IE 6 (SP2) hangs periodically......


Stephen T.

Hi there,

I installed SP2 about 2 weeks ago w/ no
problems....except for the fact that since installing it,
IE6 now "hangs" periodically.

It gets to the point where no website will come up.
Any time I try to go to any website, it immediately
displays the "Page Cannot Be Displayed" setting.
I try on a number of different websites, but to no avail.

My internet connection, however, works fine all the time.
Even when I'm "online" (broadband), (i.e., Outlook, AIM,
other internet programs work fine) IE 6 will still not
display anything.

The problem corrects when I reboot.....until some later
time when it happens again (about once per day).

Thanks in advance for any suggestions/info/tips.

Have a great day!


Hi there

I started getting a similar problem about 2 weeks ago and
its getting worse it has now got to the stage where if I
try to down load anything or browse more than 2 pages at
once i get the same error as you this is really beginning
to annoy me i installed SP2 to try and overcome the
problem but no joy. I have completely reinstalled windows
to the extent that i formatted my harddrive to try and
kill of any unwanted spyware or virus that may be causing
this and made sure my Virus scan / antispyware software is
all up to date. Please help someone thanks in advance.


There's an echo in here.

I've been having a similar problem since I installed SP2. Pages take forever
to load, but I don't get error messages. I'm not there long enough, because I
usually hit refresh two or three times to get the page to load.

It's just as well I use Mozilla Firefox most of the time; I rarely see this

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