I'm that nervous
about digging around that deep inside the pc. Or would it
better for me just to scrub everything clean (format) and
start fresh?
So, is there anyone out there willing to give this
ole gal a helping hand? Please? I'll bake you a
pie ;O)

Regards and thanks in advance, Pussn

PS-Not much meat to the info, I know, so please, go ahead
and ask! I just don't know what else to add. Thanks

Never mind....whatever it was that took out my browser
has now locked me out completly from the pc, can't even
get into my own account. Nothing. Stoopit hackers. I hate
em all!



You're welcome...I'm glad it helped. :-)

Computers make very fast, very accurate mistakes.

Pussn said:
Jan and Rick,
Wow, if it hadn't been for Rick's last info, I never
would have been able to take ownership of my old
documents folder, the one that was there before I
reinstalled Windows. I couldn't get into to it because I
had password protected my account at the welcome page and
that had totally screwed all access to my previous
documents. He saved all my files! Thanks, Rick.
I have to thank all of you out there, including Jan,
who have memory banks as huge as a house to be able to
find this info for us. We'd certainly be lost without

-----Original Message-----
Hi Pussn :-)

Glad to hear that you are finally able to get your machine back in service,
and all you have now is a Admin issue, and it looks like Ricky has good
information for you on this.

The main thing is that you are back up again. I learned a few new things
through this too ;-)))

Thank you for posting back and letting us know the details of what worked
for you, and for the benefit of other readers who may have a similar
problem. :-)

Jan :)
Smiles are meant to be shared,
that's why they're so contagious.

Please reply to the newsgroup so others may benefit.
Replies are posted only to the newsgroup for the benefit or other readers.

How to make a good newsgroup post:

HI Jan!

I had my brother in law to come up yesterday to give
me a hand and we tried some things before you post came
up. I apologize ahead also for the lenghty post, but like
your credo is, information for the masses to share is the
way to go.
When I was giving up, I was at the point where the
Welcome page came up, but it would not let you log on,
instead it would immediatly log you off. That was no
good, since I couldn't do anything. I took Rick's
suggestion and checked out the sites he posted and though
I found some interesting info, I didn't delve too deep in
the registry because I wasn't comfortable with it.
It was suggested in one of those sites to boot from
the OS CD and go into the recovery mode to do some
tinkering in there but I ran into a wall there until I
realized I did a newbie move and hadn't put the CD as the
#1 boot sequence, which finally worked once I rectified
that embarassement.
Bro in law did some tinkering in there, explaining
as he worked away, but some of it was over my head, so I
can't really share what I didn't understand. We weren't
making headway in there, so it was decided that we would
re-install Windows (but not play with the data). That
worked VERY well, but I had a problem with MY documents
(kids worked fine) because I had password protected my
account. When I try to open MY documents, it says I can't
access it. So now, to finally finish what I started (and
some other problems that fell into my lap)the only thing
left is to find out how to crack into that My document,
the original one before I reinstalled Windows.
I apologize, after all the research you probably did,
that I had gone another route. I hope you, or anybody
else, can help me figure out this last problem.

Thanks a million!

-----Original Message-----
Hi Pussn :-)

I should have also mentioned in my first post that I have
absolutely no access to any of the four accounts on the
pc. As soon as I try one, it says 'loading personal
settings', then promptly shuts down, logging off etc. So
there is NO way I can install a program on that pc. I've
tried safe mode, and I'm still getting the same results.
This suuucks.

Okie Doke! Here are a couple of AV's you can use and run from DOS,
and hopefully, they may kill enough of the junkware to allow you
access the Windows Explorer and run the other cleaning programs.

F-Prot - Home Use - Free

Here is how to create the 3.5 floppy disks to run it from.
Follow all the instructions carefully. Prepare the floppy's from
the other mahcine to run on yours.

and ......

AVG6 Free:

Copy AVG files to the hard drive and then follow the steps here:

Start the computer in MS-DOS mode (hold down F8 key while computer is
booting up, then from Windows start-up menu
select "start in MS-DOS mode" or
"Command prompt only").
Switch to AVG Anti-Virus destination folder using these steps
(assuming this is the path AVG is installed to) C:\Program
Files\Grisoft\AVG6 as destination folder):
Start AVG for MS-DOS application: avg
In this DOS application, every feature could be selected by pressing
the key with other color (or the key in combination with ALT key).
So it is necessary to choose the Test menu, Complete test item, and
start the test. Select "Heal virus"
In case of infectiuon of some system files should be necessary to
reinstall operating system, to restore the files from backup or to
extract the files from installation *.cab archives .

Or...install the AVG on the other machine and then burn the folder
to the CD. Try to copy the folder to the hard drive of your machine
and run from there, but, it not, then try to run it from the CD,
using the path to the CD as the location. Don't know about that for
sure, can try. :-)

Please post back with the results and any error messages you may get.

Jan :)
Smiles are meant to be shared,
that's why they're so contagious.

Please reply to the newsgroup so others may benefit.
Replies are posted only to the newsgroup for the benefit or other

How to make a good newsgroup post:

-----Original Message-----
Hi Pussn :-)

Don't give up so easy! So.....let's work together a bit here and
try to take back your PC. :-))

(NOTE: If you can not download these programs from the Internet, if
your PC has CD read capabilities, go to another computer with CD-
ROM burning capabilities. Create a folder on the hard drive of the
other computer called HOLD, download the programs to that folder,
then burn that folder to a CD. Copy the HOLD folder to your HD and
then install the programs from there and run them. After you have
IE access again, update all programs where possible to get the
latest definitions and run them again to be sure there are no
lingering items on the system.) Hopefully, you know someone with
a PC you can use that has CD burner capability, or go to a public

Understand that reinstalling IE or your OS at this point will not
resolve the problem, and may even make it worse, so please, DO NOT
try to reinstall anything until you have cleaned your system. Do
the following, and the parts you can't do from your PC, do from
another, but, do them. We can't do the work there for you there,
so, this is your end of the partnership. <g> However, if at any
time you have a question or problem, post back here and we'll help
you work through it. OK? :-))
Please follow all instructions carefully:

Courtesy of Jim Byrd:

Sounds like this might be a variant of some malware called
CoolWebSearch (if CWShredder doesn't fix it, then see AdAware,
SpyBot, and HijackThis, below, in that order). Do the following:

Before you try to remove spyware using any of the programs below,
download both a copy of LSPFIX here:

AND a copy of Winsockfix
Directions here: ttid=257

The process of removing certain malware may kill your internet
connection. If this should occur, these programs, LSPFIX and
WINSOCKFIX, will enable you to regain your connection.

NOTE: It is reported that in XP SP2, the command netsh winsock
reset will fix this problem without the need for these programs.

All of the following removal tools should be run from Safe mode
when possible.Reboot and test if the malware is fixed after using
each tool. #########IMPORTANT#########

Download and run Stinger.exe, here:
avert/stinger.exe or from the link
on this page:

Download, from Trend Micro, here: along with the latest
pattern file, here: (You
might also
want to get Art's updater, SYS-UP.Zip, here for future updating of
these: Place them in a dedicated
folder after appropriate unzipping, and then run.
(If you download
and use the updater from the beginning, it will automatically
handle downloading the other files.)

Sometimes the tools below will find files which they are unable to
delete because they are in use. A program called Copylock, here, can aid in the
process of "replacing, moving, renaming or deleting one or many
files which are currently in use (e.g. system files like
comctl32.dll, or virus/trojan files.)"

Download, UPDATE before running, and run: or here: or here:
17-150/ or
to remove the parasite. Be sure to close all instances of IE and

There's a good tutorial about CWS and using CWShredder here:

BE SURE that you get v. or later!

You will need to show Hidden files first and then at the end clear
the malware garbage from your System Restore backups after you've
cleaned up. It's best to perform CWShredder (and most other malware
fixers too) from Safe mode and then reboot. AFTER cleaning things
up, then you can disable and then re-enable System Restore. See
******** below.

The following links give instructions on how to do these various

HOW TO Restart in Safe Mode

HOW TO Enable Hidden Files

HOW TO Disable/Flush System Restore (do this at the end AFTER
cleaning or use the suggested procedure for XP at the ******'s)
2001111912274039 (WinXP)
2001012513122239 (WinME)

Then download and run:
http://www.kellys-korner- to restore
your tabs and remove any restrictions that the parasite has put in

Now download and run:
http://www.kellys-korner- to restore
your search functions if they've been affected (as they probably
will have been).

Be sure that you also download and install hotfix Q816093, here:
which blocks the exploit upon which this parasite family depends.

However, this also indicates that you may have acquired some other
malware along the way. If you go to this page at Jim Eshelman's
site, here: and wait a little bit (be
patient), an analysis of a number of possible parasites on your
machine will be made to help you identify and remove them. NOTE:
You will need to disable Ad Blocking in Zone Alarm 3.x or later, if
present or any other Ad Blocking software which interferes with
Java Scripting for this scan to work. You should get a message
between the two lines of **** giving the results of the scan.

Get Ad-Aware SE Personal Edition, here:
UPDATE, set it up in
accordance with this: or the
directions immediately below and run this regularly to get rid of
most "spyware/hijackware" on your machine. If it has to fix
things, be sure to re-boot and rerun AdAware again and repeat this
cycle until you get a clean scan. The reason is that it may have
to remove things which are currently "in use" before it can then
clean up others. Configure Ad-aware for a customized scan, and
let it remove any bad files found.....

<Begin Setup Directions>
Then, courtesy of NonSuch at Lockergnome, open Ad- aware then click
the gear wheel at the top and check these options to configure Ad-
aware for a customized scan:

General> activate these: "Automatically save log- file" and
"Automatically quarantine objects prior to removal"

Scanning > activate these: "Scan within
archives", "Scan active
processes", "Scan registry", "Deep scan
registry," "Scan my IE
Favorites for banned sites," and "Scan my Hosts file"

Tweaks > Scanning Engine> activate this: "Unload recognized
processes during scanning."

Tweaks > Cleaning Engine: activate
these: "Automatically try to
unregister objects prior to deletion" and "Let Windows remove files
in use after reboot."

Click "Proceed" to save your settings, then
click "Start." Make sure
"Activate in-depth scan" is ticked green, then scan your system.
When the scan is finished, the screen will tell you if anything has
been found, click "Next." The bad files will be listed. Right click
the pane and click "Select all objects" - This will put a check
mark in the box at the side, click "Next" again and
click "OK" at the
prompt "# objects will be removed. Continue?"
<End Setup Directions>

Courtesy of
Ad Aware is automatically shut-down by a malicious software, first
run AWCloak.exe,,
opening Ad Aware. When AAWCloak is open,
click "Activate Cloak".
Than open Ad Aware and scan your system.

Another excellent program for this purpose is SpyBot Search and
Destroy available here: SpyBot Support
Forum here:
bin/forums/ikonboard.cgi. I recommend
using both normally. After UPDATING and fixing ONLY RED things
with SpyBot S&D, be sure to re-boot and rerun SpyBot again and
repeat this cycle until you get a clean "no red" scan. The reason
is that SpyBot sometimes has to remove things which are currently
"in use" before it can then clean up others.

Note that sometimes you need to make a judgement call about what
these programs report as spyware. See here, for example:

Both of these programs should normally be UPDATED and run after
doing any other fix such as CWShredder and, as a minimum, normally
at least once a week.

If they don't fix it then start here:

Download HijackThis, free, here: (Always download
a new fresh copy of HijackThis [and CWShredder also] -
frequently.) You may also get it here if that link is blocked:
or here:

In Windows Explorer, click on Tools|Folder Options|View and check
"Show hidden files and folders" and uncheck "Hide protected
operating system files". (You may want to restore these when
you're all finished with HijackThis.)

Place HijackThis.exe or unzip into its own dedicated
folder at the root level such as C:\HijackThis (NOT in a Temp
folder or on your Desktop), reboot to Safe mode, start HT (have
ONLY HT running - IE MUST be closed) then press Scan. Click on
SaveLog when it's finished which will create hijackthis.log. Now
click the Config button, then Misc Tools and click on Generate
StartupList.log which will create Startuplist.txt

Then go to one of the following forums:

Spyware and Hijackware Removal Support, here:

or Net-Integration here:

or Tom Coyote here:
or Jim Eshelman's site here:
or Bleepingcomputer here:
or Computer Cops here:

Register if necessary, then sign in and READ THE DIRECTIONS at the
beginning of the particular site's HiJackThis forum, then copy and
paste both files into a message asking for assistance, Someone will
answer with detailed instructions for the removal of your
parasite(s). Be sure you include at the beginning of your post a
description of "What specific problem(s)/symptoms you're trying to
solve" and "What steps you've already taken."

ONLY IF you've successfully eliminated the malware, you can now
make a new, clean Restore Point and delete any previously saved
(possibly infected) ones. The following suggested approach is
courtesy of Gary Woodruff: For XP you can run a Disk Cleanup
cycle and then look in the More Options tab. The System Restore
option removes all but the latest Restore Point. If there hasn't
been one made since the system was cleaned you should manually
create one before dumping the old possibly infected ones. *******

Once you get this cleaned up, you might want to consider installing
Eric Howes' IESpyAds, SpywareBlaster and SpywareGuard here to help
prevent this kind of thing from happening in the future:

IESpyads - "IE-
SPYAD adds
a long list of sites and domains associated with known advertisers,
marketers, and crapware pushers to the Restricted sites zone of
Internet Explorer. Once you merge this list of sites and domains
into the Registry, the web sites for these companies will not be
able to use cookies, ActiveX controls, Java applets, or scripting
to compromise your privacy or your PC while you surf the Net. Nor
will they be able to use your browser to push unwanted pop- ups,
cookies, or auto-installing programs on your PC." Read carefully. (Prevents
malware Active X installs) (BTW, SpyWareBlaster is not memory
resident ... no CPU or memory load - but keep it UPDATED) The
latest version as of this writing will prevent installation or
prevent the malware from running if it is already installed, and
it provides information and fixit-links for a variety of parasites. (Monitors for
attempts to install malware) Keep it UPDATED. All three Very
Highly Recommended

Finally, go to Windows Update and ensure that ALL Critical updates
are installed.

If these steps do not resolve your problem, please post back to
this thread with the details and any error messages.

Hope this helps

Jan :)
Smiles are meant to be shared,
that's why they're so contagious.

Please reply to the newsgroup so others may benefit.
Replies are posted only to the newsgroup for the benefit or other

How to make a good newsgroup post:

-----Original Message-----
Hi again

I'm still having a problem with IE6! OS is XP with
SP2 (I'm assuming, I see windows SR 2.0 in my programs
list), and I think I've been attacked by a virus or
whatever is out there that's taken out my browser. It
comes up but doesn't connect to the internet. I've gone
to Microsoft to download it again, but it still doesn't
I've gone back to several posts screaming for help
but the responses are a little confusing to this still
newbie. Registry? Backing it up? How does one do that?
How does one check it for viruses? I think what I need
here is someone to lead me by the hand, I'm that nervous
about digging around that deep inside the pc. Or would it
better for me just to scrub everything clean (format) and
start fresh?
So, is there anyone out there willing to give this
ole gal a helping hand? Please? I'll bake you a
pie ;O)

Regards and thanks in advance, Pussn

PS-Not much meat to the info, I know, so please, go ahead
and ask! I just don't know what else to add. Thanks

Never mind....whatever it was that took out my browser
has now locked me out completly from the pc, can't even
get into my own account. Nothing. Stoopit hackers. I hate
em all!


