Hi Dom - You need a tif plugin for IE. I'm not sure if all of the links
in the following list are still good; however, I use AlternaTIFF which
is fine except for some special multipage cases:
..tiff - The following sites provide browser plug-ins that enable the
display of TIFF images in the browser.
Quick View Plus from
AlternaTIFF from Medical Informatics Engineering
TIFFSurfer from VisionShape
GrafixView from InfoMill
ViewDirector Prizm from TMSSequoia
CVista Lite Viewer from CVision Technologies
CPC View from Cartesian Products
GrafixView from InfoMill
KeyView Pro from Verity
CSView150 from CSU
TruDef Browser Plug-in from Total Multimedia
RasterNet from Snowbound Software
SwiftView Plug-in from SwiftView
Tifsite from Blueglobe (for Macintosh)
Accel ViewTIFF from Acordex (Macintosh only)
Regards, Jim Byrd, MS-MVP
Please respond in original thread in Newsgroup.
[email protected], dom typed: