IE 6 dead after spy/ad-ware removal

  • Thread starter Thread starter Almo
  • Start date Start date
More on the issue.

In case you are not able to reach the site, here the removal text.

There should be an entry in the Control Panel's Add/Remove Programs entry
for 'ShopAtHomeSelect Agent'. Use it to remove the software then restart the

You can delete the damaged '{30402FF4-3E71-4A1C-9B4B-1CD3486A9FB2}' entry
inside the 'Downloaded Program Files' folder, the 'SAHUninstall.exe' file in
the 'Windows' folder and 'SahAgent.log' in the root of the C: drive to clean
up if you like.

If the entry for ShopAtHomeSelect remains in your Add/Remove Programs even
though the software is uninstalled, you can get rid of it by opening the
registry (Start->Run->regedit) and deleting the key
AtHomeSelect Agent'.

Manual removal
As with all software that uses Winsock2 LSPs, you should be very careful
removing ShopAtHomeSelect by hand: if you slip up you may lose all
networking ability.

First, open the registry (Start->Open->regedit) and find the key
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run . Delete
the 'SAHAgent' entry.

Next, deregister the LSP part of ShopAtHomeSelect. The easiest way to do
this is to use a tool such as LSPFix. Tell it to 'Remove' lsp.dll and 'Keep'
the rest.

(It is possible to remove LSPs by hand by editing the registry, but it's
quite a bit of effort and it's easy to make a mistake. If you want to try
anyway, run 'regedit' and find the key
tocol_Catalog9 . For each key in Catalog_Entries, open the
'PackedCatalogItem' value and check if it starts with 'lsp.dll'. If it does
delete that entry. Renumber the remaining keys so that they count up from
000000000001 one at a time, and set the 'Num_Catalog_Entries' value in
Protocol_Catalog9 to the highest key number you have. See, I told you it was
a lot of effort.)

Next, open a DOS command prompt window (from Start->Programs->Accessories)
and enter the commands:

cd "%WinDir%\System"
regsvr32 /u "..\Downloaded Program Files\WEBinstaller.dll"
cd "..\Downloaded Program Files"
del WEBinstaller.dll
del SAH*.exe
Restart the computer and you should be able to delete the files
'tracking.tmp', 'vg.dat', 'v.dat', 'lsp.dll', 'SahDownloader.exe' and
'SahAgent.exe' from the System folder (inside the Windows folder; called
'System' on Windows 95/98/Me or 'System32' under Windows NT/2000/XP). You
can also delete the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\VGroup to clean
up if you like.

Henri Leboeuf
Web page:
Many thanks! The LSPFix utility linked to at the site you
referenced did the trick. I might add that Ad-Aware, a
freebie, found and removed the SAH stuff while SpyHunter,
a $30 item, missed it.
-----Original Message-----
More on the issue.

In case you are not able to reach the site, here the removal text.

There should be an entry in the Control Panel's Add/Remove Programs entry
for 'ShopAtHomeSelect Agent'. Use it to remove the software then restart the

You can delete the damaged '{30402FF4-3E71-4A1C-9B4B- 1CD3486A9FB2}' entry
inside the 'Downloaded Program Files' folder, the 'SAHUninstall.exe' file in
the 'Windows' folder and 'SahAgent.log' in the root of the C: drive to clean
up if you like.

If the entry for ShopAtHomeSelect remains in your Add/Remove Programs even
though the software is uninstalled, you can get rid of it by opening the
registry (Start->Run->regedit) and deleting the key
'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVers ion\Uninstall\Shop
AtHomeSelect Agent'.

Manual removal
As with all software that uses Winsock2 LSPs, you should be very careful
removing ShopAtHomeSelect by hand: if you slip up you may lose all
networking ability.

First, open the registry (Start->Open->regedit) and find the key
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersi on\Run . Delete
the 'SAHAgent' entry.

Next, deregister the LSP part of ShopAtHomeSelect. The easiest way to do
this is to use a tool such as LSPFix. Tell it to 'Remove' lsp.dll and 'Keep'
the rest.

(It is possible to remove LSPs by hand by editing the registry, but it's
quite a bit of effort and it's easy to make a mistake. If you want to try
anyway, run 'regedit' and find the key
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\WinSo ck2\Parameters\Pro
tocol_Catalog9 . For each key in Catalog_Entries, open the
'PackedCatalogItem' value and check if it starts with 'lsp.dll'. If it does
delete that entry. Renumber the remaining keys so that they count up from
000000000001 one at a time, and set
the 'Num_Catalog_Entries' value in
Protocol_Catalog9 to the highest key number you have. See, I told you it was
a lot of effort.)

Next, open a DOS command prompt window (from Start-
and enter the commands:

cd "%WinDir%\System"
regsvr32 /u "..\Downloaded Program Files\WEBinstaller.dll"
cd "..\Downloaded Program Files"
del WEBinstaller.dll
del SAH*.exe
Restart the computer and you should be able to delete the files
'tracking.tmp', 'vg.dat', 'v.dat', 'lsp.dll', 'SahDownload er.exe' and
'SahAgent.exe' from the System folder (inside the Windows folder; called
'System' on Windows 95/98/Me or 'System32' under Windows NT/2000/XP). You
can also delete the registry key