Jayson said:
Anyone have any idea why a site that requires IE 5 or
higher will not work with IE 6?
Because it was coded before IE6 was available
or if it actually does make an attempt to test for "or higher"
that there is a coding error doing that.
The usual suggestion for circumventing these cases is to modify your
User-Agent. Unfortunately it is more difficult to do that than it used to be.
Lately I have been suggesting that perhaps people could try using
ProxOmitron to do the modification for them. However, Jesper Ohlsson
in the IEAK NG hinted at what the new procedure for overriding
User-Agent in the registry would be.
You can probably find that thread with the following Google Groups search:
ProxOmitron author:aldwinckle group:microsoft.*.ieak
Unfortunately it was over a month ago that that thread was available
on msnews; so that may be the only way to find it. It is probably
still available on the web interface that you are using but harder to find
there since that search tool is so deficient. In case it helps here are
some headers from my post. I suspect that it was at least a day or two
after the original post (which is what you might have to find by paging
backwards from that time in lieu of searching.)
Subject: Re: USER AGENT Info
Date: Mon, 6 Oct 2003 14:27:36 -0400
Robert Aldwinckle