P PA Bear Feb 9, 2004 #2 When Longhorn, MS' next OS, becomes available. Guesstimate? Latter part of 2005. -- HTH...Please post back to this thread ~Robear Dyer (aka PA Bear) MS MVP-Windows (IE/OE), AH-VSOP AumHa Forums http://forum.mvps.org/ Protect Your PC http://www.microsoft.com/security/protect
When Longhorn, MS' next OS, becomes available. Guesstimate? Latter part of 2005. -- HTH...Please post back to this thread ~Robear Dyer (aka PA Bear) MS MVP-Windows (IE/OE), AH-VSOP AumHa Forums http://forum.mvps.org/ Protect Your PC http://www.microsoft.com/security/protect