Apparently it is not included in IE7
TaurArian [MS-MVP] 2005-2007 - Australia
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| Bill G. wrote:
| > Just loaded IE7. With IE6 you could mouse over a picture and it would
| > give a set of icons for save ,email etc. IE7 doesn't seem to have this
| > or is there something I need to turn on or enable ?
| > Thanks for your time
| > Bill
| You should post your question in the IE7 newsgroup *after* you spend
| some time reading through the posts there. The IE7 newsgroup is
| microsoft.public.internetexplorer.general. There are a huge number of
| posts so it would be smart to start by going to Google Groups Advanced
| Search. Use a search term that describes your problem, constrain the
| search to the IE7 newsgroup and the date to very recently.
| And no, I'm sorry but I don't have your answer or I would tell you
| now. ;-)
| Malke
| --
| Elephant Boy Computers
| "Don't Panic!"
| MS-MVP Windows - Shell/User