IE 6 not working properly

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jud McCranie
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Jud McCranie

IE 6 has quit working properly on my kid's computer, and I can't
figure out how to fix it. It is XP home SP2 with all of the updates.
On that computer, if you go to for example, all
it shows is a gray area at the top, a gray areas on the left, an
advertisement on the right, three rows of orange triangles, the three
green areas at the bottom, and the "kids privacy" at the bottom. What
can I do to fix it?
It is XP home SP2 with all of the updates.

If you're 100% certain the machine's fully up-to-date at Windows Update
(check in at to be sure), see:

ActiveX controls may not load as expected in Internet Explorer due to
defense in depth changes introduced in cumulative security update 896688

A Web page that contains a custom ActiveX control may not load as expected
in Internet Explorer due to defense in depth changes introduced in
cumulative security update 896688 (MS05-052)

The fix detailed in 909889 involving the Registry and OLE32.DLL is available

-, and

- (a small VB app that
checks the 4 values and offers a repair option if any of them are
incorrect). requires Macromedia Flash. After installing a recent IE update
(896688, Oct-05), many but certainly not all users found Flash disabled.
See if the above fix addresses the problem for your son's machine.
First of all, are you able to visit other websites? In the areas where you
expected other stuff on the site, does the site show nothing or some sort of
error or a symbol representing a graphic, such as a red X? It looks to me
like the site is very multimedia based, so you may want to try checking for
updates or reinstalling stuff like Windows Media Player, Macromedia, etc.
Try clearing the cache (let us know if you do not know how to do this) and
then reboot and try going back to the site. If there is any child protection
software on the computer, try disabling it and see if you can access the
site then. I'm not sure what else to suggest right now.
If you're 100% certain the machine's fully up-to-date at Windows Update
(check in at to be sure), see:

I have automatic updates on, and I did some manual updates a few days
ago. I didn't make the connection, but the problems started after
that. Now if I go to Windows Update from IE, I just get a blank page
and it says "done" down at the bottom.
Please include all of previous message(s) in your replies to the newsgroup.

Not a good sign. If you temporarily disable your anti-virus application
and/or third-party firewall, does the problem persist?

Also see

Now, the fix I mentioned in my first reply may be the fix for this Windows
Update problem, too. Give it a shot: It can't hurt or mess anything up.
First of all, are you able to visit other websites? In the areas where you
expected other stuff on the site, does the site show nothing or some sort of
error or a symbol representing a graphic, such as a red X?

I can go to other sites on that computer, but at, most of the stuff is missing. If I go to
Windows Update on that computer, I just get a blank screen.

I deleted cookies, deleted files, and temporary internet files,
rebooted and I have the same problem.

Also, in IE 6 the FIND doesn't work on that computer. It doesn't do
anything - even the "?" doesn't work.

If there is any child protection
software on the computer, try disabling it and see if you can access the
site then.

There's none of that as far as I know.
Please include all of previous message(s) in your replies to the newsgroup.

Not a good sign. If you temporarily disable your anti-virus application
and/or third-party firewall, does the problem persist?

Yes, still have the problem.

Also see

Now, the fix I mentioned in my first reply may be the fix for this Windows
Update problem, too. Give it a shot: It can't hurt or mess anything up.

I tried it and it said all four items were OK. I tried to download IE
6 SP1 (the latest one I could find), but it wouldn't install because
it said that there was a newer one on the computer. I installed
Firefox on it today, and it works.
On Tue, 20 Dec 2005 15:00:01 -0500, Jud McCranie

Since Macromedia Flash was mentioned, I thought I'd try reinstalling
it. When I went to the download page in IE, it didn't show the
download button. I went to it in Firefox and the download button was
there. I did that, but there was no change.

I also have rebooted a few times and changed from a user to Owner and
tried it there. Still not working.

Recap: and not showing most of what is supposed
to be there in IE. (Are working in Firefox).

Windows update giving a blank page in IE.

Find in IE not working. It comes up but doesn't enable the "find"
button as you type. Also, clicking on the ? will move the ?, but it
doesn't show the hint it is supposed to.
Recap: and not showing most of what is supposed
to be there in IE. (Are working in Firefox).

Windows update giving a blank page in IE.

Find in IE not working. It comes up but doesn't enable the "find"
button as you type. Also, clicking on the ? will move the ?, but it
doesn't show the hint it is supposed to.

And some buttons on webpages don't show up in IE but they do in
Firefox, for instance the download button for Flash,
Please include all of previous posts in your replies, Jud.

If you Uninstall the recently installed updates, does the problem persist?

Have you ever installed IE7 Beta1?
Please include all of previous posts in your replies, Jud.

I thought I did, but that tilda in front of your name caused the
software to chop it off. I pasted it this time.
If you Uninstall the recently installed updates, does the problem persist?

I haven't tried that. I don't know an easy way to do it.
Have you ever installed IE7 Beta1?

No. Do you think that would help? Or did you think that might cause
the problem?
You needn't include sigs which have been edited-out in your replies, Jud.
No. Do you think that would help? Or did you think that might cause
the problem?

The latter is why I asked.

The recently installed updates can be Uninstalled via Add/Remove Programs
(make sure "Show Updates" is checked). They'll show an Installed On date of
Jud McCranie said:
IE 6 has quit working properly on my kid's computer, and I can't
figure out how to fix it. It is XP home SP2 with all of the updates.
On that computer, if you go to for example, all
it shows is a gray area at the top, a gray areas on the left, an
advertisement on the right, three rows of orange triangles, the three
green areas at the bottom, and the "kids privacy" at the bottom. What
can I do to fix it?

Try some diagnosis?

There is a lot of Macromedia Flash used at that site;
so all of those empty areas are probably background colors
for those ActiveX controls.

I would say that I can reproduce your symptoms simply by
changing my Security settings for the Internet zone to High
before opening that URL. (E.g. doubleclick on the Internet icon
in the Status bar and click Default Level, then move the slider High.
(or press Alt-D,CursorUp).)

(If you already have Default Level (e.g. Medium level) set
that button would be greyed so you would then just use the slider.)

What happens if you change the Security settings to provide maximal
prompting? E.g. starting from Default Level, click Apply to ensure that
you will be shown the default settings, then click on Custom Level...
and change any settings which are currently Enabled (green dot beside
that word) to Prompt. (Simple way to do that is type P and then press
Spacebar if Enable is green, then repeat to the end of the list.)

Then open that page with those settings active. Reply Yes to all prompts.
This should be safe because we ensured that the only thing you would be
prompted for would be things which were already Enabled by the Default Level

Report your observations from doing that test. Maximize the window
so you can see as much information as possible in the Status bar,
Title bar and Address bar. The prompts will provide checkpoints to
permit better notes if changes are occurring in each of those areas.

If you don't get any prompts it would suggest that something is changing
the source by removing scripting or requests for ActiveX controls.
Then the final rendering would appear the same as mine but for a totally
different reason. Etc.

When you are finished testing click on Default Level... again.

Good luck

Robert Aldwinckle