IE 6 and above??????????????????


Ted Silva

I get a connection to the net but get a message "This page cannot be
displayed" and in the task bar I get "Cannot find server" this is in Windows
XP. What do I do? The last time this happened I had to reformat and start

Alan Edwards

It may be a settings issue.
The first thing I do is check Tools-Internet Options-Connections
tab-LAN Settings and ensure "Use a proxy server...." is not checked.
(Mine resets occasionally, particularly after a power break or reset)


Ted Silva

Will try thank you
THank you for the help

Alan Edwards said:
It may be a settings issue.
The first thing I do is check Tools-Internet Options-Connections
tab-LAN Settings and ensure "Use a proxy server...." is not checked.
(Mine resets occasionally, particularly after a power break or reset)


PA Bear [MS MVP]

What IE version is installed? Is the machine fully patched at Windows
Upate? Is this a sudden, new problem?

Ted Silva

Hi Alan,

The LAN settings is not the issue. What next? I'm running Windows XP SP2.
Should I upgrade to SP3? Will that fix the problem? Any ideas?

Ted Silva

Hi PA Bear,

IE version is 6.0.2900.2180.xpsp_sp2_rtm.040803-2151IC
Yes the machine is fully patched.
No the problem happened once before, 3 weeks ago, I had to reformat and
start over.
Could something be wrong and need to go to SP3 in Windows XP? It was once
upgraded to IE 7 with the same problem I downgraded to IE 6 and it is
happening again?

PA Bear [MS MVP]

Upgrading (be it to IE7 or WinXP SP3) while this problem exists is almost
certainly NOT a good idea!!

What anti-virus application or security suite is installed? What
anti-spyware applications (other than Defender)? What third-party firewall
(if any)?

Do you participate in P2P file sharing?

Do you routinely use USB keys/flash drives that belong to others? Do others
routinely use your USB keys/flash drives?

Is Autorun disabled for all USB keys/flash drives?

Frank Saunders MS-MVP IE,OE/WM

Ted Silva said:
I get a connection to the net but get a message "This page cannot be
displayed" and in the task bar I get "Cannot find server" this is in
XP. What do I do? The last time this happened I had to reformat and start

The Page Cannot Be Displayed
Cannot Open a Web Page in Internet Explorer and "Page Cannot Be Displayed"
Error Is Displayed
"The Page Cannot Be Displayed" Error Message on a Secure Web Site
"Page Cannot be Displayed" When You Browse the Internet (IE6)
"The Page Cannot Be Displayed" Error Message (XP)

Ted Silva

Thank you Alan, PA Bear, and Frank the problem is fixed, it was an issue with
the anti-virus software (Kaspersky AV software)

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