-----Original Message-----
Sir, My IE 6 is opeing every site accept 1.
www.google.com, 2. It is opening ony fisrt page of
Yahoo.com but not mail. 3. Same thing is happning in
www.rediffmail.com. Every other site is working properly.
Looking at the newsgroup, it appears a number of IE 6
users are having the same or similar problems including
There a number of things that can cause the problem you
describe, however, the first thing to do is check to see
if you are using a pop-up blocker like FreeSurfer. If so,
unload it and try reaching your Web sites.
If not, go to the Microsoft's windows update
troubleshooter page at
Click on the 1st category "Problem reaching Windows Update"
Scroll down to "General trouble shooting for scripting
errors". Open the page and follow the directions.
Be sure you make the changes to the path statement if you
need to follow the steps in suggestion 4; e.g. if your
operating system is WIN 2K, change your path statement
to "winnt\stem32, etc.
Hope this fixes your access to GOOGLE and your SSL sites.