IE 6 freezes when accessing internet


XP trouble

current config:Client harwired and located behind Netgear
FM114P running WinXP Pro. IE 6.

Initially had problem establishing VPN with host, then
helpdesk advised that client PC should be directly
connected direct to internet gateway to test the VPN
(vendor:Time Premit) connection.

The hardwired arrangement immidately crashed the winXP and
encountered blue screen.

Upon cold start, IE kernel works but on typing URL and
http address PC freezes and hangs. Cold start was required
to resume normal operation. IE problem presist till date.

Reinstating IE 6 did nothing


Got this one nailed finally after days over the holiday
period tearing the hair out (remember wan't able to
access internet had to return to the office to view help

Solution as per microsoft help page.

reinstalled msthtml.dll from download
run regsvr32 mshtml.dll to restore
Problem ok'd

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