ie 6 - tools/internet options (98se)


Larry R

Whenever I try to access internet options from ie 6
toolbar "tools" I get an error message saying:


"This operation has been cancelled due to restrictions in
effect on this computer. Please contact your system

This error does not occur when I go to internet options
through the controll panel. However, I have not been able
to correct the problem from this location. I suspect a
problem in the registry.

The computer is a stand alone with the latest updates from
Microsoft and Symantec.


Nick G

I have read in newsgroups that this can happen sometimes if you run SpyBot's
Immunize feature. You can unlock this feature by removing the checkmark by
"Lock IE Control Panel against opening from within IE."
(Run SpyBot in Advanced Mode. Click on Immunize. In the "Permanent Internet
Explorer immunity" section, scroll down and you will see it.)

If you are not running SpuBot try this tip posted by TonyKlein.
"go to Start > run > regedit
Now to 'Edit' > Search.

Search for a value called NoBrowserOptions, and delete that value in the
right pane when found. Next, press F 3 to search for a possible second
entry, and if found, delete that one as well.


THANK YOU! I accidently ran onto your post while looking
for a problem with ActiveSync. It solved a problem I have
had for months that I could not figure out. SpyBot was
the problem. I couldn't open Internet Options and had not
been able to change my home page. I was blaming it on SBC
Yahoo since it started about the time I installed their

Thanks again!

Nick G

Glad I was some help.

Jake said:
THANK YOU! I accidently ran onto your post while looking
for a problem with ActiveSync. It solved a problem I have
had for months that I could not figure out. SpyBot was
the problem. I couldn't open Internet Options and had not
been able to change my home page. I was blaming it on SBC
Yahoo since it started about the time I installed their

Thanks again!

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